The Big Guy   United States
GPU: Dual RTX 2080 Ti
CPU: Xeon 9980 XE @ 5.0
Memory: 64 GB RAM
Current resolution: 3440 x 1440 @ 120hz
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
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Trading these for upgrades boi
Items Up For Trade
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If you would like to trade with me please follow the rules below \/
1. Add me if your interested in my items!
2. If you choose to add me please make sure your profile isn't private
3. If you have any signs of being a scammer I will report and block
4. Do not lowball me I've asked expertise traders of how much my items are worth
5. If I don't like your offer please don't be mad!
6. I will not accept Paypal offers unless you go first I'm a well trusted trader and I have done Paypal offers before.
7. If you do try to scam me I will block and report :D
8. Don't tell me how much your item is worth I will get a Pricecheck on it. Please have SS of your item
9. If you are one of those people who only goes by market price please trade with someone else
10. I am a trader who counts quality over market price and exterior!
Review Showcase
Nope (Posted in 2017 after only playing 1 hour, refunded it)

It's 2023 now, 5 others and myself have been playing this almost non stop for the last week or so.

The graphics are beautiful, the animals are unique, and the whole package is amazing.

Could it be better? Of course! However, nothing is perfect.

If you enjoy, think you could enjoy, or have a pinch of interest in hunting, animals, or wildlife reserves, GET THIS GAME. Play it like Pokemon snap, play it like Cabela's Big Game Hunter blast away, or play like the Hitman of nature and stealth your way to trophies.

Keep it up E.W.
VuLcAn #retired 21 Mar, 2021 @ 12:38am 
Added 4 trade
76561199094931937 16 Mar, 2021 @ 6:55am 
hi mate, can you add me? just for a quick chat
Sosten 14 Mar, 2021 @ 7:11am 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
76561199095277390 14 Mar, 2021 @ 6:55am 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
d3nian 28 Feb, 2021 @ 1:41am 
Add for trade
Globert 13 Feb, 2021 @ 11:00am 
r u blue out of the blue? :lunar2019wavingpig: