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Останні рецензії користувача BlackBird

Показані результати 1–1 із 1
1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
70.8 год. загалом (63.3 год на момент рецензування)
If you wanna play Lag Roullete go ahead and buy the game.
If you wanna play a Game with 20 ore 30 Ping don't touch this.
Avrg. Ping is 150-250 for all Players even with 400k Internet connection. 16 Ping in Fortnite ...

50% of the time you die cause of insane Lags like going in a Room closing the door and getting shoot through the Wall.... seriously the Deathcam even shows how the player shoots 3 Meters away from you and still kills you ...

Im quite good in this game most Times under the last 10 Players but maaaaan these insane bad Servers i cant understand how long it takes them to Fix this game ...

p.s playing on other servers then EU gives a better exp.
Додано 8 січня 2018 р..
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