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Nylige anmeldelser av Hunk

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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
126.3 timer totalt (70.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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if you are looking for PoE1 turn back, its not there yet. Slow gameplay and tedious stuff ahead.
Publisert 12. desember 2024.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
18.0 timer totalt (11.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I have completed entire game as coop. I played first chapter on normal and then switched it to hard, when coop became available.

+ Engaging combat
+ Games gives you a lot of oppurtinities to reroll your spec and try out different things
+ Linear arcade shooter with good level design
+ Character powers have a cool design and can result in some insane combos if executed right
- coop was absolutely bugged when it came to using your arsenal, sometimes shotgun would work, sometimes it wouldnt, heal ability was 50/50. Minigun and Flamethrower worked, but during the attack you got randomly interrupted and couldnt use them again for some time.
- enemy design was good when they were introducing new enemies every two or three levels. But that stopped in the last third of the game.
- tuning on hard was absolutely bad, guns were doing close to 0 damage to toughter enemies, only thing that did some damage was your electric combos, shotgun, dynamite, minigun and flamethrower. Melee was the best performing in terms of DPS, but you could rarely do a full combo on tough enemy, due to the sheer number of enemies in the fight, and the fact that toughter enemies had almost all the time infinite hyperarmor
- enemy placement was good first 2/3 of the game, the end game had a lot of issues, they threw a lot of enemies at you, with multiple waves.
- we encountered a softlock, where the game would be stuck in loading screen of the level while in coop, but in single player the loading worked just fine,
- end boss felt like a beta test, due to the fact that it would randomly start to spin, jump, kept charging in one place, or it would just get stuck in the air
- coop transitions between areas felt really unfinished, you had to wait for your partner in order to access some areas (they didnt have to be a fight), this felt really bad when you were just exploring
- lastly, if you somehow managed to push enemy that was midair, you could clip them into previous area, which was unaccesible and you would be stuck in combat, unless you found some clever way to kill it, for us it was waiting for a dynamite and throwing it above the enemy. Nothing else worked.
Publisert 24. november 2022.
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1,468.0 timer totalt (1,375.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse av CS:GO
Publisert 28. februar 2021.
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Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
23.4 timer totalt (10.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Publisert 14. januar 2021.
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