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0.0 timmar senaste två veckorna / 2.0 timmar totalt
Upplagd: 4 okt, 2018 @ 8:19
Återbetalning utfärdades för produkten

I want to enjoy this game, I really do. Please fix your challenges, the traversal challenge is an aboslute nightmare making you find ways around the broken physics system, there is no way to steer your character sharp enough to even think about grabbing all of the traversal objectives making you replay the same level multiple times just because you missed one checkpoint. Locking all of the other mountains behind "story missions" which are mostly chance if you get the objective or not. I will follow the development of this game, but right now only buy if you 1) are a big fan on snowboarding 2) Need to scratch that snowboarding itch SNOW left on you. I understand one man is working on this game and I really hope the project continues it has a lot of potential.
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