1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.8 timer de seneste 2 uger / 382.0 timer registreret i alt (70.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Indsendt: 4. aug. 2021 kl. 20:40

The legendary story creation game, well deserving of it's "Overwhelmingly Postive" rating.
You'll likely spend hours taking part in your colony's story as it comes, through the good times and bad.

In a lot of ways, this is like a Tabletop Roleplaying game, for single player.
At the start, you select the starting scenario (often a crashed spaceship), then choose one of three GameMasters (each with their own level of cruelty and amounts of "killer DM'ing" ), who will generate events and for traveling pawns, the encounters.

From there, it's up to you how the story is going to go, you steer the colonists towards their goal, and endure unexpected events - which WILL happen, the amount depending on the GM you choose.
(Protip: Don't pick Randy, unless you like unfair Killer DMs... or you're the type that looks at a game and says "BRING IT ALL ON!!").

Generally speaking, the end goal is to get your colonists/pawns to escape the planet.
That said... that will likely take you AGES to achieve.
Just like Tabletop RPGs, the story will take place over long periods of time and many, many sessions.

Your pawns will have to build buildings, bedrooms, etc to live in, farms to grow crops and textiles, train their skills, craft items, travel the land, and fight back against raiders, slavers, and barbarians.
All the while, they must keep up their moods, attend to their needs, and take care of their bodies (injuries can and will happen. Some permanent.)

Does it have longevity and replay value, you ask?

Let me put it you this way: As of this review, I have 70+ hours into this game... and I still haven't finished my first playthrough. And yet, it stays fun throughout, each day brings a new challenge or quest (or new recruit, or raiders, or disaster, or....))

It's like a faster, more streamlined version of The Sims, with more of an actual goal.
Excellent for those seeking to make a story, and want randomness to it.
Maybe the story will end triumphant and happy, or maybe it ends in "rocks fall, everyone dies".
Either way, you'll feel the entire journey will have been worth it.

Okay, now for the downside, that might bother some people: The price tag.

The devs have made it clear, this game will NOT go on sale, ever.
So I'll tell you now - don't bother waiting for a sale.

Is it worth $35?
Honestly... I can only speak for myself, but I believe if you're the type that spends hours playing The Sims or Minecraft, like me, I think you'd enjoy it.
The storytelling is fun, guiding the pawns to goals doesn't get old.
I decided to take the plunge and spend the $35, and I can say I have no regrets.
I feel it was worth the price.

Only you can decide if it's for you.
Try just the base game if you're not sure.
The DLC is truly just that, extra content on top of a fully made game. It's not needed, but is nice to add later on.
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2 kommentarer
funewchie 17. maj 2023 kl. 12:59 
Also, I didn't mention it in the review, but this game is VERY moddable. It has Steam Workshop, where you can tweak the game to suit your tastes.

Think colonists should get experience for stonework? There's a mod for it.
Want the ability to clone organs, and later on, even clone colonists in a vat? There's mods for that.
Want anime catgirls, lamias, robot maids, rabbit girls, kitsune, dog people, etc? You betcha there's mods to add that.
funewchie 17. maj 2023 kl. 12:56 
I forgot to mention it, but it wasn't until about 125 hours of play time that I FINALLY finished my first playthrough.

And it was quite a story and journey, with lots of close calls and thrills, to the point I thought the colony would've died.