Warszawa, Poland

The joke is that the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" which is clever in itself and quite funny to those with a mature sense of humour but what's really just hilarious about it is that if you look closely at the front of this store, Sneed's Feed & Seed, you can see a line that reads "Formerly Chuck's". Now, this might go over the average viewer's head as this, THIS, is peak comedy. I doubt anything will ever be as funny as the joke about Sneed's Feed & Seed. Are you ready for this one? So, like I said, the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" and this sign says "Formerly Chuck's", which means that when Chuck owned the place, well, I don't have to tell you...
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The Hunter 5 de mai. às 17:48 
weird reply, i broke ur throws on the same connection lol
Necro 5 de mai. às 14:47 
dude fix your connection then start talking ♥♥♥♥
The Hunter 5 de mai. às 14:36 
average polish dog, no skill carried by crushing ( cant even break throws)
TU VAS FINIR DANS MON COFFRE 13 de mar. às 8:36 
come ft10
LOLIMASCOT/lolitka96.ttv 2 jun. 2023 às 4:03 
chodz grac
BRUH 27 mai. 2023 às 3:31 
weird monkey