The Notorouis P.I.P
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DraronFury 24/ago./2016 às 15:50 
whats prison like, are you making lots of freinds
SmugGraves 3/jan./2015 às 14:56 
First comment of 2015 #special
Uruburu 14/dez./2014 às 14:34 
Prince, I am the Bastard. :diaxe:
SmugGraves 7/nov./2014 às 13:30 
ConnorMc, lets talk :)
SmugGraves 24/jun./2014 às 23:42 
The Notorouis P.I.P 23/jun./2014 às 13:05 
long life the 50% irish blood in my fanes than x]