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Évaluations récentes de Lich King

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7.6 h en tout (6.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
pretty fun game tbh reminds me some what of left 4 dead in terms of map changing with every play through. overall the game isnt bad but it could use some more polishing if one single dev remained i can somewhat let that slide.

the main bads about the game is overall clumsiness and really no direction of telling you what to do you really find this out on the first map where it just really thrusts you into the game and you have to figure out what your suppose to be doing it really doesnt tell you but looking at your phone ( the B key on keyboard) will let you know about objectives also anthor tip read the notepads left behind they will give clues or tell you what your suppose to be doing

( like first map again toward the end your suppose to be finding fuse rods to put into the break box after you unlock the door with the green keycard witch will start a horde event then after doing that have to run to the train) while this isnt the biggest issue you will have to play the first map repeatedly to figure out what to do after that the later parts of the campaign become easier overall but that first level is just oof.

also anthor thing its easier with friends to play with cause having more people to help with objectives is alot better than going though it solo especially with finding those fuse rods not saying you cant do it solo but it is easier with more people.

the starting pistol is well amazing its one of the best weapons in the game mostly cause zombies can go down with one head shot and the pistol ammo is surprisingly plentiful you can singlehandly take on hordes with enough pistol ammo and good aim the only real zombies you would struggle with are zombies that wear helmets and full body armor , police zombies will sometimes spawn with the helmets witch with enough shots will break i recommend using a higher caliber gun like a rifle, shotgun or acr the army zombies will full armor and helmets are pain.

Évaluation publiée le 18 novembre 2024.
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0.3 h en tout
Classic games of the flash era of gaming.
we all remember playing it at school and haven fun.

but all in all the games are without nostalgia... bad but in a fun way until you keep getting one shot or getting hit from across the room by a dude who all he has is a melee weapon.

would i recommend the games.... yeah they are fun for a time without the nostalgia clouding your eyes but not in prolong sittings like if your sitting there for long periods its gonna get repetive fast and make you mad so i recommend shot bursts of the game.

Crusder is also fun
Évaluation publiée le 30 octobre 2024.
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1.4 h en tout
Man love that the devs held strong against the english voice actors not liking fan service.
the game is worth it on that fact alone. but even without that the game is fun to play.

Fan-service the best filter
Évaluation publiée le 16 juillet 2024.
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3.6 h en tout (1.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I was skeptical when my friends told me about this game and i gave it a shot.... i felt safer in a mario kart lobby and the other racers where nothing but sweats.

this game is fire the game play is fire everything is good about this is jsut nothing but fire. the designs for the characters are cute everything is bright and vibrant.

this game is great tbh the only real thing thats bad i can say is well needs more items
Évaluation publiée le 2 juillet 2024.
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7.6 h en tout (6.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game what can i say about it, its a very fun game to play around with even with my hours i had tons of fun and it reminds me alot of school tycoon from back in the day but this in some aspects is weaker than that game while also being stronger in other aspects. this mostly comes down to how students only really focus on 2 things needed for exams witch doesnt really make a whole lotta sense one area pumps out world class sports and artists while anthor pumps out world class scientists and humanitarians it would be nice for the students to be random and requireing a more well rounded education than just hard focusing on 2 stats cuse like school tycoon you need the students to all have well rounded education to get to 5 star school ( along with other factors). i mean early yeah 2 focuses is nice and needed but as you expand you should be required to start getting a more arounded education with art being next for exams than sports ( or have these 2 be random)

thats my only complaint with the game everything is pretty nice and like i said reminds me alot of school tycoon. oh also better destuction tool to i dont have to keep clicking on trash then the bulldoze icon unless im jsut stupid and missing it
Évaluation publiée le 14 aout 2023.
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23.6 h en tout (5.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Like phasmaphobia but scarier

also be me get the ghost fingure out the workshop
didnt knwo ghost was hunting
soon as i hit the corner the ghost appearas and runs my fade
Évaluation publiée le 17 avril 2023.
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15.7 h en tout (9.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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the game is fun as an old dbd player i gravitied to this game pretty fast and didnt really need the tutorial ( thebbasics are pretty much the same as dbd killer hits with M1 has some abilties and survivors have a few more if you played dbd you know how the controls work for this game at a basic level).

the game is very pretty and i love the "Physics and Cake" of the game and the maps are pretty nice.

Massive grind and or paywall for your wafius as most of the cast is behind a paywall and or grind wall. given how much you make in each round ( witch isnt much) it can take a good bit to unlock a number of characters and to play ranked you need if i rember 6 detectives and atleast 3 ghosts and ghosts are even more expensive than the detectives . and costumes omg they are pretty expesnive and they give boosts to making money witch is nice but ♥♥♥♥ are some costumes expensive af ( spider girls one of hers is 200 bucks like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥).

Unlocking tricks for your character is random af since all tricks are in a box that YOU ONLY GET FROM WINNING ALONG WITH THE OTHER CHESTS witch means if your getting absolutely bent over your not gettting anything you also cant buy chests either this is annoying personally i think the game while doesnt need a blood web like dbd needs soemthing else that lets you unlock stuff for your character that you are playing and not get stuff for other characters. and no the intamencey thing doesnt count.

Clunky hitboxes

the biggest thing and this is only from the perspective of only playing ghost. Why do i need to change into a ghost ball to jump though stuff or go under stuff like why wouldnt it be easier to just hit Space to jump or go understand like why do i have to turn into a ghost ball to do these.

and the main thing Cheaters i fan into alot in my playthoughs wher they are telaporting their hit boxes ( witch is the character) all around making there actual location since they can still move and do other stuff while theire body is telaporting hard to pin point. this is a problem needs a way better anti cheat tbh but i learned if they have Kanji in there names 7-10 times they are a cheater witch is bad and combines with clunky hit boxes makes dealing with cheaters a pain.

Overall this game has some potional and when your getting a good game its really fun and i recommend playing in short bursts long games espically if your dealing with cheaters alot will wear on your nerves
Évaluation publiée le 3 avril 2022.
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488.0 h en tout (1.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
how to oof cancel culture man babies
worth every dam cent for a dev like this
Évaluation publiée le 21 juin 2021.
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11.3 h en tout (10.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
A relic of the past and something i really enjoyed growing up as one of my favorite mmos at the time and the only mmo i can say i invested alot of time into ( 2nd being elsword)
but this game is a shell of its former self ever since Gamigo got their hands on it, its been in basically in stagnation
you had a game where the GMs would be one almost everyday talking with people and hosting events
players on hundreds and thousands of players playing everyone having fun with an mmo that you could run on the old hp computer and most of the time not have a problem. People just haven fun and the GMs also haven fun.

now due to stagnation the once great player base is gone, the old gms are gone ( atleast to my knowledge), events barely happen .

it pains me to give it a negative review for a game that brought me so much joy in the past but i cant ignore the problems and just say yeah play it i recommend it.

Feista wasnt a bad game in the past but with the lack of real updates , barely any new content, increased P2W stuff, and overall a decrease in the major playerbase as msot people who play are either old heads (like myself) or somepeople who jsut desided to try the game

Évaluation publiée le 12 mai 2021.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
36.7 h en tout (27.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Gets a ghost name Karen
Tells her she cant speak to the manager
immediately gets hunted and killed
10/10 would tell her that again
Évaluation publiée le 9 décembre 2020.
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