
Käyttäjän Lich King viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 3.3 tuntia (1.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Dont take this review as a negitive one its more of a ok game but i cant recommend it right now its good for whats there but needs alot more polish .

my first complaint with the game no indacators or atleast hints to see what topics go well together and durning chosing between the 3 sliders no indication what is good and whats bad durning the development phase like with game dev you would see at the bottom +, ++, -, or -- to see whats good or whats bad you kind of have to wing it and hope for the best.

no other reseach besides topics more of a pet pev than anything.

few bugs here and there, and it only crashed once.

other than its an ok game in its current state needs abit more stuff to do like comic cons and a few other things


the dev is super cool and responsive and he does (atleast i assume tis a him but eitherway) he does listen to feed back on how to improve the game he listens to the community and thats super cool and a plus 1 in my books.

but with a responsive dev who is constantly fixing the game as we point out bugs and glithes (i found the research glitch where you could cheat the system) told him about it and he was able to patch it up super fast. thats something i like to see.
Julkaistu 22. maaliskuuta 2020 Viimeksi muokattu 23. maaliskuuta 2020.
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Kehittäjä on vastannut 23.3.2020 klo 9.23 (näytä vastaus)
8 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
3 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 17.2 tuntia (1.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Early Access -arvostelu
As someone who loves stragey games i can pretty much recommend this title as the devs are avtively working on it and it is fun to play but i do have some grips but we will get tot hat elts focus on the goods

Graphics are pretty decent could be better but i prefere gameplay overall 7/10
Gameplay is.... wonkey but not bad could be better 6/10
Castle building i like a good castle builder game and this one is pretty nice 7/10

now on to the bad, the map tracking is pretty bad (if its there cant tell if its there or not mabye some other fellow beta testers can help me out on this or not)

Minimap is kind of bad could use some improvements as i was stuck on the tuturial lvl just trying to figureout where to go would be nice for it to be abit more clearer

Loading times.... just bad now the dev did say this was maybe my comp but im still counting it as a negative so think this one as more of a pet pev

and thats all i can say really more stuff is coming and i do like the game alot could use more polishing but overalll a nice game
Julkaistu 18. joulukuuta 2018
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4 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 11.4 tuntia (0.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This is probley the msot painful review i had to type out for you as it guys the consumers but it has to be done.
First off let me say this isnt a bad game its really not but the problems im about to list along with the good things will help you see where i stand. I have played the orginal 2 games of the series both of them are on browser and they are free so go and check them out if you have the time.

The Primise (i suck at spelling so bear with me)
your basically opening up a heros acdemey and making that school rise from being trash teir to god teir if you played the first 2 games the story really hasnt changed much and the game is a simulation game at its heart with elements of rpg, adventuring and all that good ♥♥♥♥.

The Good
The art is a huge step up from the 2nd game
the controls feel responsive and are pretty good you dont really have to get use to them really so +
If you played the 2nd game 3 of the female charatcers make a return (personal plus)
customizable parties

The Netrual
Gameplay not much has changed from the 2nd game no really this game and the 2nd are basically the same only this is fully 3D (with some changes here and there)

The Bad
Nothing really to do if you send all of your parties out on errand missions your going to jsut watch as the time goes by theres no speed up or anything you basically just sit at the screen minimize and watch youtube or anything else cause it goes by so dam slow i saw some other reviews that addressed this thought they where kidding cause that was a problem in the 2nd game with errand missions the 1st game also had errand missions but atleast it went by fast not making you sit there when you could be playing. from a vetarn player and a lover of this series do not send all your parties out on errand missions. This is the biggest grip with me cause this was a problem in the 2nd game and they had the chance to fix it with this.

Repetivie battle missions basically just hit the attack button and you win no stragey like in the orginal 2 (well mostly 2 the first game basically when you promoted your student to a new class it was random what i seen with the first game certain classes where gender locked and some where while the 2nd game gave you the choice to choose your characters promotion job an improment )

and thats why I have put it under not recommend atleast for the time being (to behonest the game is more nutrual for me since im use to alot of this for being with the series for so long but i guess i was expecting alot more from all the waitting)
*throws my love and support* hopefully the devs rember me off the FB page :D
Julkaistu 26. lokakuuta 2018
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 12.1 tuntia (7.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Early Access -arvostelu
Big fan of DF1 been playing since the 2D era and the flash games and i can say this game is pretty good for whats there

can pretty much work on any computer from having a Potato or toaster computer to having a NASA computer this game will run.

Customizable character there was customization in the first game but after a certain point all chracters pretty much became the same, here you can specialize

Harder zombies in the first game zombies where... not weak but unless they where certain boss zombies not much of a threat unless you had basic gear (even then soe people made loot runs to the black zone as a lvl 10 like wtf)

Graphics are nice

at the time of this review limited map but there are more cities that you can go to besides being stuck in Fairview and what i mean by limited map in fairview it actually felt like a huge city with blocks here the other cities only have from what i seen (bought alot of fuel to explore) is that theres only a few buildings now i know its in EA so this will change with time but you still have to point it out.

Gunplay kind of fun but also kind of infuriating

if you rember DF1 you know you can carry alot of bullets in one stack (between 100-600 for regular stacks and 8k for those credit bought stacks) here you cant do that and from what i can tail the max bullets for 1 stack is only 20 meaning if your finding alot of bullets you can quickly fill up your invantory anthor thing is quest items and this was also the same for DF1 but certain items if you need mroe than one why dont they all just stay in the same spot (like blood samples 1/4) instead of taking up mroe invantory space this is more of gripe than anything but still a con.

Overall the game is enjoyable but i have to say at the time of this review DF1 is more fun but Df2 is getting there to being a more than worthy successor and you can still have fun with this game
Julkaistu 5. syyskuuta 2018
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3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.0 tuntia
I love her
but bias aside shes kamakize type mosnter who gets stronger as the game goes on and by that i mean the more you banish her the stronger she gets the more shes able to grab you the stronger she gets and after a point shes running halfway across the map comen for dat ass boi with the force of 1k suns

but the thing is she takes time to get going and she relies on the investagators staying clumped to get off her huge stanity drop aoe power she... she explodes

but shes really vunrable to splits witch is why shes a mix bag either your going to have a game where your a freight train and otheres where your the investagators kicking doll there is no inbetween
Julkaistu 17. elokuuta 2018
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2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 15.4 tuntia (5.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
while i havent had the game for very long i feel like i can give a review for the game
The game is a hunter vs survivors type game you can play as the monster or as the survivors (investagators as the game calls them) both the Monster and the invesagator all come with different stats and skins and tools that affects how they play witch can add all kinds of different combanations witch is good

the monsters all have different learning curves that you have to learn and different abilities witch does make some monsters better than others but that doesnt mean a flow teir mosnters cant whipe an entire group by him/herself and unlike dead by daylight the investagators are actually scared of you while your the monster and activtly try to avoid you (unlike loops by daylight)

the investagors are pretty fun for the most part different tools to keep the monster at bay costumes that you can earn ingame that can modifify your stats witch makes replay ability very high.

now the cons
The maps omg they will get you lost unless you have someone whos experianced with the game to lead you though and since i play almsot nothing else but monster this can be very bad (one map impreticular i hate the manor alot of the rooms look the same got me lsot so many times and the radar was completely useless)

small playerbase not saying it isnt hard to get into a game but its there soo take it with a grain of salt

flashlights more annoying than an actual con jsut putting that out there if ya play mosnter
Julkaistu 28. kesäkuuta 2018
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3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 9.5 tuntia (3.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
now i knwo what some of yall are going to say he doesnt have any hours
dont let my hours fool you as i played on the launcher before the game came to steam my steam hours do not reflect my actual hours in th game now with that out of the way lets get to the review

Robocraft in heart has alot of potinal that i honestly like about the game build your own robot and fight it out against other robots while earning parts for bigger and better bots whats not to love atleast thats what got me into the game back in 2014.

The devs of robocraft have changed everything that was good about the game there use to be dedicated players who use to make medic bots and was good and sometimes needed for a team welp now every bot can heal itself when not in combat for 10 secs effectively removing support medics unless you get that one person who has a medic addon with some guns then hes a battle medic their performence varies

there use to be a reseach tree where you could unlock parts giving you a sence of progression now just get a loot box and pray to the rng gods you get something good and then it temps you with if you where premium you would get this extra stuff and mre often than not it has the good stuff that you would have got.

Match making is a [bad swear words] joke in the old days you would get matched with people of equal teir lists from teir 1 to teir 10 where it was based on your bots teir so a T1 bot will never face a T10 bot now adays you could be jsut startting out got the basic stuff and go up against this flying fortress of death and desuction with nothing but a pee shooter as you do nothing more than tickle it while it oblitarates you out of existance theres little to no balance when it comes to match making atleast in casual play in ranked it mostly goes on the size of your bot i beleive.

Devs keep adding cool stuff i have to admit the stuff is cool but they arnt balancing the game right atleast in my eyes and keep ignoring the community and from some other posts trying to remove negative reviews witch is why i sorta see why the game is viewd postively.

overall the game is a shell of its former self its pains me to write this review cause i use to get alot of enjoyment out of the game had fun with friends making cool robots and stuff but the way the game is now all this rng lookbox pay 2 win bs its just sad
Julkaistu 11. toukokuuta 2018
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3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 34.4 tuntia (7.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Early Access -arvostelu
Waitted a good long time for this game to come out and when it finally did was not disappointed

the game is a colony survival game but with zombies like the Rebuild series (but better they jsut share a gerna of games) basically you have to manage a new colony after a zombie infestation has pretty much whipped majorty of the population and only very few colonies are left.
the units are pretty good and each one feels like it has a purpose
the art is great

now with all the praise are there any cons of any? hmm yes

the game is basically you learn as you go expect to loose your first few colonies unless you watched some videos of people who had beta keys before the EA release of the game (lucky sons of bi.tches)
the building system feels alittle wonky at times but this is more nit pick than anything.

but overall its a very good game for whats there and we all know the devs are giving us more things to play with and more different types of new infected new untis all dat good ♥♥♥♥ but with the EA release the game is a pretty good 8/10 well solid 8/10
Julkaistu 12. joulukuuta 2017
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
12 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
7 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 0.0 tuntia
if you like gaint robots
Julkaistu 25. marraskuuta 2017
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
25 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 97.2 tuntia (28.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This is goign to be one of the msot painful reviews i had to right
first off i love the game had the game since before nurse was released i seen alot of things come and go over all
but i cant support the devs with this new stuff they are doing and obvious favortisim to Survivors
they Recently released Freddy at the time of this review a new killer and his thing is that he (along with doc and wraith) counter stealth with freddy being the best at it then doc and wraith but the traid off is that he can be pallet looped to hell and back his power is one of the weakest powers cause you have to put survivors to sleep and that takes 7 secs (just base no addons or what ever) and in that time survivors can do what ever they want cause freddy cant do ♥♥♥♥ to this finish a gen escape what ever. but surivivors complained that he was op and within the first week of his release base freddy nerfs where announced and then in the stream one of the devs had the nerve to say you got to adapt how the hell can you adapt when your not giving people time to adapt one week is not enough time to adapt

it felt like a scam to get people to buy freddy then nerf him when hes already the 2nd worst killer about to be worst when and if these nerfs hit.

if your new and you want to play killer well as a killer main good luck cause most killer perks and addons have been nerfed into the ground anything that gives the killer an edge survivors complain and the devs nerf said perk while survivors get everything they need to and become stronger than the killer. The game is a cat and mouse game how is the cat suppose to kill the mouse when you remove all their teeth and claws.

and this isnt even going into voice chat for survivors, MLGA abuse, the constant survivor whinning calling you camper because you killed them and their friends didnt help them, survivors teabagging and constant pallet looping and Devs overlooking Killer issues for over a year its just sad.
Julkaistu 8. marraskuuta 2017
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