Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
this is a picture of a cat in a sink as you can tell but i dont know its gender its yet because i don't own it but i know its name (Annie) it was in my computer before i acxadentaly deleted it and i love cats so mucth i am getting one soon and i an keeping this picture forever
Gorgon 15/mar./2014 às 7:49 
It's been a year since my last comment. Honestly I didn't know, man. If I had I wouldn't have joked about it. I swear. I just want you to know that for the time that we WERE friends, it was a pretty kick ass tango. I didn't know about your problem then. But what the ♥♥♥♥ was your problem? You seemed so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ happy when we were playing, how the ♥♥♥♥ was I supposed to know you were so sad? I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sorry, man. I wish I'd known so I could have helped. Now you're gone and I just can't let go, dude. I feel like it was fault. I know I'm just blaming myself because there's no one to blame, but ♥♥♥♥ dude... Anyway... Goodbye. I'll be sure to comment again, I swear. Because you know what they say. "A person dies twice. The first time is when their heart stops beating, and the second is when their name is spoken for the last time." Y'know, I really like that quote. It's kinda funny because it makes Hitler kinda semi-immortal, huh? :P. Bye man. It's been great talking to you again.
Gorgon 22/fev./2013 às 20:51 
Wait, nevermind...You've been offline for more than 420 days. Guess ur ded! LOLOLOLOLOLL, HAHA, SUCK MY ♥♥♥♥ YOU SCHIZOPHRENIC DRUG ATTIC DRUNKY DOUCHE
Gorgon 22/fev./2013 às 20:51 
You were the first one to remove me from your friends list. I'm here to say ♥♥♥♥ you, but then again...I guess I'll reward you? I made this for you, you limp ♥♥♥♥ mother ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
AMS Agent Eric Cartman 17/abr./2011 às 13:40 
kilroy sucx
LP-PADICIλ 28/jan./2011 às 18:58 
hey killroy, you sent me a friend invite but i didn't say yes to it because i dont know who you are. can you tell me who you are later because i dont remember you.
Clumsy Combine Cop 22/jan./2011 às 16:29 
Lol cute kitty