Pennsylvania, United States
This game can be sumed up with this, it's the poor mans x-com, it plays excatly like it except x-com does not play and look like garbage.

this game is just straight bad, the lack luster story of a 4 man special unit squad is sent or shot down in some place and is told by some guy over the radio to do something, and that something that you were supposed to do gets over shadowed with fetch quest from civilians, why? im a special millitary force why am i taking orders from civs when i should be doing the mian goal which i can only assume is to clean up the city, i only say assume because i have not gotten far.

the second reason this game is bad is the graphics and animation, now im not a graphics snob but whis looks like a 06' PC release or a mobile game, and the animation for the playes team is laughable, the saying go's you need to waddle before you can run.

third the combat the main reason you even looked at this game, it's just an x-com clone and if you have no idea what x-com is or have never played it, watch a video on x-com then one on this and you'll see what i mean, also the guns and the upgrading system, the base guns for all classes suck except for the LMG man his gun deals 82 damage with no upgrades but my assult rifle the block 2 ( a gun i found in a box which is also better then the M4 ) was 2 lvls down from fully upgraded and guess how much damage that gun had 82, why is it the LMG is more powerful, and more accurate then an AR.

lastly the upgrading system in general, skills for your characters once you level up is pointless, that whole 5% extra damage to my SMG that will help right guys? right? no! it's a pointless upgrade to pad the "good" stuff at the bottom no skills for any characters are good, all of the characters "main skill" only last 5 seconds minus the LMG guy his lasts 10 seconds.

all in all i would say if you have been looking at this game becuase of RTS-esk squad building sim, fork out the extra $10 dollars to buy a good squad building game like x-com enemy unknown/enemy within if u want the DLC for it.