已遊玩 20 小時
EPIC Castlevania-style side-scroller with a killer pixel aesthetic, superb soundscape and story that is truly worthy of multiple play-throughs (and co-op multiplayer sessions if you can find some DEDICATED friends, it's a LONG game for co-op). Push through the platforming leading up to Combbelton Necropolis and you will be rewarded.

A playable work of art that is fun to play and reaches heights few come close to achieving. I highly recommend it! (for reasons I will state in other sections ;p.) Sadly it is over all too soon as the game is very short (but you can play through as other characters [all but one suck though ;p]).

The game is clearly inspired by the Castlevania series (Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest imho) and transposes it to a more medieval setting with medieval knights in full armour using standard medieval arms: maces (the protagonist and your avatar), halberds, swords, and so on. I really liked the art design, it honours the 80's-90's Nintendo (SNES) pixel aesthetic while taking it to heights never reached before (I don't think you'll see a man's head being caved in by a mace in a real SNES game OoO).

The soundscape was a treat to the ears and made the action viscerally real; you can feel the impacts and blade slices. I might even buy the soundtrack! (It's really catchy!)

I used a controller and had no issues whatsoever. During the Contra playthrough (Maxime Gunn) I had issues with the rocket dash (holy charge) but other than that I had no problems (other than issues with stun locking discussed further in "GAMEPLAY").

PLOT 8/10
A very well written story that works for all 3 branches (good, evil, evil to redemption). I felt that killing (or even sparing) the suffering man at the start should be viewed more as a neutral act (you weren't doing him any favours when you "spared" his life). The story reached epic proportions without jumping the shark or feeling corny (the evil playthrough where you have to storm Darsov city was one of the most epic experiences I have had in gaming. It was refreshing for once to see a story where bad guys aren't misunderstood, they're just bad guys. The writing really makes you feel the game's sense of morality and I approve.

The levels are profoundly really well designed and stood up to multiple playthroughs. Each has their own unique aesthetic that keeps your interest from waning.

An issue that didn't affect me (since I used a guide ;p) was that on your first playthrough it is impossible to determine the effect of your actions and there are no take backs. For example, if you decide to let the talking skeleton go because he might not be a bad guy then you have no option to run up and deal with him after he joins his larger, well-armed friend.

I found it irritating that I couldn't warp out of dungeons to restock my provisions (potions, etc.) but it made the game harder in a way that fits the Castlevania aesthetic it was going for (I suppose >_>).

The stun locking was mildly irritating at times (Stormheim Castle especially) but not rage quit inducing.

I felt that there should have been a save point before Combbelton Necropolis. That jumping section almost made me quit; I speedran through it after I had some experience but it is somewhat daunting for first time players and video walkthroughs were no help. Thankfully the accessibility options got me through it.

While I appreciate the addition of multiple characters to lengthen gameplay and keeps things fresh all but 1 of the characters suck (Maxime Gunn, who is brokenly overpowered [Machine Gun Man in the year medieval!]). The Stranger's shotgun should have an ever so slightly longer reach as well as dealing more damage AND shooting it while standing in place SHOULDN'T push you back (eg. you can dig your heels in). The pushing while jumping is interesting though imo and has potential. Not being able to use potions is a little much though imo. Every other character I played (eg. the wizard) were brokenly UNDERpowered making them impossible run throughs (for me at least, I'm not THAT dedicated ;p).