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Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
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2 от 31 (6%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

Sack Lunch

You sacked the quarterback 3 times in one game!
Откл. на 19 февр. в 21:38


You won a Season game!
Откл. на 19 февр. в 17:05


You have killed 10 opposing players!
7 / 10


You have killed 100 opposing players!
7 / 100


You have killed 1000 opposing players!
7 / 1,000

Cheap Shot

You have killed 10 players with late hits!
7 / 10


You won a game by forfeit!

Rushing MVP

You led the league in rushing yards at the end of the season!

Passing MVP

You led the league in passing yards at the end of the season!

Receiving MVP

You led the league in receiving yards at the end of the season!

QB Crusher

You led the league in sacks at the end of the season!


You won a Playoffs game!


You won the Mayhem Bowl!


You played an undefeated Season including Playoffs and Mayhem Bowl!

Orcs of Hazzard

You have unlocked Orcs of Hazzard!
9 / 50

Galaxy Chaos

You have unlocked Galaxy Chaos!

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