Linkoping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
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Smokey 26 июн. 2022 г. в 13:42 
hello mi name es EL REY. I my mexicano and i want to be profesional playedor of defense of guadalajara. I sold all my sombreros so i can play doto. Porfavor no coperino pasterino, is only my life
uk drill researcher 20 мар. 2020 г. в 13:51 
Different races need to be segregated. I’m so sick of people combining biking, swimming, and running and calling it one single race. “iSsA tRiAtHalOn” shut up!!! Those are 3 different events, and they should be treated as such.
monke 19 фев. 2020 г. в 14:21 
Jag är elva år och bakade den. Brukar baka när jag är själv hemma eller har tråkigt. Har bakat mycket och många kladdkakor! Jag delade receptet på 2 och gjorde hälften. hade i lite extra smör och lite sirap (sirap gör den mer seg) (och smöret gör den kladdigare) Hade även i lite bakpulver då jag läste i receptet att den kunde bli väldigt platt. Den här kladdisen va helt perfect! hade den i ugnen i 8 min då den var minde och den va hård utanpå och kletig i mitten! Den blev kanske 1 cm hög men hade en större form dock... Åt den med lite mjölk och glass.Kan vara min favorit kladdkaka! Om man vill ha lite sötare mellanmål tycker jag att ni kan dela på hälften och baka! Det går även fort att göra!
BTW: såg att många i kommentarena att många fick en smet när dom tog ut den ur ugnen. Sätt kakan längre ner i ugnen och på högre grader. Satte min i 8 min långt ner i ugnen på ca 225 grader.
Smokey 19 фев. 2020 г. в 13:44 
Hej jag hetter adam och är 11 år, backade precis dena kladdkaka och var godd :) Backa gärna den ni medd!!
t.rific 18 фев. 2020 г. в 13:33 
I'm very sorry, but I have to block you. You probably don't care why I'm blocking you, but just in case you're interested, I'll explain. What you sent me doesn't actually have any emotional impact on me. However, it shows me what type of person you are. It indicates that you're the type of person who deliberately tries to provoke negative reactions from other people. I don't wish to interact with anyone like that, so I have to block you. It has nothing to do with "hurt feelings" or "not being able to take a joke". It has to do with the content of your character.
monke 27 авг. 2019 г. в 7:43 
School has barely started and I'm already hailed as a god.

A little context. I'm not too popular. I'm always that one nerd kid, and the only time people would hear about me is if I won a math competition.

Well this year I changed that.

My school has posters up saying "We encourage you to use your phones, tablets, and laptops." The last one is what caught my eye. Because my school allows us to use our devices during lunch.

So I brought my laptop to school. For my first couple classes I would jokingly ask if I could use my laptop. But when lunch came around. Then things got good. I sat down at my normal lunch table and pulled out my laptop. Immediately people started eyeing me. Next I booted up my laptop. Now people were watching. Finally I got onto Minecraft and played some Hypixel Bedwars. I slowly gathered a crowd, and eventually people started chearing when I was winning.

When I won everyone went ballistic.

And that's how I became a god.