Disgruntled Cuttlefish
Arizona, United States
 Useful quotes
Why are some moderator and administrator gods on forums rude and/or abusive?

Moderators are rude and abusive for the same reason police are rude and abusive. They have power over others. The saying “power corrupts” isn’t just for show.

To be more nuanced, people in situations like that get used to using their power, and when there is no substantial oversight, they can easily resolve their cognitive dissonance (caused by them being jerks) by justifying their behavior to themselves. Over time, these small justifications grow into a corrupt mindset that easily wields abuse without a second thought.

In addition, these kinds of people prioritize their own time over others. Even if it took you 30 minutes to create a post or question or content of some kind on a moderated site, the moderator only sees that it's taking their 60 seconds to look at it. And because there’s literally infinite amount of busy-body moderating they could do, they always feel rushed and take shortcuts to “get more done”. They don’t realize that it isn’t a moderators job to “get everything done”, it's simply to utilize what little time they have to help out with the forum/wiki/etc. Getting to every complaint should not be the goal. And yet mods seem to make it their goal.

Thirdly, the types of people [who] become mods (or police) are often the types of people that enjoy those kinds of power and enjoy holding them over others. They’re exactly the types of people ripe for abuse of powers like that.

Without a concerted and sustained effort to only accept moderators that are committed to fair treatment of the users they moderate, and without practical oversight over moderators, moderators tend to become toxic parts of their community who only destroy the work of others and oppress the users they moderate. Moderators can’t be the oversight for other moderators, because they’re too similar. Too often moderators band together and support each other in their perverse actions, just as cops do. There must be a way for users to count their complaints about moderators. But very few sites think about these issues. That’s why Reddit, Stack Exchange, Wikipedia, and so many others are cesspools of busy body jerks that have no check on their power.

-Quora user

Other useful quotes

I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if she wasn’t qualified to be president.

-Genocide Joe

Don't miss [redacted] next time.

-Kyle Gass

Humanity is trash.

-Me (enough for snotty community elitist hipsters in the Friendly Neighborhood Atheist group to ban me for saying it)

The fish rots from the head.

-Yevgeny Prigozhin
The Vomit List
:puke:Folks with a snotty admin/mod God/Goddess attitude
:puke:Folks with a similar community elitist attitude (often, sleeve-tugging bootlickers of the above)
:puke:Former (and probably current) moderation staff
:puke:Racists (oh sorry, "not racists", I forgot they don't exist)
:puke:Homophobes (oh sorry, "not that either", forgot they don't exist either)
:puke:Genocide Joe
:puke:Taylor "CO2 spewer" Swift
:puke:Travis Kelce
:puke:Harrison Butker
:puke:Andy Fatass Reid
:puke:Anderson Cooper
:puke:David Muir
:puke:Lester Holt
:puke:Piers Morgan
:puke:99% of the rest of the US national mainstream media
:puke:The bothsidesism/false balance fantasy
:puke:Joy Behar
:puke:The rest of the View panel
:puke:General Curtis LeMay
:puke:Western contrarian Putin/Assad parrots
:puke:Glenn Greenwald
:puke:Max Blumenthal
:puke:Jimmy Dore
:puke:RFK Jr.
:puke:Joe Rogan
:puke:Ben Shapiro
:puke:Ted Nugent
:puke:Every other right-wing political commentator that doesn't need to be mentioned
:puke:96-99% of federal US congress (depending on what happens)
:puke:Most humans
:puke:Most Americans
:puke:Most Europeans
:puke:Holier-than-thou soccer mommy and daddy types (e.g. complaining about swearing)
:puke:The British royal family
:puke:Spider Man
:puke:Wonder Woman
:puke:Captain America
:puke:Every other copaganda and military propaganda superhero that deserves to be killed off
:puke:The global warming denying, corporate prostitute South Park creators (I used to watch South Park also and talked to the other cool edgy kids on the playground about it, I'd still enjoy some of it)
:puke:Chuck Norris
:puke:John Cena, sellout for China
:puke:Folks on the left/whatever, who think I'm not allowed to say "sellout for China"
:puke:Jim Carrey
:puke:Kanye West
:puke:Roseanne Barr
:puke:Tom Selleck
:puke:Maria Butina
:puke:Jingoists (e.g. the majority of "innocently patriotic" Americans)
:puke:J.D. Vance
:puke:Elon Musk
:puke:Mark Zuckerberg
:puke:Bill Maher
:puke:Neil DeGrasse Tyson
:puke:Noah Schnapp
:puke:Julie Bindel
:puke:Mick West
:puke:Other UAP "debunkers" who have confirmation bias (just like most of that content on Ancient Aliens, etc, huh?)
:puke:Avi Loeb
:puke:Aaron "Immunized" Rodgers
:puke:Phil McGraw
:puke:Anyone who has God in their name/stage name (is that a joke, guy?)
:puke:Bald eagles
:puke:Tom Cruise
:puke:Andrew Tate
:puke:Eve Barlow
:puke:Lakers fans
:puke:49ers fans
:puke:Idiot 49ers fans who burned Colin Kaepernick jerseys (the best guy to ever come out of the backstabbing 49ers, perhaps even the entire backstabbing NFL)
:puke:Kansas City Chiefs fans (nice racist themed chant you have going, huh?)
:puke:Philadelphia Eagles fans
:puke:Jerry Seinfeld
:puke:Idiots who run some of the more popular Arma servers
:puke:Taylor Swift
DCS World Steam Edition
DOOM Eternal
เล่นไปแล้ว 1,068 ชั่วโมง
Let the pugnacious fanboys and fangirls rage.

Updated: I'm even more satisfied that I've given DCS a negative review after their recent update that they posted for their Zionist screenshot contest.

Updated again: I'm further satisfied with the negative review because of the recent trash performance I've experienced with DCS (using the MT Preview). I didn't think it was my PC all of a sudden? Maybe it'll change after the next update, maybe not. I really hope so.

If it improves after the next update, I'll still be satisfied with the negative review but it'd just make me wish there was a neutral option slightly more which I would consider, maybe. That's about it though.

They can all very easily abandon everyone and leave everyone in the dark later on. There's nothing stopping that from possibly happening, face it. But, please, by all means, even if you aren't that interested in it or something, by all means go ahead and help fund their boutique aircraft collection in England.

*I feel foolish enough for what I've already given you people, which to you would seem like a piss in the ocean.*

BOYCOTT DCS PRODUCTS until they pay RAZBAM (and subsequently any former employees) what they are owed. Eagle Dynamics is an unethical company. Take a stand more than I likely will, and please boycott all Eagle Dynamics products.

Some individuals will view this as being hypocritical, as I continue to play it and even possibly purchase more of their content later, that's fine. I fully accept that (that doesn't mean I entirely agree necessarily, as it's just another way to distract away from the topic). I'm too corrupted and attached to it to not boycott it myself, not like I can afford much anyway, and not like they probably care much about my business. But they care about all of yours, collectively!

This review will get swept beneath the rug because I posted a quick, non-helpful (recommended/positive) review many years ago, and due to how reviews work it won't appear anywhere near the top for anyone. That's fine, I still wanted to let my feelings be known. I don't like it when folks are swindled and those doing the swindling have such an arrogant air about them.

To be fair I guess, let's move onto some other things.

The free TF-51 (unarmed P-51D) is very nice, as good as the other WW2 planes (not aesthetically), just unarmed. I hadn't flown it much (or the other ones) but I think with the very little time I had, it seemed easy for a WW2 fighter. I'm not really into those yet though.

The free Su-25T isn't anything to write home about, and that variant is heavier, less agile and more obscure. They really ought to add in the full fidelity Su-25, along with the full fidelity Su-24, Su-22, etc.

They say the best free mod aircraft in the simulator is the A-4 mod. You can find more info about it here.[github.com]

And here[forum.dcs.world]is a free mod helicopter that looks interesting (OH-6).

At the time of writing, I hadn't done much in this really, I haven't "mastered" anything whatsoever (probably not even 40% or 50% at anything, including less complex stuff, trying to consider everything). I've sort of just been "sampling" a bunch of different aircraft except for a couple, none of which I've even done much in anyway. I don't think I'm very good at this.

Some aircraft that'd be interesting to see added in later, aside from the Su-25 & Su-24 I mentioned, could include Ka-26, Ka-226, Ka-27/28/29/etc, Mi-28, and Yak-130 just to name a few.

Also, since you're adding in the stupid C-130, why not add in one of those mid-sized Antonov turboprop planes or something along those lines. At least some of them won't be as much of a waste of range/performance given the (relatively) limited size of DCS terrains/maps. I'd prefer that over poor performance or even higher system demands however, not grumbling about the sizes of the terrains/maps (except the Nevada terrain which could use an update/expansion, as long as you don't remove "Tromb" tower that I like to fire rockets at).

Because of some stupid Russian laws that make no sense, and because some of their staff are in Russia still, there are limitations to what Russian aircraft they will be able to add into DCS. They should solve that problem by moving all of their people out of Russia who are located there.

Some interesting WW2 planes they could add: Il-2 Sturmovik, Macchi C.202, Fiat G.55, A6M Zero, P-40, etc. I don't know how popular all of these would be but WW2 stuff is less popular in this anyway. I'm guessing the Italian ones would be impossible.

The terrains should be cheaper. I don't think the aircraft are a ripoff, but the terrains are. Speaking of which, an early 1950s Korea map with some new assets (that they'd charge extra for?) would make sense. It's not a region of the Middle East though, so probably not.

It'd be useful if they added the ability to use the F13 to F-whatever buttons also, like someone on their forums suggested: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/341538-keyboard-f13-to-f24-keys/

Lastly, let me just say that the biased environment of the Eagle Dynamics/DCS forums (or their Facebook account etc.) is not really a reliable source of info concerning the specific issue of the legal dispute concerning *Eagle Dynamics*.

However, I suggest that everyone boycotts Eagle Dynamics for other reasons as well. I don't want to go down that rabbit hole any deeper here. Not that there's much to it really, but enough to make me particularly dislike them overall.

Here's an example of the type of self-pitying, elitist attitude that we're dealing with:

Hey, you want the forums? Straight from the horse's mouth. ^

"Note there are some NSFW words in the article"...... wow. Give us a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ break. You poor, poor, *abused* people.


Also, I wonder if some of these Steam accounts are actually just alt troll accounts of the developers or maybe it's NineLine's or Wagner's wife or something. Wow.