
Treaff 最近的评测

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总时数 50.9 小时 (评测时 28.6 小时)
I loved Sim City 4 but the newer once never appealed to me.
This game however is one of the best city builders out there.

The graphics might not be the best but it is not a huge problem.

Only problem I have is with dead people piling up everywhere so you basically need to have one graveyard or even better a morgue on every street corner which is hilarious, but not so realistic. (I just imagine a lot of people dieing at work every single day)

But however, there are mods to this game that can fix alot of things that might be bothering you about the game and these are the main reason while you'll spend countless of hours playing this game.

Another rather small problems I have with this game is that it can be a little bit hard to know which mods to use in this game (I started playing it rather late) but there are mod packs for the most esencial mods that you'll need.

I also have a small problem and that is I never keep playing on one city, I get bored with one city pretty quickly and if I don't like the layouts of my basic city so I just keep trying again and again which can take hours (but this is something that has to do with my style of play).

Anyways the possibileties are truly endless in this game and if you need anyhelp there is a great community on both Facebook, Reddit and Youtube so you'll never feel like you've tried everything.

Don't be scared if your cities are ugly in the beggining, everyones are. Get a hand of the game, play how you want and I'd say this is a perfect game for both hardcore and casual players.

My friends thinks he is horrible at this game but he got on the CS Facebook page after just a couple of hundred votes on imgur.

This game will truly form the city planners of the future.
发布于 2016 年 11 月 9 日。
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