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Останні рецензії користувача Artemisriv

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 57
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 5
891.1 год. загалом (33.6 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
I think it is time for me to tell my story.. Yes above this line it states i have 48.7h ingame, but in RL i have over 3k hours ingame (3k+ in MMO 1.4k+ in Lif:YO original non steam launcher hours are not shown in steam). Played since the very first hours the MMO opened the doors. We've seen the sun rise in Abella. Well i can tell u the sun went down and never came back up.

To be honest i still have weakness for the game, why?;
- The absolute freedom to build anywhere u want and the player driven economy that can be here is something i never found in any other game.
- U actually have to spent time to get something good. Some call it endless grinding, i got one tip for u; go play cs:go, Rust or another fast paced game. This one is not for u. Here you have to plan ahead, sow and harvest your fields in time and prepare for winter. Make armor, build castles.. it takes time. But heck in RL it takes times as well. Ever seen a house been built in a day? Luckilly those things still go relatively quick ingame.
- While its no state of the art real life graphics, the game still looks awsome. I still think back to the times i spent my mornings riding in forests on my horse just to enjoy the surroundings!

Whats the problem then? U seem to like the game and are all into the grind, why not give a positive review. Wel, fasten your seatbelts cuz this one is going to be rough.

- Imho a medieval game about towns, proffesions, kingdoms, guilds and such all turn around the pvp element. (yes its more dutch then a good english sentence but i hope u know what i mean) no PVP in an medieval MMO means the game is death. I think the devs really did a great job on that. Take away as much as possible options for pvp and your ingame population will eventually go and quit playing. Instanced battles are perhaps the only way to cope with the massive lag great groups of players cause.. it aint that much fun like sacking a castle in LiF:Yo is. Why bother dragging your ass to an empty battlefield whilst u have a castle u can sit in, and whats to conquer? An empty field? the ragged clothing most people bring?
*Tip for the devs if u ever read this: Dont go over protective to new players, the game is all about harsh medieval life. Towns and kingdoms came and went down just as fast as the sun did in those times.. if people cant handle stuff being stolen because u left your crate outside the door or guilds being raided go cry me a river and try candycrush instead. The game is called: 'Life is Feudal' WTF do people expect.

- Cut the crap ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with all the skins and focus on the game itself and listen to the community for once. HELL YES they look so nice, but does it change my oppinion of the game? No. Does it add an extra dimension? Yes, sure does but people dont mind if i run around in my fancy cooking outfit.. o wait.. there are hardly any people left to look at me. *sigh.

- At one point our Kingdom (Bloodpact) was real big, and representing alot of the players. We even had talks with Bobik and other devs about the way the game was going, how they were seeing things. Why dont u people listen to the community, why even bother to ask us then if u wont do anything with it?? We told u over and over what people liked, and u still turned the game into #%%!$# and only listened to ♥♥♥♥♥ players asking for better protection.

This game could have been gold. But sadly you just dont care.. i still watch the updates every friday. And sadly every friday it stays black, no sun rising.. only small bugfixes, perhaps a new skin WHOOHOO.. not.

Seriously, dont buy this game until the devs decide to drasticly go the other way, go back to where LiF:Yo once was. And perhaps.. and thats a little perhaps. The old player base that used to make this game great wil come back sometime.
Додано 23 листопада 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 23 листопада 2018 р..
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