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0.8 hrs on record
I've never played quest for glory but played the demo and really enjoyed it. Found it fun. So bought this game but then got to experience past the demo and hated how restrictive everything felt. The time limit to do things is so severe I hated it and it ruined my feeling of enjoyment. I felt frustrated and annoyed I could barely do anything. I can't recommend this game so I requested and got a refund. As it's not a game I can happily keep playing. Also it seems like trying the demo got rid of achievements, the section on your profile which would usually list achievements and show what they are are gone and I was not getting any in game that was listed on the store page.
Posted 2 October.
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156.7 hrs on record
It's alright. Not as good as the first game though.
I liked the story, sure it's not a shakespearean masterpiece, but it was interesting and enjoyable enough to play through. I also like Aiden as the main character, he is well voiced.

But there is a lot I don't like.

I dislike that you can't repair or craft your own weapons, you have to go find someone and pay money and materials to repair it.
They also got rid of faster loot ability. There's too many downgrades with this game. A new game should have improvements not get rid of things which made the game better.

The atmosphere is not good like the first game.
All the areas look the same. For each type there is only one look and there is no uniqueness, all the rooftops look the same, all the streets, forsaken stores all look the same like they just copy pasted the interiors and only vary slightly by placement of objects.

Night time isn't done well, there are way too many volatiles that it becomes annoying.

Even after all the updates the game is still buggy and broken. Goons the massive zombies with a big arm don't aggro when near millitary convoys and you aren't able to hit them.
I've had virals grab me through closed doors.
I've also seen volatiles frozen out in the open during the day.

Aiden also gets stuck on objects when looting or fighting and when this happens the only way to fix it is to quit game.

All the decent abilities take a long time to get and you start out useless and weak.
There are way too many parkour moves that causes conflicting problems such as you just want to run and jump on a ledge and instead you end up sideways running along the wall.

I found the Bloody Ties DLC boring and I hate arena style games, so never finished it.

I also dislike that a lot of side quests are just parkour challenges which I also find boring.

I'd class it as alright game over all, it's an above average game. It does have a lot of flaws and bugs. The game play is still mostly enjoyable.
Even though there was plenty of things I did not like about the game I still had some fun and enjoyed playing it. 6/10
Posted 30 September.
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30.3 hrs on record
At first I found this game enjoyable and addictive. But it does become too repetitive and boring as it does have quite a few problems and annoyances.

You have to rush crusades and can't relax and take your time as if you take too long your faith goes too low and followers can dissent when you get back and they can also starve.
You can freeze time so time doesn't pass when you're doing a crusade, but also time in your cult doesn't pass so they don't have more wood, stone and devotion collected when you get back.

So you either have to rush or not have any material progress.

I love going on crusades the most, just wish I could do it as along as I want without affecting faith and hunger so drastically.

The dungeon crusades and the cult management feel like 2 seperate games and don't fit well together. It's poorly balanced, frustrating and stressful.
Managing your cult is tedious and it takes forever harvesting crops, it ends up night time and still doesn't finish, so you don't have time to do everything and you can't bless everyone and harvest crops. The days are way too short.

Also you can only name followers when you indoctrinate them and you can't rename them.
And there is no handy follower screen to easily see their stats or if they have been blessed and you can't easily know how many are working on the farms etc.
I've resorted to giving them a number after their name so I can efficiantly bless them in order and not repeat it.

To be able to see their stats you need to have the mind read ability and you have to talk to each one individually to then see the stats and it doesn't always work, I try and mind read a follower and it is showing blank spaces for his stats and I can't see them even though I know he has stats when I indoctrinated him.
It's really fiddly and annoying.

I dislike that turning down follower quests for things you don't want to do is punished with faith loss. You get asked stupid things such as go feed a poop meal to your husband, it feels like kids at school being juvenille and it also feels like Iam their slave and not their leader at times. I should be able to punish them for asking me to do stupid things I don't want to do but instead they don't like it if I refuse and you get faith loss.

Also if you discover a spy you can't do anything with them as if you murder them the followers see it as you killing a loyal member same with if you put them in prison. You should be able to point out a spy and punish them.

The game would occasionally crash.

It needs to be better balanced and have alot of QOL improvements. It does not have long term playability. It's too repetitive as after completing it once you are tasked with repeating it all over again with harder versions of the bosses. 6/10
Posted 23 August.
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61.8 hrs on record
I enjoy a decent zombie game, I have not watched the original Walking dead series but I have watched the prequel series Fear The Walking Dead with the Clark family but only season 1 to 4 and not beyond that and I enjoyed it so it's about time I played this game.

The storytelling is amazing and so emotionally gripping, I don't want to stop playing when I play this game. Fantastic characters and story they really nailed the atmosphere. The writing is so good I ended up emotionally invested in the characters even though I didn't want to be as I know in a zombie apocalypse it is so easy for characters to die and you have to make difficult choices quickly as you have limited time and can't just spend ages thinking and trying to decide.
But the choices you make don't seem to affect the plot or change much, it only seems to change the characters you are with or how they respond to you.

There are some graphical glitches. It doesn't happen all the time but occasionally when you go to put a knife through a walker the walker goes invisible.

All of it was amazing except 400 days which was really short, nothing special, just helps see where Carvers group came from even though majority of the characters are only seen briefly and don't add anything meaningful and aren't important to the story. Disappointing that it shows all these new characters but doesn't do anything with them as only one character out of all of those, the least interesting who I can't stand and don't like at all is the only one that joins you in season 2.

Michonne is also short, boring to start but gets good. Though the hallucinations are annoying and too frequent.

Because of choices not affecting much I'd rate this game 8/10. It would be a 9 if your choices really did matter and affect the story.

I absolutely loved playing through this game. Overall this is a brilliant game. Top tier narrative. It affected me a lot emotionally.
Posted 16 August.
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67.2 hrs on record
This is a well made and well thought out game it has really good attention to detail and It is very immersive.
At first it can be challenging until you get the hang of things and learn what to do.
But even then it is easy to stuff up and die if you make mistakes.

It is a lot like The Forest, I guess all survival games seem quite simular.
GH has a much better story and is more focused on survival. The Forest was much more creepy and scary as it has a horror element.

I played and completed story mode and only ever had 1 native come and attack me. In nearly 20 hours I never saw another one.
I liked the story.
You can survive without ever building a base.

I did build a base when I played Spirits of Amazonia and it takes a long time building even a small base by yourself. I dislike how that you have to have frames everywhere to put up walls and you end up with poles of the frames everywhere even in the middle sections where you don't want walls, it looks quite ugly and intrusive. So not completely happy with how building looks. Even with real mud brick houses you don't have poles everywhere you walk.

I found Spirits of Amazonia quite boring and annoying. Repetitive tasks to complete and annoying kids to carry back to the village that don't stop crying, disliked playing it so never bothered trying to complete it.

This game is enjoyable to play for a while. But end up with not much to do but build, hunt, eat if you aren't playing story. It's not exciting to explore as it's just green jungle and it's very hard to see anything through all the trees.
You get much more natives appearing in spirits of amazonia but they aren't any real threat, they seem stupid and are easy to kill. I class this game as alright overall as the gameplay loop is rather dull and uneventful and ends up feeling like a drag. I still recommend as I did get some enjoyment out of the game.
Posted 2 August.
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8.1 hrs on record
This game does have a lot of flaws. I haven't played the original AC3, but have watched a video on the differences.
They have made the environment look better and more detailed but somehow made the character faces look worse. They look plastic and have bulging eyes at times.

At the start it takes a long time to get through the game intro which is not done well, it is too slow paced.
If you are running around and get too close to a building you automatically parkour up it which is really annoying.
In the remaster is says improved gameplay, but I am finding the game play terrible.
You can't crouch and can only auto crouch when you go into bushes.
Horses are a hindrance and constantly get stuck on things.

Despite all the negative reviews I decided to play this game as connor seemed like a very interesting character. The story is interesting but let down by terrible gameplay.
However when I am playing it I just feel like I would rather play something else, I am not finding it fun or enjoyable.
Overall this game is trash and not worth playing.
Posted 19 July.
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24.0 hrs on record
At first I found this game charming, easy to play and enjoyable. I find it very relaxing, chill and mostly stress free.
You can build, befriend, decorate level up all the usual stuff such as mining, gathering, fishing etc. Best of all there is no pressure or deadlines.

I like how there is no inventory management.

Hate how there are enemies that you just have to avoid as you are not able to defend yourself or fight and if they hit you, you faint and leave the area and can't go back until the next day. The dark trees are easy to avoid but there are also Whompers who don't have a set movement path, their movement is very erratic and random, so you are likely to get hit by them. If we can't fight the least it should have is like something to scare them away or repel them from coming near you

This is yet another charming, fun for a bit. But ultimately shallow and not much too it.
It feels fun for the first 10 hours. Then I am just sick of it. As it is way too basic and bare bones. It's too dull, boring and repetitive. It felt like my brain was going to dissolve into a puddle of goo how mind numbingly boring this game ends up feeling.

I found it delightful and enjoyable for a while. I do feel like I don't care if I never played this game. There isn't much of a story and the characters are nothing much either. There's nothing memorable about this game. It ends up being all grind and not much substance.
So I can't recommend. This game is only for those who want a dull repetitive game loop to pass the time.
Posted 16 July.
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468.1 hrs on record (466.9 hrs at review time)
It's a fun game if you like sandbox games and exploring.
I do find things annoying about this game, it is not beginner friendly or intuitive.
I have played Starbound before and that's a simular game so it was easy enough for me to grasp.

I hate how it does not display recipes and you have to either look it up or show the ingredient to the guide to see what you can make.

I found the game hard to play without looking up guides and walkthroughs. I shouldn't have to do that as there is not enough guidance and also watched videos for bosses and preparing for hardmode. And by Hardmode you should choose which class you want to play as it takes time farming for the items for specific drops.

It is really commendable that this game is reguarly updated, so many devleopers leave games unfinished that could do with more content.

I like building and making unique houses for each NPC that I feel fits them.

Events end up too repetitive and boring. After the first time, they should only happen if you want them to happen by using an item. I got so sick of the Goblin Army and they don't go away unless you take the time to fight them. They are easy to kill just would rather not have to fight them when I don't want to.

The Old One Army is better as you can do it when you want to and not have it continually forced upon you. All events should be when you want to do it.

Also Eye Bone pet for putting items is terrible as most of the time when you go to click on it, it moves away from you or jumps around non stop, making it hard to use.

It is fun and enjoyable to play for a while.
I don't give it as high a score as it goes from relaxed exploring which I love to too much grinding which I hate.
Overall though it is still a good game to play.

I'd rate it 7/10.
Posted 8 July.
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8.8 hrs on record
I am not liking this game at all. Not finding it enjoyable to play.
I don't like the controls the camera angle makes it so hard to see. And I am just finding the game rather boring.

Majority of the loot is terrible just junk you sell for $1 each and everything costs so much to buy.
I didn't have enough money to continue the main quest and had to do other things.

AI companions are useless. They just stand there in full view, blasting away, they don't dodge or try to avoid getting shot. It's an absolute pain trying to protect them, they are more a hindrance than a help.

You don't earn XP or level up in the usual way you have to find relics and golden cards for abilities and perks and better gear. That isn't a fun way to play for me.

It's not a game I want to keep playing as it doesn't feel rewarding or fun or exciting, just boring and repetitive. Every area looks the same, everything is rehashed. Can't recommend this game, it's just not enjoyable to play.
Posted 11 April.
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146.3 hrs on record
I liked playing this game. I enjoy trying to improve my farm and the village.
However the game does suffer from a few problems. The game feels a bit dull at first.
And doesn't feel better until villagers start giving you quests and tasks to build and complete.

The biggest problem is the crafting and building is so slow and tedious. Processing food is so boring and slow, I didn't bother anymore after getting the achievements. And if villagers like a certain food as a gift I don't bother making it I just buy it.
Selling also is so clunky and annoying have to place each item individually to sell it, it's so fiddly and slow.
Also it is quite limited as when tasked with building a museum I wanted it to be all white and there are no white roof tiles and marble for marble block can only be found at the occasional event island, so you can't get it all the time only a few days a season.
I also had no option for stairs but the brown ranch stairs, so decided to just leave it until I get better options.
Nothing in this game is done well and is just serviceable.

I prefer just trying to make as much money as possible and just buying everything instead of crafting it when possible.

Also storing items is terrible, you have to have storage bookcases to put items on, no chests to put away items. It looks ugly having all these shelves around with items on it. I built an extension room on the farm for just putting storage bookcases in to keep the ugliness out of view.
Can't store clothes in a wardrobe or chest of drawers, have to put them on a bookshelf.
And I don't bother buying clothes as it takes up way too much space trying to store them and just wear the same outfit or 2.
Fridge can't store food, also have to store on bookshelf.

I built the patisserie then went to Emilia and she did not even acknowledge I built it or thank me at all and instead immediately asks to expand it and then when I finished adding the items for tier 2 she then mentions needing an apprentice and I have to bake a cheesecake to prove myself. She is never in the patisserie and just randomly wanders around the village anyway.

Some quests can get bugged and not list as complete and the NPC doesn't acknowledge it as completed or give you any reward. Happened when I completed the patisserie.

The way they have done cats eyes is terrible.
The pet cat has freaky looking eyes, it has black and red checker pattern and a green rim around it. It looks more like a bug's eyes than how a cats should look.
In my first game I got a grey tabby with the freaky eyes. My second game I got a white cat with the same looking freaky eyes. They totally ruined how the cat looks.
It's random what pet cat you get but most have freaky eyes. I renamed my cat Phantom and just pretend he's some weird spirit cat.

The day goes by way too fast, it feels like I barely have time to do anything.
It would be good if we could choose how long the day was but I know that is not going to happen.
I hate that you are only allowed to sleep at night and if you don't sleep you get a money penalty.

I got sick of the game by year 2, just the same repetition and it feels so dull.
I only kept playing as I wanted to get all the achievements.

I recommend this game as I got some enjoyment out of it and got addicted to perfecting the buildings and making my farm look good. I'd only rate it 6/10 as it has too many things wrong with it and a lot that could and should be improved.
As in there is a festival for every season except Summer, that should of been added and there is an airship landing area which seems like it is an unfinished area and isn't used for anything.
But unfortunately it seems like the devs have given up on it and aren't going to update it anymore. I'd sum this game up in 3 words: cozy but dull.
Posted 9 April.
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