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Neue Rezensionen von matiki

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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
0.9 Std. insgesamt
I don't recommend this game now as the multiplayer is worse than in the original game with Game Ranger. The game lobby is very bugged. Most often you cannot see yourself and mark that you're ready to play. This itself is enough for me to justify the negative review. There wasn't a lot done feature wise for this release so if they cannot get the bare basics of the multiplayer working then I think it shows just how much they care about this project. Just to prove how bad it is, it took us 20 minutes of recreating lobbies and rejoining games to get the first game to start.

The second problem are the clear expectations that were not met. From the moment that this project was announced people were very vocal about the skirmish/bots in multiplayer feature. The developers were clear about not intending to add that but then what is the point of spending any time on the remaster if the improvements are just going to be cosmetic and clearly ignore the demand. IMO the price point does not justify the feature set and whenever I want to feel the nostalgia I can get it from the original game. As for playing with friends we mainly do it in Crusader and better bots from UCP so this edition does not tick any of those boxes.

I bought this game just because I want to encourage Firefly to properly remaster Stronghold Crusader and I know that it won't happen if this project is not at least moderately well received. However, after seeing how little attention and resources were put into this project (judging by the state of the game at release) I feel like there is no hope. Perhaps the studio is no longer capable of releasing something decent that will also address the key issues and needs of the player base.
Verfasst am 10. November 2023.
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Ein Entwickler hat am 13. Nov. 2023 um 1:33 geantwortet (Antwort anzeigen)
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1.8 Std. insgesamt
English: This game is very poorly made. Clicks are often not registered which is very frustrating. AI is dumb as it purposely chooses to attack neutral terrains instead of ones that are taken. It leaves vast areas without forts. The game is purely random, there is no strategy to it. After level 20 I got tired with this game and could win on any map without much effort. Good they didn't charge money for it.

Polski: Gra jest bardzo słabo zaprojektowana. Często nie wyłapuje kliknięć co niesamowicie frustruje. SI świadomie wybiera atak na neutralne tereny zamiast zajmować tereny oponentów co jest czystą głupotą. Często zostawie spore obszary bez ochrony w postaci fortów. Gra jest bardzo losowa i brak w niej jakiegokolwiek elementu strategicznego. Mniej więcej po 20 poziomie gra mi się znudziła, szczególnie że byłem w stanie ukończyć kolejne poziomy bez większego wysiłku. Tyle dobrego że gra jest darmowa.
Verfasst am 23. April 2016.
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Ergebnisse 1–2 von 2