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3 dari 20 (15%) pencapaian didapatkan:
Pencapaian Pribadi


Survive the shipwreck
Didapatkan pada 21 Nov @ 3:55pm

It worked!

Unlock 20 recipes
Didapatkan pada 21 Nov @ 3:58pm

Sharp eye, strong hand

Craft a Spear
Didapatkan pada 21 Nov @ 3:59pm

Newcoming Robinson

Spend 2 hours in game
0 / 2

It ain’t that bad here!

Spend 10 hours in game
0 / 10


Faint for the first time
0 / 1

Rising and falling

Faint 10 times
0 / 10


Unlock 50 recipes
29 / 50

Time to clay

Find a Сlay Piece

Gifts of the volcano

Find an Obsidian Shard

Able diver

Find a Sea Resource

Catching the Big Fish

Catch a fish

No smoke without fire

Build a Kiln

Reinventing the wheel

Build a Cart for transporting

Let there be rain!

Build a Water Collector

Master of Alchemy

Build a Chemistry Workbench

Time to shoot

Craft a bow

Can pigs fly?

Kill a Boar

Achilles and the Tortoise

Kill a Turtoise

The jackal in the hide

Kill a Jackal