Retired Zed control mercenary - Former member of Rapture's Best and Brightest - Anti-corporate shadowrunner of the Sixth World - Stunlocking sorcerer during the Age of Wonders - Malkavian child of the night
Quotes Showcase
The forces that shaped you — and me, and anyone else you care to mention — were ultimately mindless ones. Blind, manipulative biological drives that led a sperm and an egg to collide. Add in a roll of the dice and a dash of Mendelian genetics and here you are.
- Racter, Shadowrun: Hong Kong

In the realm that was my home, I had devoted my life to the study of the arcane. No pursuit was too perilous, no sacrifice too great, until... well. Under the many heavens and in the many worlds, there are darker things than men may dream of.
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
"Hear me exalted spirits, Hear me. Be you Gods or Devils, ye who hold dominion here. I am a wizard without a home, I am a wanderer seeking refuge."
- Eldred, Sacrifice

I am many things, I have been many things.
Warm and green, cold and gray.
Devastated and dying.
Now I am alive again, but I fear my new children imitate the old ones. Some claim the mountains or the forests, or build fortresses on the plains. They begin to mistrust, and prepare for war.
Still, I love them as as only a mother can.
And now I fear for them.
I feel the winds of change begin to blow.
And this time it may be an all-out storm.
I pray that my children will weather this tempest.
For nothing is immortal, and one day... they may have to survive without me.
- Auriga, Endless Legend

This is it!
Now is the time to choose!
Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
- Auron, Final Fantasy X

We all make choices. But in the end, our choices make us.
-Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory
A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream
I want to line the pieces up
Yours... and mine.
- Sora, Kingdom Hearts 2

- Krieg, Borderlands 2

From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind clings to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you.
But I am already saved. For the Machine is Immortal.
- Magos Dominus Faustinius, Mechanicus

Nobody expects the Malkavian Inquisition!
- The Malkavian, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
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