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Análises recentes de ElitestNoobs

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5.7 horas registradas
I could say a lot, but it really just boils down to: It's a 40 dollar ad for DBD. If you're really into 4 hours of teen drama, 2 puzzles a baby could solve, and you find slimer from ghost busters scary, then yeah, this is your game.
Publicada em 6 de setembro.
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6.8 horas registradas
You know what, this game has some nice jump scares, very spooky, 8/10 on the jump scare. Everything else, kinda dog water. The story is a mess and not the most interesting. The game play mechanics are shaky at best. Bugs.... the game has them. Auto saves that dissolve all tension, it's got that too. Imagine running around a table for 10 straight minutes, and the game calls this, "scary". I mean, it's fiiiiiine, but, I wouldn't buy it again.
Publicada em 24 de setembro de 2023. Última edição em 24 de setembro de 2023.
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For five dollars this game is a steal. The AI on the enemy monster is insanely well done. Every time you make a noise be prepared to feel the tension sky rocket as you scramble to hide. The environment is great, moody, and the perfect amount of dark. Lots of laughs and fun when played with a friend. Still blown away at how good this game was, hugely recommend.
Publicada em 10 de março de 2023.
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1.1 horas registradas
As point and click adventures go, this game is underwhelming. It falls into many of the tired tropes this genre revisits time and again (including frustrating *Must do things in this exact order even if it makes no sense* "gameplay")

The voice talents are wasted with repetitive and uninventive dialogue (get ready to hear Defoe say the same 3 lines over and over and over) Not to mention a story that presents itself as mysterious and grand but honestly feels anything but. I've played much more thought out and interesting point and clicks for a fraction of the price.

A smaller gripe: sometimes the animations were glitchy (oddly bent wrist, coffee cups snapping into place, weird walking animations)

For the amount of hype and the price of this point and click, I was honestly expecting more. I felt nothing but growing disappointment as I progressed in the game.

Publicada em 20 de agosto de 2021.
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36.3 horas registradas (17.5 horas no momento da análise)
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It's exactly what you think, but man, does it scratch an itch you didn't know you had. Watch the dirt wash away as your stress washes away with it. Fun, relaxing, and oddly rewarding.
Publicada em 5 de agosto de 2021.
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231.9 horas registradas (65.2 horas no momento da análise)
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65 hours played in a game that isn't even finished yet should tell you two things, one, this game is greatly entertaining, and two, it's a great value.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you everything is perfect. Some of the builds (like a fire deck) are far more robust, thought out, and powerful than their counterparts. However, the game isn't finished and I hope this is something that gets addressed.

Co-op is very fun and works well, with an entertaining "gamble" system for when you disagree on what path to take or decision to make. And speaking of paths, there's a lot of them with many secrets and encounters to discover.

Overall, a very entertaining game with lots to discover. Fun to play by yourself or with your friends.
Publicada em 23 de julho de 2021.
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2.7 horas registradas
Having just finished playing, and loving, this team's first game, "Primordia", I was eager to pick this up. Does this game live up to Primordia?

Story: Absolutely Not. The story is as transparent as glass. You know exactly where you are and what the ending is going to be at about minute 2, making a lot of this game feel a bit like a slog. You keep hoping they're going to throw in a twist or expand upon this already done to death idea, but, nope.

Puzzles: Puzzles were about on par with their first game. A couple of more difficult ones that you need to pay close attention to get, and a lot of fun not to hard, not to easy, ones to fill out the game.

Art: Although I didn't enjoy the setting as much this time around, the art was well done and interesting to look at.

Length: I finished this in about half the time I spent in Primordia, yet paid an extra 5 bucks to play it.

Overall, it's a fine point and click adventure with decent puzzles. I would recommend playing this one first, then going and playing the superior Primordia. Otherwise, this one feels pretty bleh by comparison.
Publicada em 16 de junho de 2021.
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Um desenvolvedor respondeu em 16/jun./2021 às 14:47 (ver resposta)
2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3.7 horas registradas
I've only played multiplayer with a buddy so far, but we've had a blast.

1. A solid amount of difficulty that leaves you feeling like a badass after completing a mission.
2. Fun classes with unique abilities.
3. The guns feel amazing to shoot.
4. Scratches that "I want to stomp around a suit of armor and smash some baddies" itch
Publicada em 23 de abril de 2020.
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0.7 horas registradas
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Before you read, full disclosure, only played for an hour before asking for a refund.

Game feels like a PubG/DayZ clone. It could have potential, but is yet another example of unfinished games hitting the market and asking for our money.

Everything about this games feels Alpha.
1.Objects (players guns for example) and players (arms, legs) clip through doors and walls.
2. Gun play feels wonky and guns have no weight to them, not particularly fun to shoot.
3. Map is huge with a lot of empty gaps. Feels like a walking simulator at times.
4. If you want to play with a friend, be prepared to hold down that w key for 10 mins, find them, die, and repeat.

There are better, more polished games that serve the same function as this. Keep your eye on it, I will, and maybe once it's had some more work it will be worth paying for.
Publicada em 23 de abril de 2020.
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