[IrÆ] MarcoAurelio
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Lord White 26 Aug, 2013 @ 5:10am 
WEI MI MANDA senatus popolus liberum vorrei farti una proposta ,ti va di menttere il tag |-USAE-| e di entrare nel mio gruppo (avrai un posto al governo) fammi sapere scrivimi in chat. :)
Pier 15 Aug, 2010 @ 4:52pm 
As from Monday 30th August The NGE-Group open a NGE-Tournament (that is NGE-contest,) off course only NGE-members are admitted:- The password of each battle will be told from Host directly towards the NGE-players.
Necessarly the HOST must be the REFEREE consequently, like Host, him must invite to every battle everybody others NGE-members. In the preliminary screen the selected balanced map is the grassy plain, the max number of players 6 and the max number of spectactors 2.