Andrew.   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Be careful when playing as heavy or you might get rick roll'd resulting in pie in face making you snatch some peoples for pizza that will eat you and make you fall into a pit of dinosaurs that like rainbows that shine spys... 10 points of you understand this....
Day9 13 feb 2010, ore 6:05 
Dead. 7 feb 2010, ore 11:28 
Hai u, i herd u liek mudkipz?!
Dead. 7 feb 2010, ore 11:27 
o so u did nao?
Molokit 4 feb 2010, ore 15:22 
Lol same here :) As I am not one :D
Dead. 2 feb 2010, ore 14:52 
Shut up you :P *fixed for me :D*