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投稿日: 2011年2月18日 20時38分

To me, each of the missions on this game are like blank canvases ready to be mediums on which a true artist conveys his art, in this case its the art of death, making this the only game where you can tell someone to "express his creativity" or "make it work" and not sound like you just got back from being in the last "Project Runway". From poisoning a cup of coffee to "rigging" a birthday cake with an RU - Anti Personal Mine it´s up to you how it all unfolds. The game even lets you go postal and start a slugfest, the important thing is that the game wont punish you for being creative or twisted and in the end despite of the objectives being always almost identical it never gets boring and will always leave you with a big evil ear to ear grin of complete satisfaction on your face. People usually make fun of me on how I tend to abuse the word "awesome" by the amount of times I use it, even so, believe me when I tell you in all modesty that there is only one word I can describe this game
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6 件のコメント
Black Seven 2017年3月24日 1時10分 
Thanks man! :B1:
Zashish 2017年3月24日 0時28分 
Well said
Black Seven 2017年1月20日 15時07分 
Thanks man! :emofdr:
The Last Sith 2017年1月20日 15時04分 
Nice review
Black Seven 2015年10月22日 0時56分 
Thank you so much for the Comment! I just noticed that the review is missing "and that word is awesome" at the end. I tried to edit it but I see it is a character limitation. I guess I'll just leave it like this! Thank you again! Cheers! :D::B1:
D.o.G. 2015年10月20日 16時04分 
Just noticed your background. Cool.