Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Im a guy... yeah bout sums it up. i live in tas so there really isnt much to do so im on steam alot (steam ftw)

I like shooters and some strategies pretty much anything where i can chill n have fun with friends.

Likes: Loveeeee Anime, Shooters, Friends XP, Manga!

Dislikes: Hacking ♥♥♥♥♥♥, Homework or any school work that requires effort, Judgemental people.

Fav music is:Gorillaz n cat empire.

Yay for randoms!!!
Sovereign 15.6.2012 klo 1.42 
Seriously.... where that ♥♥♥♥ are you?
Xeon 12.6.2011 klo 21.59 
Ok, i officially have a computer and the internet so i don't have anymore excuses to be offline for stupidly long amounts of time.
Xeon 13.3.2011 klo 21.42 
um... sorry i havnt been on in like forever but i don't have the internet, fixing the problem atm but it could be a month or so. seeya guys then?????
GiantJackMac 30.6.2010 klo 22.24 
looks like you havent been on in quite a while ivan :P ill be having the realinternetz soon (not stupid wireless) so you should come on... cause i miss you -.-
SOLDIER 1st Class Sergey 26.3.2010 klo 9.25 
you are losing friends but i will never give up on you :D
SOLDIER 1st Class Sergey 20.3.2010 klo 5.32 
kitty told me you moved over seas D: plz get a pc and get on man