Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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5 din 27 (19%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Matryoshka doll

Find a Matryoshka doll.
Obținută la 8 nov. 2024 la 15:28

First reaction

Try to leave via the front door.
Obținută la 6 nov. 2024 la 9:45

Novice electrician

Replace a light bulb.
Obținută la 16 febr. la 10:10

George's memento

Find one of George's audio cassette.
Obținută la 16 febr. la 11:09


Find the smiley face sticker.
Obținută la 16 febr. la 11:07

Matryoshka dolls master

Find all Matryoshka dolls.

Chapter: Lucy

Complete Lucy's chapter.

George's memento master

Find all George's audio cassettes.

The Neighbors

Find one of The Neighbors' page.

The Neighbors master

Find all The Neighbors' pages.

Chapter: Dolores

Complete Dolores' chapter.


Complete the void ending.

Family reunion

Complete the family reunion ending.

Dwayne's memento

Find one VHS tape.

Dwayne's memento master

Find all VHS tape.

Hot chocolate

Drink the hot chocolate.

10 on the 10th

Find all the pages from the appreciation book.

Mirror mask

Find one piece of the mirror mask.

Mirror mask master

Find all pieces of the mirror mask.

Psychological evaluation

Find Rakan's psychological evaluation tape.

Easy way out

Use the revolver.

Gotcha, you little...

You warped Bernard the Alien back to planet Ceiphe.

Special gift

Find Johnny's gift.

Chapter: Rakan

Complete Rakan's chapter.

3 realizări ascunse rămase

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