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지난 2주간 48.7시간 / 기록상 9,988.2시간 (평가 당시 3,486.7시간)
게시 일시: 2017년 6월 14일 오전 6시 00분

I have lost ARMA3 APEX off my play list of games installed yet it shows in my library anyone know how to get it loaded back onto the play list ??

이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
댓글 1
K-9 [redneck] 2023년 8월 11일 오전 11시 20분 
The DLC Spearhead does not live up to the trailer. Let me put it this way the trailer leads you to believe it does at lot of things it just don't do. At $18 it's over priced. Whats there plays well it's like a cross between ARMA 2 and ARMA 3. It's kind of a stand alone don't play well with others. Turn off your mods.!! Don't buy it now wait and see what it becomes.