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Recenzii recente de Legion

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So this is an incredible time-killer. Amazingly involving and moddable if there's anything you don't like. Primarily the game revolves around the gathering of just a few primary resources, processing them and turning them into baisic components, which can then be combined to make more complex components, which can then also be combined into even more complex components....you get the idea. There are also hostiles on the planet to deal with who REALLY aren't keen on you tearing down and poisoning their environment, so you need to construct defences and maintain them, power your factory and stay alive.

Ultimately your goal is to be able to construct the (incredibly complicated) rocket and a satelite to put in it, then launch the thing (you have to produce the fuel to feed it as well of course) For me though though the joy lies in the solving of logistical problems; moving what you need to where you need it. Eventually you'll progress to needing train networks to move the immense volume of raw resources from source to your processing/factory area(s) Try the demo, its an older version of the game but the baisic ideas are all in there and it should be enough to figure out if this is your idea of a good time! :) I put several hundred hours into this before it even got as far as steam, so i can absolutely recommend it!
Postat 25 noiembrie 2016.
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I really enjoyed this. It's short (approx 3hrs unless you get SUPER stuck) but with excellent story and characterization. I left wanting more rather than feeling like there wasn't enough there, if you see what i mean :)

Some of the puzzle elements are a little unintuitive, making more sense only once you've solved them, but overall a solid experience.

I've always loved explorations of A.I and robotic reasoning (Read some Asimov, seriously) this raised some interesting ideas and questions.
I thoroughly look forward to experiencing the next stage of A.R.I.D's journey!
Postat 23 iunie 2015.
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15.3 ore înregistrate (7.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Loving this! An inspired re-imagining of the old "snake" format of games; leading a line of heroes to destroy wandering enemies without running into them (or the walls) you unlock new heroes by finishing stages, and the heroes themselves can be levelled to improve survivability and damage output (upgrades are a fixed path per character and persist from run to run)

In game currency allows for upgrades and skipping levels or adding more heroes before a stage starts, as well as a few buffs that will last for the entire run (however short that may be)

Picked this up on sale for the utterly insane price of 39p HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! ^_^
Postat 31 octombrie 2014.
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11.2 ore înregistrate (10.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Fairly silly but enjoyable upgrade-em-up that relies a little too heavily on luck to clear many of the stages. A fun little distraction for a few hours though and a steal at the £1.50 or so i got it for. :)
Postat 30 septembrie 2014.
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Very odd and well-presented physics/environmental challenge based puzzle game. Quirky in the extreme and not without some truly bizzarre moments that may well put some players off.

Bought it on the cheap during a silly sale and played it through once. I'm glad i did, but i don't really see a good reason to go back to it.

One to grab when it's silly-cheap for a breath of fresh air i'd say.

Recommended none-the-less :)
Postat 17 iunie 2014.
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63.5 ore înregistrate (51.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Love this; survival in a very real sense - word to the wise, YOU WILL DIE. Don't let it put you off, it's part of the learning process. You should find the game far more entertaining if you don't resort to the wiki for everything and just try to see how you can do each time. Several characters to unlock with very different strengths and weaknesses (and in some cases very unusual abilities)

Randomly generated worlds each time means you have to scout fast and set up shop somewhere with plenty of local resources, you can starve, you can freeze to death, you can poison yourself, you can get attacked by angry wildlife, you can burn to death, get trampled, or eaten. Enjoy :D

Highly recommended!
Postat 27 aprilie 2014.
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26.6 ore înregistrate (16.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Really digging this, it's a top-down squad level RTS - pretty much what i was actually looking for when i picked up Survivor Squad. Lots of gribblies to shoot, lots of fast-paced on-the-fly squad tinkering (you can swap out weapon loadouts instantly as you are playing between squad members) It seems silly in terms of realism, but given the pace of the game (particularly once you get to later levels or try some of the more advanced skirmish maps, which you can make as hard or easy as you want) you'll understand why. You roam the map taking down alien hives, every few you kill the enemy gets a random mutation to make things more difficult, some are awkward, some are devestating, some are pointless without other mutations, but it keeps things fresh figuring out the tech buildings you need to use or the equiptment you need to take in order to counter the new mutation.

Highly recommended, i'd dearly love to see a sequel to this, preferably with an even larger and more varied tech tree to unlock with my hard earned cash - it seems a bit too easy at the moment to just grind mid-level repeatable "search and destroy" missions to unlock everything pretty fast.

Absolutely worth your time, highly recommended!
Postat 4 martie 2014.
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71.5 ore înregistrate (31.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
An overall enjoyable Tower defence game, with an interesting card-collecting mechanic used to acquire and improve the towers you have available - suffers a little from becoming a grind-a-thon in the latter stages; as the loot drops for cards can end up not going your way, leaving you without the vital link in your defences you need to complete a specific mission. Thankfully the game lets you replay them and run side missions (re-cycling the maps but varying areas you are allowed to build) as often as you want/need to, and at varying levels of difficulty with the rewards scaling accordingly.

Definitely worth taking a look at, especially next silly sale - there's a lot of good TD fun here for the asking price :)
Postat 10 ianuarie 2014.
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8.8 ore înregistrate
A very fun bit of 80's action movie ridiculousness that manages not to outstay it's welcome. Highly recommended when its around the £5 mark, as i feel that's about where you are getting your money's worth. Oh, and if you have something against glaring neon lighting...avoid :D

Nice bit of cheesey nostalgia that makes no apologies and doesn't need to!
Postat 27 decembrie 2013.
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66.0 ore înregistrate (29.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
A solid sequel for those who want more of the same, don't go into this expecting any real innovation or development of the mechanics because there isn't any.
It has the exact same problems as the original game - odd and "gamey" mechanics that make zero real-world sense, the occasional bad pathing and graphical glitches, too many things become able to one shot you at later and higher levels and so on.
Having said all that, it's still a great big zombie stompin mess o' fun though, and i LOVE the fact that you can import your character from the first game to continue making them a bad-ass :D Grabbed this for £5 in a sale and played it for 28 hours in my first playthrough - looking for and completeing as many side-quests as i could.

The addition of the fifth member feels like an odd choice, given that i feel the real draw is in continuing the adventure with the characters we spent a good 20+ hours with in the first game, but maybe that's just me...

Well worth a look, doubly so if you enjoyed the first and want another dose of Dead Island in areas you haven't learned by heart (yet)


- Legion
Postat 10 decembrie 2013.
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