Brian   Kansas, United States
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Toxicide 10 Okt 2010 @ 9:46am 
hay bright thanx for the message at the moment im with a clan called Midnight Squadron im the XO for our new Black Ops Divsion we have our First server pre orderd. i know i havent seen ouy for a age, i blame APB.
any how, ive lost you Vent details. but (M.S) has T.S 3 My tag is Ravenscroft i live there detaails on the web site portal

hope to see you snd the rest off the guys soon.
P.S all off you are welcome to join our devsion it means you spot on the sever is reserved
Toxicide 3 Jun 2010 @ 11:16am 
i Finally rembered that pic with the frog. Hypno Toad!!! :-P