Dieg♂ Umejuarez
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
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Youmu The Softest 16 apr, 2009 @ 17:40 
1   /bɔs, bɒs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [baws, bos]
1. a person who employs or superintends workers; manager.
2. a politician who controls the party organization, as in a particular district.
3. a person who makes decisions, exercises authority, dominates, etc.: My grandfather was the boss in his family.
–verb (used with object)
4. to be master of or over; manage; direct; control.
5. to order about, esp. in an arrogant manner.
–verb (used without object)
6. to be boss.
7. to be too domineering and authoritative.
8. chief; master.
9. Slang. first-rate.
1640–50, Americanism; < D baas master, foreman

1. supervisor, head, foreman, chief, superintendent, administrator, overseer.