16 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
0.0 hodin za poslední dva týdny / 6.4 hodin celkem
Odeslána: 3. úno. 2018 v 14.24

For all of its good points, the game relies way too much on random number generators. It's simply not fun to re-play missions over and over again with literal rolls of the dice deciding on whether or not you get to actually continue playing.
Byla tato recenze užitečná? Ano Ne Vtipná Ocenit
Reakce vývojáře:
Lee  [vývojář] Odeslána: 18. dub. 2018 v 0.06
Hi Xarian! Sorry to hear you ran afoul of RNG. If you're struggling to win a particular minigame, we have a number of artefacts and blessings in place that can improve your odds of success. Let me know if there's anything else we can do to address your concerns.