Austin, Texas, United States
Gaming, used to be the taboo subject discussed among your closest friends in the seedy corner of the cafe. You would discuss your alternate egos like they were bordello lovers in a forbidden oasis. Now the lover has turn pro. The gaming industry no longer cares as much about quality, as it does about quantity. The green bills have begun to rain down as the forbidden has started to become the common. No longer do we cower in the corner whispering of deamons and ogres, of murder and mayhem, of fast cars and fast women. Instead, we speak it openly, without fear, because the industry has clensed our games of the seedy natures it once held. Beware the mass, beware the anticeptic nature that we will behold in the name of consumer consumption. And beware the troll who rants in the dark as he sheds a tear for the world.
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Expositor de logros
lfseeney 25 DIC 2012 a las 17:53 
Thanks, have a great end of the year.
lfseeney 16 DIC 2010 a las 15:14 
Hope your having fun~!
Did you get the Battle Dex game I sent from Impulse