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Zamieszczono 18 sierpnia 2019 o 15:25

It's a hard game that punishes you for slight mistakes and will constantly try to break you at any given time. That being said, you need firecrackers and the folding umbrella that rotates (as well as living force), and you are guaranteed set for the entire game. You will never need any other tool, or ninja art or buff. Umbrella and firecrackers. EZPZ. I feel I must also offer some slight advice too, death isn't the end, per se. You can come back, up to ~3 times (requiring you to fill up your "death" meter from shinobi executions) but straight dying will make the game actively punish you and if you're dumb or a speedrunner it may actually lock you out of some NPC paths since you lack the items to cure dragon rot. Talk to Emma, get the healing charm and dragon tears, you should be fine.

Also think of combat with bosses as a rhythm game. The rhythm for humanoid enemies (excluding animal bosses) should be for you as follows; hit hit PING parry hit hit PING parry repeat. Firecrackers to disrupt an enemy combo chain/big hit and use the time to heal. Umbrella to nullify most attacks and living force has natural 'POISE'. You still tank the hit, for a good amount of health, but you deal the damage you received back to your attacker (often times with your own projectile).

Hesitation is defeat.
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