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Publicada: 28 fev. 2015 às 10:02

I've finally figured out RE4's game pattern. Limited ammo, and an overwhelming number of enemies placed in such a way that you need to spend your limited ammo in the most effective way possible. The game isn't so much as scary as Dead Space is. Leon has legs of steel and can behead stunned enemies, suplex enemies, etc. On top of the over-the-top action and lack of enough ammo that would make this game an action game, Leon has to escort someone most of the time. So, the game also becomes a bit of time-management, as you gotta kill the enemies fast enough so they don't find and take Ashley, as well you gotta try and plan your movements so you don't have to spend a long time just to make sure she's safe. Also, no more cramped areas, night, zombies, or demolished cities. Now it's in the day time, in "not Spain", in the countryside, facing off against mind-controlled farmers, and a little person who has a form of super worm that he found as a fossil.

So, the original mystery that Umbrella had in making their viruses and experiments is now gone as a new virus worm can be found anywhere.

Look, I won't deny that I like this game, but when you look at what people praise it for, the whole thing really shouldn't work. It should have fell apart as soon as you met Ashley. Even then, the fact that a benevolent infected person is willing to give you ammo to slaughter all the people that I assume he knows is equally puzzeling. When you look at the mysterious stranger's eyes, he is infected. So, that should mean he's trying to kill us. But, he's not. Why? I understand that without him, we would have to find guns and upgrades ourselves, natural progression, etc etc. But, he shouldn't even be a character in this game if he's infected. At least Leon and Ashley have a reason, they have a few days before they become mind-controlled, but this mysterious stranger should be trying to dig into our brains with a hatchet.

Also, Hunnigan. She is, for the most part, in constant contact with Leon throughout the entire game on his "not CODEC". But, if the president's daughter was kidnapped in what can only be guessed as an act of terrorism and bio-terrorism, is sending one rookie (Leon) on a rescue mission by himself a good idea? For all we know, Leon could have survived Raccoon City by luck, and as soon as he trespassed in the man's house (first 15 minutes), he'd have a hatchet right in his head. I understand that sending in an entire battallion of troops is an invasion, but what, can't spare 5-10 more CIA agents to rescue and stop a huge act of potential bio-terrorism?

Okay, look, before this gets nit-picky, I do like the game. For the fact that the story can be unraveled easily is the game's biggest flaw. But, the action and atmosphere of hopelesssness is what this game gets right. Also, the traditional lack of ammo is what an RE game needs to have (lookin' at you RE6) until you get to the boss fight when you need a large amount of ammo (lookin' again at you RE6).
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