Nunavut, Canada
Oh for real?
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Poodleberry 30 Aug, 2013 @ 8:47am 
kiekko 18 Aug, 2013 @ 10:46am 
it would be a cool ranch tree
kiekko 8 Jun, 2013 @ 10:39am 
if a dorito fell from a tree, which flavor would it be and who would grab it first and if they did would they eat it and would it taste like it's supposed to?
BAGMAN 11 Feb, 2013 @ 10:58am 
in a wet dream sort of way or like a nightmare sort of way
Gordon Frohman 15 Jan, 2013 @ 8:29am 
I know right? Where have I been indeed! The graphics card on my main computer burnt out long ago and now I just have a lap top, and TF 2 has changed so much since I've been gone, like a lot of the servers I played on and the people I've played with are just gone and it makes me sad, I want to get back into it but I'm not sure my lap top can properly run TF 2 and I need to get a mouse for my lap top
Archfiend Marmot 31 Dec, 2012 @ 5:54am 