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1 person found this review helpful
183.3 hrs on record (177.6 hrs at review time)
177 Hours played, every minute enjoyed. Not even close to solve all quests on the FIRST playthrough.

Worth every penny, best PC game and RPG ever made.

Posted 18 December, 2020.
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40.7 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great game, great idea and will write a thorough review later on.
But now... if you like spacegames, support the developer and buy this, it's a great game
while waiting for SC that's never coming out.

/Edit review.

I liked the game a lot. But due to the limitations of spacestations landings,
the player is basically tied to one shipclass which means they're all the same size
and only a few details are different.

I did some feedback concerning some important aspects of the game,
like shieldregen that has no impact whatsoever on the players ship due
to the amount of shield a player can have. When your ship is sitting on 8000shields,
having a shield-regen of 15/sec is nothing, i pointed this out but it was never changed.

It's still a fun game, and i've yet to play the story.

But it feels like the developer ended the development when it should've continued,
especially some of the fixes and balancing that should've been done before they
terminated further development.
Posted 3 July, 2020. Last edited 26 November, 2021.
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716.4 hrs on record
Bought the game, bought the DLC. Set my goal to own a Federation Corvette because
the devs painted it as the Federations heaviest combatship, used to patroll the outer borders
against pirates and enemies.

After 1 month of running daily wing-trades i bought the Corvette. After an additional
month i had all engineers and a billioncredit fully pimped Corvette.

Then i find out. The Anaconda which is a jack-of-all-trade ship, has more potential dps,
more armor, longer jumprange, more cargo... better everything, except a little bit less handling.

The forums has been full of voiced opinions that the Corvette needs to be fixed, but the devs
keep ignoring the fact that the Corvette is broken - depsite being the second more expensive
ship in the game.

I don't support games where the devs ignore clear issues, so despite all my hours,
will not recommend this game, until i see the devs actually start giving a damn.
Posted 4 January, 2020.
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250.2 hrs on record (124.7 hrs at review time)
I don't recommend this game simply because of broken promises combined with poor gameplay decisions
from the devs.

1) The promise from the devs that players could change their appearence from the loot they find while killing things is a lie, and the only items you can apply as appearence is extremely limited.

2) All the loot in the game shares the same loottable, unless the items are locked to raids, which makes grinding for the item you want, an impossible feat and almost astronomically small chance of getting.

3) The events brought into the game as useless, with currently and rewarded items completely useless because you most likely already have better stuff from questrewards or a lucky drop. I started playing the game again for 1 month after they brought it to steam, picked up some good weapons and when the event came.... there wasn't a single weapon that was better than what i already had. The currency was useless to me, literally useless.

Destiny 2 is a looter-shooer with no "place to go" for that special item. If you don't mind a mindless grind with no goal, while the devs continue with their broken promises ontop of a bad loot-engine, then you'll like destiny 2.
Posted 30 November, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
65.2 hrs on record (46.3 hrs at review time)
Elex, a handcrafted work of love that didn't get the attention it deserved.

I was very interested in this game for a long time and finally bought it
as an early christmasgift for myself. I was well aware of the type of game,
a game that would kill you and punch you in the face while doing it... for extra measure.

There is a Roadsign i come to think of when i play this game.
'Tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again' - and you'll love getting shot.

I absolutely LOVE getting my face smashed in by this game, because it's the game's
way to telling me that i either screwed up and need to learn the proper way,
or come back when i've grown more muscle..

I recall spending almost 1 hour fighting my way up a tower that i had to turn off,
the majority of enemies were "my level", and it was still hard. I think i reloaded about
15 times before i even beat the guards outside the entrance... and there were 2 of them.

Everything in this game CONSTANTLY hits hard, and if you think you can go "godmode"
by putting on the endgame armor.. think again.
Elex will constantly challange you as a player, keep you on your guard and
look around before you engage enemies - or a quick death can be around the corner.

The storyline is of "Bioware" quality, it's engaging and takes you all over the map,
puts you into contact with interesting NPCs and companions, amazing scenery
and downright deadly areas with poisonclouds, lava and radiation.. a wasteland.

Elex's Companions are amazing. Many people has complained about the lacking AI,
but i haven't seen any issues apart from the companions stopping to fight
if you haven't engaged the enemy in a while.
But the companions storylines themselves as well as their conversations
and reactions to your choices, makes any "issues" with the AI fade away,
you'll have too much fun.

I died SO much.. repeatedly, in the start of this game, but i realized it
was a learningcurve, i don't think i have every enjoyed reloading as much
in any other game - but then again.. i love Demon Sould on PS3.

I've read that alot of players finds the combat "clunky".. but it's not,
it just takes time and practice, and combat works just fine.

Elex also has a very cool questmechanic that i can't recall having seen
in any other game, and it's a mechanic that will make you think really hard
before you set out to complete quests for people.
In Elex, doing a quest for one NPC, might anger another NPC to the point of
them not talking to you or even outright trying to kill you, and that will
in turn take away any possible questlines from that NPC.

Here's an example. I was trying to build up my status with a faction,
and during my travels i came across a group of refugees that was looking for safety.
So i went back to the village and told a man about these refugees and he said
he would help so i gave him the location. I later found out that he sent a group
of warriors to murder the refugees.. so i killed him as punishement for murdering innocents.

This caused all the questlines possible from this character to vanish... quiet obviously,
but it also caused the village chieftan to be angry with me.. but i had to avenge the refugees.

There is also another system in the game called "coldness" which reflects how much humanity
you have left in you. This will greatly impact your endgame options for
certain quest, so personally i'm trying to keep as much humanity as possible for my playthrough
by picking the "correct" conversation options.

The craftingsystem is simple and amazing, it makes you want to literally loot everything
that isn't chained down, because you'll have use for it. Pretty flowers and junk,
it's all usefull at some point for you.
You can even make potions that gives you XP and attribute-points.. but at a cost of your soul.

Animals drops meat, meat can be eaten raw or fried, or even cooked with more ingredients to
give you a much much better dinner.


I would describe ELEX as if Mass Effect 1&2 had a baby with Fallout 3.. and out came ELEX.
It has an undeserved and exaggerated reputation for being a buggy and glitched game
that is unplayable because it's "too hard".
(i have yet to run into any bugs or glitches)

Buying this game for 19€ Steam dicount is a STEAL by any standards - it's a great game.

I am 36 hours in of getting my face bashed in, and i'm loving every minute of it.
Posted 27 November, 2018.
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13 people found this review helpful
134.5 hrs on record (56.9 hrs at review time)
Wanted to buy this game ever since it was released, but alas... i felt hindered by my GTX660
and that it wouldn't run the game.. But then i upgraded to a GTX1060 when my old card
started making strange noices - and i didn't hesitate buying the Enhanced Edition when it was released.

The game is visually and auditory experience, the attention to detail in the level creating is
second to none. I have never seen a game with such beautifully designed and yet.. claustrophobic levels.

As you pick your class and join up with your squad, you immediatly get the feeling that something is coming, you hear crawling in the walls or you hear footsteps around corners... just before hell breaks loose.
The controlls can be abit hard to learn at first, and some controlls are adviced to change,
like shield-block on the assault that is very counter-intuetive to use at first.

You have to playermodes, either start with all skills, or get more as you proceed in the mission, most games are played with all skills from the start.
The grind is real and the game does little to actually inform you of anything or any choices you make on your character, for good or bad.

Most players would instantly upgrade their weapons or buy that "shiny new armor" without realizing that without upgrading your protection, you are free kills for genestealers and bosses that will 1shot you on harder difficulties.

My only gripe with this game is that it hasn't gotten much attention, which is VERY strange considering that it's based on one of the worlds largests game-IP's and the dev-team is very dedicated.

You have 9 chapter missions to complete in varrying difficulties, and ontop of that, you have "special" missions on each chapter that is totally different and can get very very hard if you have a weak link in your group...
A group where everyone wants to play Heavy, is doomed to fail..

If you have a strong PC., if you like to burn, shoot and slice endless waves of enemies in tight corridors and dark atmospheric space-cathedrals - then this game is for you.

Support the devs, buy this game and enjoy it - just don't expect a flawless game - there are none.

I run this game perfectly fine in 1920*1080 very high/ultra.
ASUS Geforce GTX1060 6Gb, i5 3570K, 16Gb DDR3 Ram, Win7.
Posted 16 August, 2018. Last edited 19 December, 2022.
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295.5 hrs on record (293.9 hrs at review time)
Review changed from Positive to Negative.

I supported this game alot in the start, defending it's slow progress and had a full understanding of that it was EA, yet i paid full price to fund it.

But now.. i honestly can't recommend this game OR any other game developed by this crew..

Since last year Q3 we were eagerly waiting for the long promised and awaited Heroism-update that was delayed date after date.. and now the development for the game has stalled completely and the developers moved on to another game just after "fully" releasing K&H.

I can't and won't condone or support this behaviour or a developer, especially when it's received so much support from the current community to help making K&H better.

This game should still be considered Early Access by all means.. and with development stopped, i would consider this game DoA - Sadly.

PS. I feel bad for making a friend buy this.. just months before the devs quit the project.
Posted 23 November, 2017. Last edited 30 June, 2018.
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378.2 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
Changed my Review to negative because everything that was good about this game was later removed from the game and replaced with just another hack'n slash rpg.
Gone are the open maps, cool skillsystem etc etc.

This is just another asian grind game now.
Posted 5 July, 2017. Last edited 15 April, 2024.
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1,503.1 hrs on record
Do you like an mmo that hands out free epix?. Do you like an mmo that holds your hands and has a very limited amount of builds to make the gameplay easier for you?. Do you like an mmo that throws easy dungeons against you?.

Then Rift is NOT for you - go back to WoW.

I played Rift for 1600+ hours in ONE year, i got into it through a friend who tested it and persuaded me to buy
it when it was on sale for 5$, so i did. And one year later i was in a hardcore Raid and pvp Guild, i was chasing the
best loot, customizing my characters appearence and building my wealth.

Rift is together with Tera, hands down the BEST F2P mmo on the market, it is visually stunning, some of the raid-dungeons are jawdroppingly beautiful and haunting... and BIG... and massive amounts of bosses and phat loot.

The appearence cusomization is hands down the best i've seen in ANY mmo, you can literally have your dualweilding warrior look like a rogue.. dye your gear.

Characterbuilds has a massive array of options, and you can run around with 4-5 builds at any point and time, just take
the CD of a few seconds and change build. Your group need a second tank suddenly?, Change build and gear by the press of a button (out of combat ofcourse).

Why did i stop playing?. After so many hours in a year, i got burned out. The game is still fantastic, i still have it on my HD and misses it from time to time. Give it a try, i did.
Posted 3 June, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
95.5 hrs on record (81.4 hrs at review time)
Short review.. if you want to buy this game mostly because of the multiplayer, DON'T.
I bought this game with 4 friends, each of us with good connections, and we can only play 3 people
per game, the 4th person always gets Connection failed and can't join game, even with 6people game.

Also, we get constant warning of NAT, which is port-issues. And TL2 is the first game that i have ever
experienced this crap. Runic marketed this as a multiplayer game, yet, they haven't delivered a patch
or update for this .

The game is awesome in all parts. But marketing a multiplayergame, and then having these issues and
not sorting them... lowers the grade to the point that i would actually WARN you to buy it.

So if you're buying it for singelplayer... go ahead. But if its for Multiplayer... STAY AWAY !.
Posted 29 November, 2013.
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