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I see where the developers are heading with it, and it looks promising, don't give up on this project, it was fun, but the controls are a bit awkward to get used to, specially navigating with the ship. It definitely has potential.
Опубликовано 9 июля 2015 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 24
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For a beta, this is incredibly polished at its current state, I can definitely see what the designers have in mind, I have played every single 4x game I've been able to find in my lifetime, from master of orion to obscure ones like endless space, sword of the stars, Horizon, etc... I still rate the galactic civ series as one of the best out there, once this is finished it's going to be amazing, but anyway on to the current state:

Still a big laggy when there's more than 2 ships moving on same screen.
I didn't play enough, only an hour or so and I didn't see any random moral choices, only planet ones, so I'm guessing it's not as common or it hasn't been implemented yet.
Diplomacy is also not in the game yet, so in its current state, it's mostly for you to get used to their interface, and some basic mechanics.

The ideology is a really cool implementation, along with the resource mining, couldn't figure out how to mine asteroids, I'll probably wait to give a better review once the game is more developed, but as it is, it's quite impressive already!
Опубликовано 14 августа 2014 г..
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51–52 из 52