NEWACCT.ADDPLZ: BarnicleBeauty
Marie Kathleen Barnicle (aka: Sora Kathleen Hatashi)   Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States
║( o)║♥ i love music
╚══╝,► Play. ▌▌ Pause. ■ Stop. ...ılılllıllıı.... ♫♫♫...ılılllıllıı.. ♫♫♫...ılılllıllıı..

Sora's Cell Number: 724-422-6954 (text/call anytime :D if i dont answer im so sorry D:)

Feathers Innocence
By: Marie Kathleen Barnicle (aka: Sora Hatashi)

Gently and slowly the feather falls
Floating, falling, and sinking it goes
Down it falls from the worlds of heaven or hell
Selfish, foolish, and very childish if from hell
Sweetish, angelish, and kindish if heaven
Innocence, death, and life it holds thy owns fate
Forever may it rest in peace as it’s falling faster to breathe life into me…

Standing as one for all eternity
By: Marie Kathleen Barnicle (aka: sora Kathleen hatashi)

Stand as one for all eternity or face it alone forever
Come my children as I your queen guide you and protect you from all harm on your journey as I follow behind you
Let neither evil nor darkness consume you as your fathers, the grim reaper and satin were
Instead, let us walk the path of our own and exercise all the darkness so that all angels and demons in the world of heaven and hell, innocence and prestige, as well as life and death can hamanize and walk in peace for all eternity
Let us not be afraid to face the darkness, for we are one and as one we will run into battle, for honor and for justice we fight as our children before us and their children before them have don’t to keep the beasts tamed within the gates of heaven and hell and for everyone to walk in eternal peace with one another
Let us see the light as the gods and goddesses who created humans, werewolves, demons, and all vampires alike as they would want us to be as we fulfill their dream, their vision, and their desire to live among others equally and not against each other and break free from all the chains that bound you as well as anyone else among the lands where we live, as well as our ancestors who have worked long and hard to create this world for us with the help of the gods by their side to make all of us who we are today as we are as we fight in honor of them
Let us hear our fierce battle cry from the heavens above as well as Letting our enemy embrace the harmony of our cry and let it strike pure fear into their very hearts as we show them that this is our time to shine, our land to defend and protect, and our moment of truth as we charge chivalrously with our shining hearts of steel and bravery into a living nightmare of hell with much blood that is as beautiful as the blood red rose within the eternal gardens of the kingdom that drips sweet innocence and life from its frail petals, the sweat from all the men as we run and battle to fight for the one thing we desire in the worlds of heaven and hell alike: FREEDOM, HARMONY, LOVE AND ALSO PEACE!
Shagglehod 2011年10月8日 9時41分 
Give This Rose
To Everyone You Care About♥
larson #noPc 2011年9月25日 20時24分 
NEWACCT.ADDPLZ: BarnicleBeauty 2011年5月8日 20時09分 
OI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANIME DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -SHE GLOMPS HIM- I MISS YOU SO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED TO RP AGAIN SOME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS THAT SO MUCH AND I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >W<!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anime_Dude 2011年5月2日 16時39分 
Hey there My Awsome Story Friend!!!! :D How have you Been!!! Long time no speak :D
NEWACCT.ADDPLZ: BarnicleBeauty 2011年4月16日 8時05分 
its my birthday today ^////^
Gentlespy 2011年3月1日 18時53分 
peace all