Desert_Ranger 2018. jún. 28., 11:03 
+rep that was a nice chain medic - hevy :)
Frank Drebin 2018. jan. 1., 14:11 
Happy 2018!
ZBSDKryten 2012. ápr. 18., 1:51 
Wherefore art thou Lego?
Potato 2011. dec. 29., 12:18 
but all the best for new year!
Potato 2011. dec. 29., 12:18 
missing our L4D nights too man... unfortunately college is too busy and i don't have good laptop with me :(
Gruntis 2011. dec. 4., 16:17 
well its been in his nutsack for a long while
apricot 2011. dec. 4., 14:12 
it's not the swallowing i don't like, it's the chewing first.. such highly viscous semen
ZBSDKryten 2011. okt. 25., 5:11 
Does it ever rain in Scotland? lol
Gruntis 2011. júl. 2., 14:12 
you're getting to big for your boots my lad
Tommetie 2011. jún. 1., 13:31 
Jim my mate! hope to see you lots more on sundays! we need be doing some more asskicking!
mieru 2011. ápr. 3., 17:26 
Even though I don't understand a word, you and your brother are damn cute with those accents!
Neepers 2010. okt. 21., 6:54 
One of the most awesome medics around.
Gruntis 2009. ápr. 22., 12:33 
Awright Bawbag,