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Recent reviews by Zimely

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1.8 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
OSRS player here!

Brighter Shores is pretty cool DnD runescape-esk game.
Will I quit rs probs not but I will be playing this while I afk slayer tasks.
Posted 6 November, 2024.
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1,734.5 hrs on record (1,673.7 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Cs is tough. People are very very good at it. If you want to be good... practice.
My advice:
1. Download a recoil training map and practice the spray for m4 and ak every day (Muscle memory is key).
2. Play casual and learn the common peeks.
3. Master movement
4. Don't jump to accusations of cheating... chances are they are just better than you.(Don't make excuses of why you cant do something make changes and learn)
5. And the best advice I ever received "Practice with purpose".
Cs is one of my favorite games and I hope it will be for you too.
Posted 28 March, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
37.0 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As of writing this Demonologist > Phas

Mechanically this is very similar to phas ; You collect evidence to narrow down which ghost/demon your dealing with.
However unlike phas the scare factor is here. I found myself jumping back in my seat with the classic " o Sh*t " that scare actually got me.

Being very early in its life this game has a way to go with maps and ghost mechanics. What is here is actually very good and I hope they take their time to polish all future releases like these first couple maps. -Zim
Posted 28 March, 2023.
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15 people found this review helpful
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227.4 hrs on record (217.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Foxhole is amazing. The community is intense and passionate about the game. If your new my recommendation is just try to talk to people. Eventually you'll run into someone who's willing to take you under their wing and teach you the ropes.
The person whom did that for me was named "Pat" If your reading this buddy thanks man!
Posted 26 July, 2022.
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105.3 hrs on record (97.6 hrs at review time)
TLDR: Games pretty fun for 1-5 players. Small bugs but nothing game breaking. PG action in space.

I really enjoy this game and I hope the devs take the time to read this. See changes I'd wish to see at bottom.

-Visually pleasing atmosphere
-Variety of different ships
-Cool environments with a little story telling
-Upgrading your ship rpg gear style feels good
-1-5 players

-You will "warp" between points on a map. Warp usually takes 5-12 mins dependent of distance but can be skipped with F8.
-AI crews on enemy vessels and the player ship are pretty dumb. 2 Parts
1. Enemy crews don't search for you if your on their ship. They may run into you on the way to doing a task but don't actively search .
2. "Your crew" The engineering job is preformed pretty well with AI set at standard but Pilot,Weapons, Science are all missing something. Pilot flies in odd ways that are non beneficial to guns or avoidance leading you to lining up your own warps/ trying to get cover/fighting other ships. Weapons bot misses a ton. Science doesn't seem to do anything with virus and doesn't announce program usage and sucks at scanner(except locking onto enemy ship).
-Some " jobs" have way more to do than others. Captain with coop crew kinda just fills in wherever needed but the only real job is working the com station in which half the ships is at another station and not the captains chair.
- Just one point of interest per point of the map. This may be two or 3 ships to fight , a planet(with like 2 small building), or some station.
-Distress signal doesn't really work in non faction zones. Waited 25 mins with common distress and 25mins with U.N distress and no one came :(

Changes I'd love
-Each point on the map could have a bit more aka less warping. Think like a star system in which you'd be given quests on the more habitable planets to do outpost runs to planets within that system. Orbiting around planets to be able to teleport to the ground. This gives you a reason to fly around and not warp.
-Job expansion i'd like to see more roles as well as current roles being made more complicated. ( Cap needs more to do besides coms and changing the ship status(Red,yellow green), Weapon officer could be expanded. Science needs some tweaking either your doing everything at once(Virus/programs) or pretty much nothing but scanner )
- More players! I know there's a mod that does this currently but I think each ship should have a recommended crew. Something such as the Roland is a huge ship and 5 makes it feel very empty. I believe if the screens were more spread and roles could be double filled(ex Two engineers) it would make larger ships really come to life.
-Ship customization. I'd like to paint and make my own logo for the ship. I'd also like some interior things to make the inside my own(exs.. Head from a yeti mounted from my adventures/banners of my logo ect.) and/or ability to add/remove additional cargo spots.
-Smarter AI for player and non player ships
- More games like liars dice. Allows you to change to a different table in ship or a "game master table" with all the games (ex Chess, checkers, Blackjack, Holdem, idk Go fish just something) and allowing Betting against crew mates .
-Events in warp and events around planets /systems

HighRoller area changes
The High Rollers casino should allow you to gamble credits
The high roller also needs more games like Slots/ card games/ Ship racing/Ship fights which could be bet upon

Changes for biscuit ships
- Fluffy biscuit race to sell quest should be repeatable (Right now after a ship hits 5k sales the quest ends not really leaving anything to do in the biscuit ships)
- Exo suits should protect from biscuit ship freezer.

I'll update this list when I have ideas/see changes. This review was written at 97 hours
Posted 26 July, 2022. Last edited 26 July, 2022.
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270.3 hrs on record (269.5 hrs at review time)
Just buy it ed your the man
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries