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16 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
38.7 giờ được ghi nhận (27.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
"What is your life?
My honour is my life.
What is your fate?
My duty is my fate.
What is your fear?
My fear is to fail.
What is your reward?
My salvation is my reward.
What is your craft?
My craft is death.
What is your pledge?
My pledge is eternal service"

Space Marine 2 is the direct sequel to the prominently acclaimed game of 2011. With improvements to nearly every aspect of the original, this highly anticipated sequel seeks to push the threshold of third-person shooters with high-octane action sequences balanced with an intensive story set in the annals of Warhammer.

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 An impressively well-written storyline with dedication to the core material, brimming with action, and twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

🟩 Fun, intuitive gunplay that diversely changes between each gun type and their variants, offering you plenty of choices on the battlefield.

🟩 A large variety of enemies to combat against drastically altering the tactics required to overcome them.

🟩 Some of the best visual standards in gaming to date. This is truly an aesthetic dream, especially if you're a fan of Warhammer and appreciate the franchise design.

🟩 The audio is of a similarly high quality. A passionate team has designed the perfect sound effects, soundtrack and general ambience to bring this world to life as you explore its vast maps.
🟥 While the gunplay is clean, traversing the battlefield, especially on higher difficulties, can become burdensome as you take a lot of damage with few options for cover.

🟥 The friendly AI is nearly useless. Sometimes standing in the middle of intense gunfights aimlessly looking around, while you take all of the enemy's attention.

One century after the events of Space Marine, Demetrian Titus returns to active service with his chapter, The Ultramarines. Having spent the last hundred years serving in the Deathwatch as a Black Shield, his return is met with suspicion and hostility, but the growing threat of the Tyranids must take priority. With bolter in hand and his brothers at his side, nothing shall stand in the way as a story of deception, intrigue, and loyalty unfolds before the falsely disgraced former Captain.


A truly well-thought-out and designed storyline unravels at a relaxed pace as you traverse the enormous levels brimming with plot and entices you to take one more step until hours have passed without your notice. It is a genuinely intriguing story set in an enormous world that makes me want to learn more and delve deeper into the franchise.

Gameplay Analysis
Without the dark, there can be no light.
Space Marine 2, at its core, is a third-person action shooter, so naturally the essence of the game is gunplay and movement.

The gunplay has been expertly thought-out to deliver clean, streamlined accessibility to loads of different guns and the ability to use them intuitively on the go. The arsenal available is substantial and provides plenty of unique gameplay mechanics that can vastly change between each type, and understanding their strengths and weaknesses is essential for progression, but there are so many choices and moments where you get to make them that you won't likely be stuck with a mistake for long.

The movement has also taken a massive quality of life improvement from the original, and while the Space Marines feel realistically heavy, they carry their weight well and can throw it around quite effortlessly and effectively. This makes movement a way to traverse the battlefield but also a weapon on its own. My only issue is that there is no way to take cover or crouch behind what cover is available, which often means you will get incapacitated quickly on the more challenging difficulties.

Without the lie, there can be no truth.
In addition to the lengthy campaign, you have a couple of other game modes to participate in, which vastly extend the playability.

Operations mode is secondary objective missions that parallel the primary campaign and allow you to choose classes to undertake them. These reward you with customisations and experience points varying for the difficulty you choose.


Eternal War is the player vs player mode in this game where you again get to choose the class you want to play, but you pit your skills against other players in the world for the glory of the Emperor.

Space Marine 2 is highly cooperative in its design, allowing players to pretty much do all of the activities in the game with other players. I played most of it solo, but I genuinely enjoyed the cooperative experience because it allowed me to do it at my leisure.

Without war, there can be no victory.
Because there is such an expansive amount of content to play through there is a literal plethora of unlockable customisations in the game for you to unlock and discover through exploration.

Every class has a perk tree that requires mission completions and matches to be completed to gain levels to attain them and each weapon has its own mastery and perk tree as well. This vastly increases capability allowing you to tackle harder missions and in turn, earn even better rewards.

I was genuinely impressed by the sheer volume of unlockables available, from specialty armour types and chapter paints to decals and accessories to help make the Space Marine your own.

Audio and Visual
Space Marine 2 is hands-down one of the most aesthetically pleasing games I've ever experienced. The minor and major details in this game left me awe-stricken many times over and the general visual ambience and environments just captivate both heart and imagination. With a fairly inclusive photo mode available as well, you could spend hours just playing with that feature alone.


The audio is also of sensational quality. A clear effort has been made to create immersive audio for animations, and environments as well as the sound of how visceral the game can be when you're hacking into the enemies or prying away flesh from bone. Truly one of the most gratifying experiences in gaming.

Performance and Specifications
🟧 The game isn't without its flaws however, it is a hungry powerhouse for resources and running it at Ultra, I was able to hit a consistent 60 FPS at 2560 x 1440 but that's with significant dips from my FPS cap of 90.
🟨 I also had some severe crashing on day one, but that passed relatively quickly and the game hasn't crashed since.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz 
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080

Final Thoughts - Excellent
Review chart here.
I am far from a veteran fan of Warhammer, but having played both of the Space Marine games now I am invested in the universe and want to expand my knowledge of the world, and I think that is where this game truly shines. Not only is it a grandiose and beautiful experience in an enormous universe of story and intrigue, but it's a great entry point for beginners and while I recommend you play 1 first because they are directly connected, I don't think it necessary and can be played as an entirely individual experience. Highly recommend this game even at full price. A truly spectacular game that deserves all the high praise it's receiving and then some.

We will take the fight to the heretics, but first, let's head to, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise to gain the blessing of the Emperor for the battle ahead.
Đăng ngày 17 Tháng 9. Sửa lần cuối vào 17 Tháng 9.
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34 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
23.8 giờ được ghi nhận (12.4 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines, and they shall know no fear.

To my sincerest detriment, I don’t know that much about the Warhammer universe. Space Marine was my first excursion into the world, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I know the lore can be dense and somewhat overwhelming, so I stepped into it cautiously and found myself entirely encapsulated by the characters, story and world that was building around me.

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 A well-written and detailed story experience that allows you to dip your toes into the universe without feeling overwhelmed.

🟩 Fun, fast-paced combat sequences that enable easy combinations of melee and ranged attacks.

🟩 Despite its age, the graphics and audio quality are substantially good, with only minor issues marring the experience.
🟥 The boss encounters are not challenging and do not differentiate from normal combat in any way.

A million-strong Ork invasion of Forge World Graia forces Imperial Commanders to deploy a group of Space Marines to the planet's surface to reinforce the local military and reclaim the critically important manufacturing facilities and what they house before the Ork war machine can consume it.


You are Captain Titus, the head of the Space Marine group, and it is your responsibility to assist the ground forces where possible and push back the Ork army at any cost.

But what cost will be too high to pay? What will the Orks take from you in their conquest? And what other forces are at play on the surface of this world?

Gameplay Analysis
"It is better to die for the Emperor, than to live for yourself"
Maneuverability and combat are the main staples of your experience in Space Marine. You will spend most of your time navigating the battlefield, positioning yourself in and out of enemy fire, and combating the enemy forces with a whole arsenal of weaponry.

The game has smooth and seamless movement mechanics that allow you to swiftly move between covers and get the advantage over the enemy forces.


On top of the clean movement, the combat has also been streamlined in both aspects of its performance. Ranged combat which consists of firing guns of all types into enemy faces that effectively turns them into red mist, is extremely satisfying and feels impactful with every round you let loose. Melee combat is also rewarding, but at the cost of higher damage you are putting yourself under fire, and that doesn't often lead to the desired outcome, especially on higher difficulties.

Thankfully, as a Space Marine, you have quite a large threshold for damage absorption and it will take quite a lot to bring you down. A decent pool of health and an ever-replenishing shield makes it exceptionally easy to stay alive assuming that is your goal.

"Serve the Emperor today, tomorrow you may be dead."
Multiplayer is the only other large concept in Space Marine, and to be honest it's largely dead. I was able to find a few games and it consisted of 90% level-capped players dominating the field and the occasional victory based on events outside of my control. Most of the achievements can be attained through private matches though and if you have someone willing to help, it can be done quite easily and quickly.

On top of the lack of players, the multiplayer servers are still extremely buggy, and the lag is awful to endure for long periods.

Audio and Visual
For a game released in 2011, Space Marine still holds up to this day. The graphics are far from cutting-edge and it would be a true crime to say they are beautiful, but I'm genuinely surprised by how good this game still looks despite its age.


The audio is another large-scale surprise for me. It's far from perfect and still has been marred by its age, but it's still generally well-done from the heavy footfalls of your character to the visceral grinding of your chainsword saying hello to the squishy Orks.

Performance and Specifications
You won't have much issue running this game, the minimum requirements are fairly low and don't seem to have ever been a very resource-hungry experience.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080

Final Thoughts - Very Good
Review chart here.
Despite my reservations and cautious attempt of stepping into Space Marine, I had a lot of fun playing this game and I feel like it was the perfect catalyst for getting into the universe of 40K. It's far from a flawless game, as it has definitely felt the impacts of its age from a gameplay and aesthetic standpoint and isn't a particularly long title for what can still be a $75 game at full price, but if you can get it cheap, I would highly recommend playing this title.

No Ork can stand against the will of the Emperor, but if you seek refuge against their growing numbers, head to Hell, Purgatory and Paradise to catch your breath before your next assault against the heretics.
Đăng ngày 12 Tháng 9.
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16 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
61.3 giờ được ghi nhận
”Life isn’t just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies... what we’ve seen, heard, felt anger, joy and sorrow, these are the things I will pass on.”

As the 2nd game in the Metal Gear Solid - Master Collection,
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty was the highly anticipated and acclaimed sequel to the original PS1 Metal Gear Solid, which sought to further revolutionize stealth gameplay with cutting-edge mechanics and engaging story and characters.

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 The same iconic story we already know and love, further progress with character familiarity and unique setting.

🟩 A new protagonist would normally cause popularity to decrease but the introduction of Raiden only seemed to benefit this title.

🟩 Boss fights have largely been improved to appear more seamless and fluid encounters that force you to learn mechanics in a fairly scaled environment.

🟩 Once again, stealth and combat are exceptionally fluid here, allowing you to enter either mode seamlessly.
🟥 Not as aesthetically improved as I had hoped.

🟥 Anyone familiar with Kojima's works will already understand how dense the story and setting can be and understanding everything isn't always possible in a single playthrough.

MGS2 is unique in the series as it tells you two different stories across its plotline.

The Tanker
It's 2007, two years after the Shadow Moses incident, and Solid Snake has received intel from an unknown source that a new Metal Gear model, codenamed RAY is being transported via tanker through the Hudson River. As Snake arrives on the tanker, it is boarded by Russian Mercenaries led by his old friend Revolver Ocelot who is intent on stealing Metal Gear for himself. With a series of twists that play out meticulously, the tanker is destroyed, Metal Gear disappears into the depths and Solid Snake is framed as the cause and marked as a terrorist.


The Plant
Two years following the sinking of the tanker, a new FOXHOUND recruit, codenamed, Snake (A little trickery on the developer's part as his codename gets changed to Raiden pretty quickly) is sent to an off-shore decontamination facility known as the Big Shell in the same location of the sunken tanker to deal with a group of terrorists calling themselves "The Sons of Liberty" who have taken over the facility for unknown reasons (we know why), who is supposedly being lead by none other than Solid Snake himself. Backed by members of a former special forces unit and once again Russian mercenaries, this group has taken hostages, including the 44th president of the United States, and has demanded $30 billion or they will blow up Big Shell and subsequently cause the biggest environmental disaster in history. It is left to Raiden to infiltrate this facility, unravel the reason the terrorists are here and put a stop to their plans before they unleash chaos upon the world.

Once again, I recommend people interested in the story look up the plot and timeline of events and who everyone is, once they have completed the game.

Gameplay Analysis
Unfortunately, Hell had no vacancies.
Pushing the threshold of gameplay mechanics has always seemed to be the primary goal of the Metal Gear series. Adding something new, some new way of completing the mission, fun little nuanced activities or just streamlining what they already do well. MGS2 is no different in this regard, and it pushes that benchmark to new levels adding loads of new gameplay mechanics to utilise and test your abilities.

Using steam to scald your enemies, shooting out lights, and human shields, hiding in lockers and a whole array of things to take advantage of as you explore the robust environments.


But again, the series doesn't thrive because of the gimmicks, it is sustainable because it's built on a solid foundation of well-thought-out mechanics and a compelling story, designed to be an experience of overcoming obstacles no matter how large and persevering toward the outcome.

Snake? SNAKE?! SNAAAAAAA...Wait a minute...
Stealth still plays an enormous role in MGS2, but it's not the only way to play, as combat has been entirely fleshed out here, providing you lethal and non-lethal methods for taking out enemies as well as ways to deceive them by dressing in their attire and walking amongst them as one of their own. You will still be greatly rewarded for pursuing a purely stealth, no harm playthrough but this game gives you the wheel on how you want to play and doesn't force you to take any path you don't want to.

Laugh and grow fat!
As with the first game, MGS2 also has a decent challenge system in place, designed to both provide tutorials on how to play and to push your skills to the test to overcome some of the harder ones. These are worth doing and provided easily some of the most fun I had with this title.

Audio and Visual
The Master Collection version of MGS2 hasn't particularly been improved from the original, if at all and while it provides substantial nostalgia it's still very disappointing, to say the least as PC gamers have waited a long time for this title to arrive.


The audio is much the same, but generally, I believe it's been set to a higher standard than the visual side.

Performance and Specifications
MGS2 is well over a decade old at this point, I wouldn't imagine many PC's would have an issue playing this game and I didn't experience any substantial bugs while playing it.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz 
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080

Final Thoughts - Good
Review chart here.
MGS2 is probably up there as one of my most beloved games of all time, holding a truly special place in my life and helping define an entire era of gaming all on its own for me. But I expected more from a PC release, not simply the same game I played all those years ago. This is just an HD collection of the games at a higher price point. It's worth a play because it's one of the most iconic game series ever made but it's certainly not all it could have been.

Falsely accused of crimes you didn't commit? Head to Hell, Purgatory and Paradise a place that is perhaps the only sanctuary left.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 9. Sửa lần cuối vào 6 Tháng 9.
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27 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
43.1 giờ được ghi nhận
"Steps were taken without regret, for it was never possible to change a destiny unknown."

This review is based on playing on the Steam deck.
Children of Morta is an overhead story-driven action RPG following a family of heroes, The Bergsons. Blending RPG and Roguelite mechanics to create a fun and fluid but time-manageable experience that can still deliver a hearty plot is a formula that many try to overcome. But did the family stumble upon the perfect recipe, or did the calamity consume them?

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 Each family member plays intrinsically differently from the others, and learning their strengths and weaknesses is a core part of the gameplay, as is improving their skills to match your playstyle.

🟩 The game is broken down into relatively short roguelite runs that can take around 20-30 minutes, depending on your level of thoroughness.

🟩 There are loads of items in the game for you to build your characters around and experiment with at your own pace. Dying is a part of the experience, so don't let that be a reason not to try something new.

🟩 The general aesthetic and art style are sublime and unique, creating this world of pure whimsy, even in the mundane.
🟥 RNG plays a big part in any run in these types of games. Being able to accept that can be tedious on occasion, especially when you've tried several runs and simply aren't getting cohesive items.

You play as The Bergsons, a family of heroic warriors and mages who have stood watch over Mount Morta for generations. But now, following a long peace, a dark power has begun to spread across the once peaceful mountainside and is corrupting what was once serene and beautiful into a nightmarish hellscape that seeks to consume all in its wake.

Weak and unprepared from the years of tranquillity, The Bergsons scramble to understand the calamity they face, which now threatens to destroy the world as they know it.

I am very rarely emotionally moved by a video game. But having played through the story of Children of Morta, I can say that by the end of it all, as I sat staring at the scrolling credits, I felt a great pang of sadness that the journey was over and that I wouldn't get to experience this for the first time again. All the trials the family overcame, the moments of love, devotion and loyalty that riddled almost every moment of world-building are pieces of what makes this experience so extraordinary. In addition to the sensational writing and dedicated effort to build a cohesive and emotionally complex story, the world is brimming with symbolism and wisdom that spur you onward as any good motivational speech could.

Gameplay Analysis
A family of guardians.
You don't have many choices as to who you can play at the start, but as the story progresses and the world opens up to you, new family members will hear the call and begin to return home.

Each hero plays differently from the rest, coming with their own individual set of skills, talents and abilities that set them vastly apart from the rest and allow them to interact with the world in a unique way.

For example, the two starting heroes, John and Linda, require entirely different playstyles, as John is a standard warrior type with a sword and shield, while Linda is an archer and prefers to keep her enemies at a distance.


Roguelite Loop.
The core gameplay loop consists of choosing one of the main maps and selecting the subarea you want to explore. Once inside, you will then have one life to explore as much of it as you can or complete it by killing the boss that awaits at the bottom. Either way, you are rewarded with experience points and knowledge of the area and items you found while exploring. This mechanic lets you level up your characters without completing the level and build your meta-game to make progression easier next time.

A build worthy of a hero.
Creating viable builds is always a struggle in this genre of games, as not all items work cohesively. It can be exceptionally tedious, especially when, over the course of an hour or two, you simply aren't getting the drops or item rolls you need to make serious progress.

Here is where experimentation comes into play, as you never know what might work with each hero. Remember that dying is a part of the experience, and don't let this deter you from trying again or choosing items you typically wouldn't.

Audio and Visual
Children of Morta is one of the most uniquely beautiful aesthetic games I've ever experienced. From the warm and comforting hues of the family home that greet you with calm upon your return to the dark and dank caves filled with monsters who seek to end your run of good luck, I was blown away by the attention to detail given to the world and its inhabitants.


The audio lets the experience down for me. It's not bad, but by about the 10-hour mark, you've just about heard it all, and very little will captivate your ears from that point onward. What is here has been done well. But I would have liked slightly more dynamic audio or a varying atmosphere to keep things fresh. With that out of the way, the voice acting and script work are astounding successes.

Deck Performance and Specifications
With the game set to default, I had no issues running Children of Morta on the deck at a steady 60 FPS and was able to run the game for approximately 5 hours with a full charge.

Final Thoughts - Excellent
Review chart here.
Few games captivate me as intently as Children of Morta did. It is immaculately well-designed with a fun and dynamic gameplay loop that will keep you enthralled for the entirety of the campaign. The characters are likeable, the story is touching, and the overall experience is a must-play for fans of well-told stories.

With the calamity looming ahead, seek your refuge at Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, the only sanctuary against the unrelenting corruption.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 9.
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106 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
7 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
58.3 giờ được ghi nhận
"So, what did you write on that piece of wood? I bet you didn't write anything at all. I wouldn't blame you."

Diablo 4 is an APRG looter-style hack-and-slash and the long-awaited sequel to Diablo 3. Diablo 3 had an infamously flawed launch and eventually grew to be one of the best of its kind on the market, so Diablo 4 had a lot to live up to, to improve on the baseline of what was, and to become something better, but did it rise from the pits of hell to seek salvation or was it doomed to fiery eternal imprisonment?

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 Five unique classes that introduce new elements and bring back many beloved favourites from the series.

🟩 A more realistic stance on the series than the previous entry, Diablo 3, reviving the atmosphere of Diablo 2 with a darker, more grim perspective of the world.

🟩 A gorgeous soundtrack that balances nostalgia and immersion perfectly.
🟥 Horrible balance, making difficulty almost negligible throughout the campaign.

🟥 This game isn't particularly visually pleasing, and much of the CGI has seemingly been replaced with in-game graphic sequences that improve immersion but don't deliver those set pieces Blizzard has come to be known for.

🟥 A lengthy and tedious story that doesn't deliver any suspense or excitement.

🟥 The microtransactions inundate your every action and burden the game to a crawl.

The great war between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells continues to drag on following the events of Diablo 3. As the battles continue to rage, Sanctuary is caught in the middle and is consumed by darkness as the Prime Evil's powers prepare for the impending return.

Cults emerge from the shadows, revering Lilith, the daughter of hatred, as their saviour and the acclaimed Mother of Sanctuary who will save them from the eternal conflict and bring peace to their home.

But this peace will come at a cost, and one that all of Sanctuary will have to pay in blood.

Diablo 4's story provides an outward allure for fans of the series with promises of a dark and gritty storyline and well-thought-out plot points. But in actuality, it lacks substance and fails to deliver those set pieces that defined the series to date. The story tends to drag on and consistently forgets where it is with dialogue clumsily backtracking on itself and reiterating points already made, while at other times the dialogue is rushed and ill-paced and never really feels like it has grasped the perfect balance.

Gameplay Analysis
Stay a while and listen!
I won't spend too much time here, as most of the fans coming to Diablo 4 would have played the series or genre in some form.

Diablo 4 is about slaughtering demons en masse for money and items that boost your power to massacre demons faster and more effectively. The game gauges difficulty through a system called "world tiers" Raising the world tier increases the difficulty and the frequency of rare drops, but for the duration of the campaign, you will be restricted to world tier two at a maximum.


Unlike the previous iterations of Diablo, this game is entirely open-world, allowing you to freely explore an immense map with loads of secrets and side content to complete, including quests and dungeons. Completing these quests will accrue special items and experience points required for levelling. Waypoints scattered across Sanctuary's many regions will give you fast travel options to unlock as you begin exploring and the ability to summon a horse once you hit about midway will help speed up travel as well.

World bosses and events will periodically spawn on the map, allowing for more difficult content for greater rewards.

Endgame content is decently varied, providing a vast assortment of activities to complete once you have finished the campaign, ranging from higher world tiers, new dungeons, world events and more challenging bosses exclusive to higher levels.

You will constantly be confronted by microtransactions of all kinds in nearly every moment of playing this game. From the main menu screen to the inventory/map UI and every place in between. A clear emphasis has been placed on making the purchasable armour and weapons look infinitely better than anything you can find.

Audio and Visual
Diablo 4 isn't a particularly visually captivating game, especially considering how current it is. The general atmosphere is much darker than Diablo 3 and is far more reminiscent of Diablo 2 in its style and design, but fails to deliver in many aspects. Environments shift quite rapidly and generally don't feel that unique compared to zones you've just been in, you will spend a vast majority of your game time trudging through some degree of mud with slightly varying weather effects. Thankfully the cinematics, which Blizzard is generally well-known for have remained consistently high-quality here and still push the threshold of that standard.


The audio is thankfully, at a much higher standard and actively captivates your senses with nostalgia and intensity. If the music was worse I'd have probably given up on this game, but it genuinely kept me motivated and wanting to pursue the story to completion.

I want to iterate that both aspects of the game were designed with passion, but I think the direction of this game was more focused on profit than on pushing the evolution of the genre.

Performance and Specifications
I had little to no performance issues running this game at maximum at 2560 x 1440 resolution. There were no graphical or performance bugs to report.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080

Final Thoughts - Mediocre
Review chart here.
Call this harsh if you must, but Diablo 4 is little more than corporate greed wearing the mask of an old friend. There is little to this game that is unique or interesting and a majority of the experience will make you wish you were playing something better. This isn't Diablo in anything but the name and calling it such is such a indignant insult to gamers who devoutly loved the series up until now. If you can pick this up on sale and want something to make them wish Diablo 2 was on Steam, this is the way to go, but if you want a fun ARPG experience, there are far better ones on the market.

The High Heavens and Burning Hells have been at war for countless centuries, but they will never invade the sanctuary that is Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Come in, take a load off and enjoy the peace this Sanctuary can provide.
Đăng ngày 2 Tháng 8. Sửa lần cuối vào 2 Tháng 8.
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117 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
36.9 giờ được ghi nhận (21.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)

Trepang2 is a first-person shooter that has taken much of its gameplay and story design inspiration from the FEAR franchise, fusing fast-paced action sequences with story-driven horror and atmospheric world-building. But was it able to step out of the shadow of its predecessor, or was it doomed never to escape it in the first place?


🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 Fast, fluid gunplay with seamless movement makes this a genuine marvel in the FPS genre.

🟩 A decent storyline, embracing all the hallmarks that made FEAR popular, and by expertly fusing a dense horror atmosphere with intriguing plot twists, the developers were able to create something truly unique.

🟩 An energetic soundtrack helps keep the pace as you bring the pain to the people who wronged you.
🟥 The difficulty choices scale up at an unreasonable pace and give the impression that having so many was simply an afterthought rather than a design mechanic.

🟥 It's not visually appealing. The environments look extremely budget-designed, and the general aesthetic is pretty lacklustre.

🟥 There's little to no direction in missions. In what feels like a fast-paced dynamic, you are forced to slow down unnaturally to find out where you need to go next.




You play as Subject 106, a soldier broken out of prison by an unknown group. With no recollection of your past and a primal desire for revenge, you must harness your superhuman abilities to destroy those who wronged you and unravel the secrets of your past.

Trepang2 sports a dense and intriguing plot for what appears to be predominantly an action shooter. With well-written dialogue and a genuinely gripping atmosphere, this game surprised me and has done something unique for the genre.

Seeking out the intel scattered across each map is integral to understanding the plot.


Gameplay Analysis
The primary premise of Trepang2 is the gunplay. You will spend most of your playtime immersed in lightning-fast, action-packed combat. Movement is fluid, and gun animations, as well as sound effects, pack a lot of punch to provide an atmospheric experience that aims to immerse you in each situation.

There is also a decent repertoire of weapons to choose from, ranging from a pistol and shotgun to larger weapons such as miniguns and grenade launchers, all of which are designed for specific tasks, so you have to be selective for your requirements as you can only carry two on you at any one time.


Each gun is also fully customisable, giving you some decent freedom in making the guns your own. Changing the barrel, or adding a laser sight drastically alters the performance of a firearm, and the only real way you can understand these changes is to test them out and experiment with combinations. Thankfully, Trepang2 gives you a considerable range of options to do so, either through main and side missions you can undertake from the mission select board or by conducting training modules that put you under stressful situations as a challenge to overcome.

The key to beating Trepang2 is understanding its gimmicks, focus and cloak. Focus is a gauge that slows down time temporarily, allowing you to react faster than the enemies around you, and cloak is exactly what it sounds like, invisibility technology that hides you from enemies for a short time.

These are fundamental in the skill ceiling, and controlling them competently will make higher difficulties significantly easier.

Audio and Visual
This isn't the best-designed game I've played recently. It's sufficiently aesthetically pleasing, not breaking the threshold of level or world design, and even the general textural overlay is outdated and bland in some places. It’s far from an ugly experience, but not cutting edge.


Thankfully the audio picks up the slack here, providing a heart-pounding soundtrack and some genuinely killer atmosphere that can hype you up for brutal action sequences or slow you down in some of the more horrific sections. The animation audio also requires some high praise here as it is sensational how visceral combat can sound with these heavy weapons ripping enemies to pieces.

Further analysis of Tr3$%ng2 is n&t advis%$

Performance and Specifications
I ran Trepang2 as high as it goes at 2560 x 1440 resolution and had no issues with performance or bugs. Load screens were almost instantaneous and never took any additional time to buffer missions afterwards. Generally, phenomenal optimisation.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080

Final Thoughts - Good
Review chart here.
I've heard a lot of people refer to this game as a FEAR clone, and to be entirely honest, it's hard to argue that it's anything more than that. It does exactly what FEAR does, with a less interesting storyline and very similar gameplay without even looking that much better either. All of this is condensed down into an 4 to 6-hour campaign for $60.
Trepang2 does what it intends to do exceptionally well, it just doesn't do enough of it or push the thresholds of what we already have to warrant its high price point. Wait for a sale unless you're a die-hard FPS fan and don't mind breaking the bank for little content.

ERR//…BREAK THE CYCLE Hell, Purgatory and Paradise BR3%K…T&$…CY%LE

Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 7. Sửa lần cuối vào 8 Tháng 7.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
118 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
45.6 giờ được ghi nhận
"Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move."

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a first-person/third-person shooter adventure experience that takes the well-known Far Cry formula and reskins it with Avatar. Ubisoft doesn't usually hit home with strong, dynamic gameplay and highly enthralling storylines. But as I am a sucker for Avatar content, I thought it was worth the gamble. But does this game feel the warm embrace of Eywa, or is it just Unobtainium?

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 The story isn't as bad as I anticipated. It's rather well-thought-out and plotted to deliver some impactful moments and genuine surprises.

🟩 The gunplay is fast and fun, with the ability to adjust difficulty on the go, which augments how much damage you do and gets done to you, allowing control over how much challenge you want.

🟩 One of the most beautiful game experiences I have ever played. It is a stunning open world with dynamic terrain and environments to captivate the senses at every turn.

🟩 The audio matches the visuals in nearly every sense of the word. The soundtrack perfectly contrasts almost every situation, and the atmospheric immersion is breathtaking.
🟥This game is riddled with performance and crash-inducing bugs.

🟥 The gameplay mechanics for the mini-games aren't fun at all. They become repetitive quickly and tiresome to complete.

🟥 The world doesn't feel full of activities it feels like someone detailed an extensive plot of chores for you to suffer through.

You play as a captive Na'Vi in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Captured by the RDA and trained for their purposes from a young age and freed fifteen years later from your bonds to settle the grudge against the ones who took you from your home and family. You must travel across Pandora, unite the fractured clans and bring peace once again to your home.

The story is pretty good, especially considering the studio it came from. The world feels somewhat immersive, the characters grow on you, and the general plot has enough substance to bite into and keeps you hooked for most of the campaign.

Gameplay Analysis
Combat in this game is identical to the Far Cry franchise in nearly every way. Your character isn't invincible and has limited resources compared to the enemy you are facing, so this leaves you with essentially one tactic against the odds: guerilla warfare.

Your general task in Avatar against the enemy will be to infiltrate bases quickly and quietly, taking out enemies as you can while focusing mainly on completing base-specific tasks to shut them down as fast as possible for maximum rewards.


You have very few weapons to utilise to this end. There are three variants of bows, each for different ranges and conditions, an assault rifle, a shotgun, a spear-thrower and a throwing device for casting explosives of varying capability at moderate distances. On top of these weapon choices, you can modify weapons with special items to change the benefits they provide such as higher weak spot damage or health returned on kills.

These all give you some options for combat scenarios and allow you to plan your next moves.

The last piece of the puzzle is your gear. Armour has many different traits that can completely change how your character functions. Some armour has health increases, others have damage bonuses, and you have some flexibility in their augments as you can change the mods on them, much like your weapons, to mix and match their capability.

Avatar emphasizes exploring the world, even giving you an option in the settings to turn off map and compass markers, so you have to follow directions given to you by the settlements and quest log. Exploration will grant you many boons, such as increased health and item upgrades you wouldn't be able to attain otherwise, it also gives you a decent opportunity to locate resources for crafting new items that require plant and animal materials to create.

Exploration is easier when you attain your Ikran, the bird creatures the Na'Vi ride. You get this fairly early on and isn't a spoiler as it's on the banner art of the game.


The map is also quite dynamic, where clearing a base doesn't mean it will remain the way it is forever. Over time the base will be reclaimed by nature, and new plants and resources will become available. I found this particularly unique as I hadn't seen many games utilise this as a feature.

As you adventure and explore Pandora, you will eventually utilise the mini-game mechanics to do many different tasks such as hack computers, repair electrical lines, paint memories and a whole era of other tasks. These are often fun and intuitive, providing an interesting side adventure to break up the combat sequences. They rapidly become repetitive and monotonous, especially after your fifth straight hack or drawn-out memory painting.

Audio and Visual
There are little to no negatives I can say about the visual state of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. It is without a doubt one of the most stunning aesthetic experiences I have ever had in gaming and I am in absolute awe over how seamless the world is considering its robust beauty and minute detail. From the first moment you step into the forest, to the first time you fly above it, you will be blown away by the sheer scope of the world and how much passion went into designing it.


The audio isn't quite as high quality but still offers a significant level of detail over the forest atmosphere and the general animation sounds of running through brush and splashing through puddles. I will say that the sound of the rain in this game is genuinely mesmerising though and this game has a perfectly ambient soundtrack for just roaming exploring, capturing that wonderment of the unknown.

Performance and Specifications
I ran the game on High settings, one down from the highest, at 2560 x 1440 and still saw some significant frame dips. This game is fairly resource hungry and only high-end machines will run it at ultra at this resolution or more for any prolonged period.
🟧 A lot of bugs. Frequent crashes and performance bugs that cause you to become stuck, unable to change weapons or cause you to fall through the world.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080

Final Thoughts - Imperfect
Review chart here.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora isn't a pioneer game for the industry. It's a Ubisoft game in nearly every way you can imagine, the story is alright, the gameplay is fun, the violence is toned down and the world is beautiful and sprawling. It's far from perfect, but it's an ideal dumb fun filler experience, that is worth a shot if you can get it on an enormous sale so you don't have to cry in the shower at night over what an idiot you are for buying what is mostly mid-tier content at full price. Don't go into it expecting much and you won't be disappointed!

The Na'Vi need your help to free Pandora, but if you want to free your heart, head on over to Hell, Purgatory and Paradise where every review is an adventure.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 7. Sửa lần cuối vào 6 Tháng 7.
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Một nhà phát triển đã phản hồi vào ngày 6 Thg07 @ 8:02am (hiển thị phản hồi)
23 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4.6 giờ được ghi nhận
Finally, my own room!

This review is based on playing on the Steam deck.
Unpacking is a zen-like puzzle experience about one girl's journey through life, from childhood to adulthood and all the twists and turns between. Set in each of her rooms, apartments and houses throughout her life, it's your job to unpack her story over the years and watch as she evolves with each new chapter. But does the game succeed at unpacking itself from the rest of its kind, or is it destined to gather dust in some forgotten corner?

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 One of the most heartfelt and expressive non-narrative stories I have ever witnessed in all my years of gaming.

🟩 Simplistic gameplay across ever-growing spaces helps keep the game engaging without becoming burdensome.

🟩 Soft aesthetic tones and gentle, rhythmic music set the stage for a zen-like experience as you unfurl the protagonist's life with each passing chapter.
🟥 Quite a short experience despite its relatively steep price point.

🟥 Puzzle gamers might become bored if they are seeking a challenge.

The story of Unpacking revolves around a girl named P as she moves from her childhood room to her first apartment and finally to her forever home. But the story is more complex and nuanced than that may seem, as life's filled with moments that help define us as people, and P is no different. As you unpack her life with each new chapter unfolding, you will see items come and go and eventually return. You will see her career develop and her relationships evolve, and in the end, find solace that despite how messy life can get at times, a happy ending awaits us all.


Gameplay Analysis
A tale we all have to tell.
The game doesn't deliver many gameplay mechanics, nor do the mechanics evolve much throughout its relatively short five to ten-hour campaign. But there is some calming clarity in this simplicity, where you don't have to feel challenged to be satisfied with the outcome, and you can enjoy the story unfolding without time constraints or counters documenting your errors.


The game consists of eight levels of varying size, where you essentially have to unpack boxes and place the items in the correct places based on the type of item they are. There is some moderate freedom in the placement process, and you won't be penalised for placing items in slight variations, although at times, you will have to ensure some items are in the correct rooms or specific places before moving on to the next chapter.

Audio and Visual
Much like the above, because of how the game is designed, there is also not a whole lot to look at. Graphically the game is beautiful and delivers an extremely soothing experience from a visual standpoint, with a clever cartoonish art style that helps carry the unspoken narrative, but just don't expect to be blown away.
With that said, the audio is in a similar boat, not delivering an enormous catalogue of sounds or music to the short experience, it still does an adequate job of backing the storyline without ever distracting from it.

Deck Performance and Specifications
Doesn't require a performance check, the game's low requirements ensure almost anyone can play this title.

Final Thoughts - Good
Review chart here.
Unpacking didn't blow me away, it is extremely simple in its design and delivery and doesn't deviate from this in any tangible way throughout its short playtime. Coupled with a rather high price point it's hard to recommend it despite enjoying the experience it provided. I will say that it's a story worth playing through once, but only if you can get it on a steep sale.

If unpacking your life feels like it might get you down, head on over to Hell, Purgatory and Paradise to lighten your burdens and experience tranquillity at last..
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 6. Sửa lần cuối vào 30 Tháng 6.
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221 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
93.7 giờ được ghi nhận
"Desperation can bring out the demon in the best of men"

Ghost of Tsushima is an open-world adventure game set in 13th-century feudal Japan and seeks to deliver a gripping tale of one man's struggle to face the demons who have invaded his home and the demons that struggle within. But does it have what it takes to repel the invasion, or is it destined to be crushed against the tide?

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 A truly captivating original story that blends historical accuracy with compelling fiction with seamless authenticity.

🟩 Fast, flowing, and well-thought-out combat makes every encounter feel like a challenging experience, especially on Lethal difficulty, which makes all attacks fatal on both sides of combat.

🟩 A robust world filled to the brim with activities, unique encounters, loads of options for dealing with different situations and an arsenal of armour and tools to match.

🟩 A visually stunning open world that is breathtaking to adventure through is made only better by the extraordinarily well-designed photo mode that allows you to unlock your creativity with sizeable customisation options.

🟩 The audio quality is not as substantial as the visual, but it still provides an impressive attempt at immersion on all fronts. The soundtrack has been designed to captivate your emotions throughout the campaign, and both the English and Japanese voice-acting cast are perfect choices for the main characters, which is somewhat of a rarity.
🟥 The AI is not particularly smart or challenging and is particularly easy to funnel into kill zones even on the highest difficulties

🟥 Enemy variety is not enormous, and by the time you reach the end of the second act, you will have encountered everything the game has to throw at you.

It is late into the 13th century in feudal Japan. The Mongol empire has already laid waste to countless nations in their campaign to conquer the East. In their invasion, they eventually land on the shores of Tsushima, and the brave samurai rise to fend off the massing hordes. Jin Sakai, the main character, is amongst their number and watches as the samurai defences fail and the invading forces claim a foothold in his homeland.

It is here as the last of his clan, where Jin must rise against the invaders, cast aside his honour and do what he must to protect his home and the people.


But will his quest for vengeance and urge to do what must be done allow his demons to consume him?

Ghost of Tsushima is a well-written and paced plot that delivers substantial emotional investment in Jin’s story, and the fate of the entire island. This is done by tailored questlines, side stories and considerable quantities of collectibles that provide insight into the state of the world and what has led to the current situation. There are some moments where you feel the story might have dragged on a little, but these are quickly dissipated as each act hits its climax and can be easily avoided by not spending too long trying to 100% each zone before moving on with the story.

Gameplay Analysis
”But we are all killers”
This game revolves heavily around combat, which can take many forms throughout the campaign.

A majority of the game will take place in open combat, where you are fighting against large groups or waves of enemies in swordplay. Sword fighting is pretty simplistic as you only have very few abilities at the beginning of the game. Over time it does grow in complexity if you wish to master the many facets of it, such as stance dancing to attack enemies of different proficiencies or deflecting the enemy advances to deliver crushing counterattacks to thin their numbers.

There are more ways to fight, whether you choose a stealthier approach and use long grass to mask your entry into a base and take them all out before they know you’re there, or you use a bow to pick enemies off from range there are tools and skills to benefit the way you want to play and build your character to optimise them.


Levelling Jin is done in a standard way where killing enemies and completing activities like side quests will net you experience points which can then be invested into a moderately sized series of skill trees.

While the general story is linear, how you approach missions isn’t linear, allowing you some flexibility in dealing with different situations and giving you real control over how things turn out in each encounter.

”The strength we need is all around us”
Exploration plays a monumental role in Ghost of Tsushima as it's the only way to experience everything the game has to offer, is to explore the sprawling world around you, following clues to points of interest, and completing the activities there.

Activities in the open world, such as bamboo strikes and meditating in hot springs can grant you substantial boons to your combat and survivability, so it’s worth exploring to find them all.

The map does play a part in this and can help you in navigating the world allowing you to set waypoints to make your traversal easier, it is not a flawless system and it takes some getting used to before you can use it to its full capability.

The path of a legend.
The game also has quite a substantial multiplayer mode that allows for coop play to complete missions that earn experience points and gear for your characters so you can level them up and equip them for the battles ahead. I had quite a lot of fun with this game mode and wished it was a full game on its own as it's quite an enamouring experience filled with content and interesting stories. Maybe one day!

Audio and Visual
Ghost of Tsushima provides a breathtaking visual experience that only broadens as you explore its robust and flowing world. With a well-designed photo mode to capture the moments as you run, jump and climb across its expansive wilderness.


The audio is of exceptional quality as well but lacks a little variety at times. This isn't a massive qualm as the game is large and you don't spend much time listening to the nature around you or the soundtrack.

PC Performance and Specifications
With the game on Ultra settings at 2560 x 1440, it ran impeccably smooth, especially considering it's a PlayStation port. Sat at a firm 60 FPS the entire time and never really deviated from that.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080

Final Thoughts - Very Good
Review chart here.
Ghost of Tsushima is a well-thought-out and passionately designed experience that doesn't deviate from its goals of immersion and substance. Providing a compelling storyline with interesting characters and an enormous open world to explore you will have your hands full for a lot of hours as you bring peace to the wartorn lands of Tsushima.

The Ghost seeks to repel the Mongol army from the shores of his home, and his favourite place to go while relaxing at the Onsen is Hell, Purgatory and Paradise where he can go to unravel the secrets of this world.
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 6.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
32 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
78.3 giờ được ghi nhận (73.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
"They call this scorching, desolate desert "Sand Land."

SAND LAND is an open-world adventure game adaptation of the 2000 comic series of the same name and undoubtedly one of Akira Toriyama's final works. But does the game do the artist and the series justice, or is this just another anime game left in the dust?

🟩 Positives
🟥 Negatives
🟩 The story is well-written and devised despite having minor pacing issues.

🟩 The open world is spacious, stunning and filled with things to do and places to explore.

🟩 The variety of vehicles with specific uses and weapons is surprisingly complex for a game of this scope. Vehicle combat is also exciting and fast-paced and perfectly compliments the extensive customisation options available.

🟩 One of the most visually striking anime games I have ever played and a beautiful OST score to match.
🟥 Difficulty doesn’t change much of the actual challenge as the AI is limited in its capability, all it does is increase the health pools and damage output of standard enemies, not boss encounters.

🟥 Some of the worst open-world dialogue I have ever experienced in a game. Incredibly repetitive and boring banter while exploring.

🟥 Melee combat feels underwhelming and unnecessary despite the main character being a brawler.

You take on the role of Beelzebub, the Fiend Prince, on a journey across the drought-ridden, scorching Sand Land to find the legendary spring and bring peace to the savage land.


But journeys are rarely so simple as the King has plans for the legendary water source and is making a fortune on keeping it as a commodity and will do everything in his power to keep it under control.

You must fight against the army, bandits and even nature itself on the quest to pry the water supply from the government's grasp, but does the story end there? You will have to dive right in to find out.

SAND LAND delivers a well-designed and intriguing plot despite having some moderate pacing concerns throughout the campaign. With a fascinating cast of characters to fill the few empty moments with entertainment, so you will never be bored. With that said, the open-world dialogue is incredibly repetitive and becomes tedious to listen to after some time, with no way to turn down the frequency or off entirely.

Gameplay Analysis
"Do you think we will ever explore all of Sand Land?"
A substantial part of the game is exploring its sizable open-world environment, which takes place across the entire campaign as new areas continuously open up to you.

Exploration will be your primary way of unlocking and upgrading items for your vehicles because some of the best items in the game are hidden in out-of-the-way places, and resources scattered across the world, such as ore and wood, are used to upgrade them. Unfortunately, however, the map is pretty subpar in this regard, only really helping you navigate the world and not showing you where to obtain certain resources which makes attaining some mid to late game upgrades substantially more difficult than it should be.


Which brings us to the robust customisation options available to you, SAND LAND has an enormous catalogue of parts, upgrades, decals and paints for you to truly make your bot your own, and some of the upgrades can truly alter the function of your bot in surprising ways.

Fighting and killing enemies around Sand Land will also net you significant rewards in the form of resources used to upgrade vehicle parts or sell for money.

"That was kinda fun"
Combat is the other significant aspect of the game, and you will spend a large part of it upgrading your vehicles or skills for this very purpose.

Combat can be split into two categories: melee, which is your ground combat outside of vehicles and vehicular combat, which takes place in numerous types of bots you will unlock during the campaign.

Melee combat is essentially fighting on the ground with your fists, and you will gain abilities throughout the story that will vastly change the flow of combat. You will also be able to invest skill points into a tree that bolsters your damage, health and the effects of your combat abilities.

Vehicular combat is a little more complex as you will need to constantly upgrade your vehicles to stay relevant against the enemies of the world. You will use the items and resources you find in the world or on enemies to upgrade individual parts and increase your overall output potential.

The average enemies scale with your level, but bosses are level-capped, so it is simple to out-level the story content. The boss battles usually take place in moderately sized arenas, allowing you some flexibility on what bot you want to use to defeat them. They are not incredibly diverse or complex to combat but can provide varying difficulty depending on your level.

"On to a new adventure"
SAND LAND is near-literally bursting at the seams with side quests to complete as you progress through the story. All of the side quests give you some insight into the world and what has led to the events that are taking place and provide you with some significant upgrades if you complete them all.

On top of the plethora of side activities the game has for you to complete you also are given the option to build and design a home for your character. Decorating the house does not provide you with any bonuses whatsoever but is a fun and creative minor activity to do between missions to give you some time to reflect.

Audio and Visual
This game has not been designed for realism, but it still delivers a stunning visual experience that will continuously catch your attention with beautiful open vistas and seamless environments. The cell-shading art style enhances the visual experience by delivering a fresh perspective to the series.


The audio doesn't quite hit the same standard. While the music in the game is captivating and fits every situation perfectly, harmoniously blending in levels of nostalgia for fans of Toriyama’s works, the general audio is pretty repetitive and monotonous for the most part, recycling most of the sounds for the entire game.

PC Performance and Specifications
While running SAND LAND on max settings at 2560 x 1440, the game ran buttery smooth the entire time with very few minor graphical or performance issues to report.
RAM: 32GB 3200GHz G-Skill (DDR4)
CPU: i9 10900KA 3.70GHz
GPU: MSI Ventus RTX 3080
Note: I have decided to remove the performance usages as they are only relevant to my build and not the general user base.

Final Thoughts - Good
Review chart here.
SAND LAND does an impressive job of creating a vibrant open-world experience filled with diverse characters, environments, enemies, and customisations all wrapped in a captivating well-written story, making it one of the most outstanding anime games that I have ever played. With that said, Some foundational design flaws hold it back from being top-tier, and you may only find yourself captivated if you are already a fan of Toriyama's work. If it sounds like something that may interest you, I’d recommend waiting for a sale.

The never-ending dunes of Sand Land can begin to drain you of your very life, but fear not as Hell, Purgatory and Paradise is your oasis in even the harshest of lands.
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 6.
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