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기록상 36.9시간 (평가 당시 26.5시간)
No Man's Sky, A game developed and published by Hello Games, Launched 13th of August, 2016.

I have longed for a game that would allow me to take to the stars, fly amongst the raging balls of fire, the spiralling rocks and visit worlds untouched by man. I have played countless Science fiction games in hopes for this dream. And so i was obviously drawn to No Man's Sky. It's promises of grandeur and its visual style spoke to me on so many levels. But did it deliver? At first not even in the slightest, but this game has been in development for a long time now and perhaps its now finally at a point where it can be evaluated as it should be.

I would like to mention here that everything below is purely based on the game itself, I believe the team at Hello Games are doing a considerable amount of effort to make this game as good as it can be and that is a mindset that can only be praised.

Story 1/10
No Man's Sky or NMS as i'll refer to it on going isn't entirely based on a storyline, so it makes it hard to write this part. However the game doesn't really deliver any kind of information at all, as to how you came to be, where you came from or even a story of the universe you are flying through. The relatively small amount of information you are provided only seemingly leads to more questions. Not that questions aren't a good thing for a mystery and to build suspense but that's where it ends. Beyond the standard amount of information you'd expect, this game is devoid of any semblance of history, lore or world development.

Gameplay 3/10
+ World Design:No Man's Sky doesn't provide a whole lot of gameplay mechanics so this section is going to be relatively short, However it does a few things particularly well and a few things pretty dismally. The world design however is pretty amazing. I understand that the worlds are procedurally generated but the algorithm used to build them is pretty sensation, the worlds are vibrant and full of things to explore.
+ Mining:I love a game that has a good mining system, especially when its crucial to its own mechanics. NMS has made Mining it's fundamental game mechanic in that you need to mine to do pretty much anything, from fixing your ship and ensuring you won't die, to making money.
+ Scanning the environment:This game has plenty to look negative toward, however i really enjoyed scanning creatures and the environment to document my travels. It felt like a great idea and never really got boring, i wish there was more of a reward for doing so than just a cash prize. But as a whole it felt very interesting, discovering different resources on a planet.
- Movement:NMS essentially has you moving constantly, finding resources, traversing landscapes in search of points of interest. However the mechanics here are flawed and clunky, Movement is heavy and sloppy and feels unnatural. The sprinting is almost useless as you can only really sprint for the space of 1 meter before you character collapses from the strain, and the jetpack has almost no forward propulsion only upward and even then its extremely slow and clumsy.
- Enemy Diversity:I use the phrase "enemy" extremely loosely here as there aren't really any enemies, the sentinel robots patrol planets occasionally and attack you if you bother them too much but there really isn't any fundamental combat set up here and the enemies aren't really worth the effort in fighting.
- Endgame/Purpose to Play:The game doesn't really have one, it has you progressing through this world for a seemingly endless purpose but with no reason. You can continue to build a base and upgrade your ships but there is really no purpose to it. Somewhere around the 20 hour mark you will have experienced everything this game has to offer and for a game of this scale and scope that is pretty sad.
- Hazardous Environments:I understand that in any survival game, the fundamental premise is that you are in a dangerous environment and that you have to survive. No one can argue with this mechanic, However in NMS you aren't really given a chance to survive, you awaken on a planet of random designation, that is in someway hostile to you. You are immediately subjected to an ever draining life system that will eventually kill you unless you can find the resources to repair your ship and to keep your exosuit functions running. I like this until you reason your character is a brick on lego wheels and that you can't traverse any sort of distance on foot without almost dying.

Visuals 5/10
NMS is a beautiful game, and it was far more beautiful at its launch. It hasn't aged extremely well although it still isn't ugly. The graphics are overtoned by its vibrant colour schemes and amount of information it throws at you almost immediately. It has a significant amount of graphical options to help alleviate even the minor discrepancies you would have, but even at Ultra this game isn't all that stunning. It looks good for what it is, but it's not breath taking, not compared to other games of this genre. There were no minor or major graphical issues in this game running it at Ultra. and the frames held steadily well above 60FPS.

Audio 7/10
Suprisingly i have very little negative to say here. NMS has provided a beautifully designed OST to compliment its game play. The world sounds alive even if you can't really see it at times which can be depressing. But the sound effects here are on point, everything you do feels impactual and connected to the world, Flying sounds intense and that first take off is stupendous to hear. Overall a sensational audio presentation here and the developers should be extremely proud of it.

Overall 4/10 "Mediocre"
Whilst No Man's Sky has had a lot of work put into it, to make it the game it should have been 5 years ago now. It's probably reached that point. However in that time games have exceeded it's original promises and have excelled at it exceptionally. It's overall mechanics and graphics are outdated and despite the the effort here to make it a great game i just can't see it becoming one. The developers are a dedicated and passionate team and the work they have put into NMS is evident from the moment you launch it. However the game isn't really worth the price, and probably not even on sale.
2018년 4월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2021년 4월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 202.8시간 (평가 당시 131.7시간)
A game developed and published by Re-Logic.

Terraria, an interesting title, where your imagination determines how far you can progress, and how much time you will pour into this game. A hollow world till you arrive, teeming with precious ores, and dark secrets. Fetid swamps and dry deserts.
This game is definitely an endeavour, and it will soak up alot of your time as you try and reach the pinnacle of your characters limitations and how much you can construct. Often remarked as a "2D Minecraft" I always find this comparison woefully incorrect. Minecraft has a wide selection of enemies, which is similar, A wide array of ore and precious gems to mine, which is also similar. But from then one, Terraria leaves it dead in the water. An RPG experience, with substantial boss progression, Active try and retry game mechanics and spanning character classes, All inclusive of a massive crafting system, and wide assortment of things to collect and try.
Anyways, I've praised it enough, lets get down to the review!

Graphics: Probably one of the weaker points of the game, Its still very vibrant and holds upto despite its 2011, Birthdate.
This is mainly due to the pixelated graphics and 2D perspective of the game. Not alot to render, and not alot to process at any one time, Making it run very smoothly at any point in time, But also extremely limited due to there not being any sort of graphical options or benchmarks.

Gameplay: Where do i begin. This game plays, as well as you can play it. All the mechanics are there for you to make it work in your favor. But finding your niche and finding your work space is all crucial in you enjoying your time in Terraria.
The game drops you into a world, where you basically don't understand anything, A very limited spread of understanding, very few tools at your disposal, and a single NPC to help guide you along your journey. 4 classes to basically choose from as you progress through the game, Melee, Ranged, Mage and Summoner. All depending on how you want to play and how you prefer to play. Despite there being no relevant story or backstory to this game, there is a substantial amount of progression and ALOT of gear to rummage around for.

Story: I think i pretty much covered this aspect of the game already. There really isn't a story here. Which is usually a game killer for me. I heavily invest in story driven worlds, And this world has none to speak of. I guess the story can be made up for each player, as to why you are doing what you're doing, but as for a story driven narrative. There isn't one.

I don't often do a "CONS" section. But this game is so monstrous in terms of scope and size, I feel it's necessary to provide as much information as possible. I love this game to bits, this is perhaps the 3rd time i've played it through, Once on playstation, once on Xbox and now on PC. So i'm well aware of his rather frustrating flaws.
So here we are....
Cons: This game despite how much effort has been poured into it, Has rather sizable and numerous flaws. Mostly relating around achievement glitches, game crashing and multiplayer bugs.
Achievement glitches are fairly frustrating, although are entirely not a concern unless you're as OCD as i am. The game progresses the same way regardless of steams registering of your progress.
Game crashes for alot of players at certain intervals in the game, Which HAS caused loss of character saves. It's highly recommended that you cloud save your favorite character builds and worlds, so that your save data will always be present.
And Multiplayer as a whole is a fairly awful experience, the above mention bugs as well as an assortment of new things, Players not seeing what each other are seeing, Enemies and bosses despawning because of numerous players involved, which may or may not potentially ruin hours upon hours of preparation and planning. Frustrating to say the least. But alot of it is avoidable if you take necessary precautions. Alot of which can be found through quick internet searches.

Overall: This game is a gigantic time suck lol
There is no other way to put it, You will pour time into boss by boss progression, farming and grinding enemies for specific gear to better improve your chances at the next boss. You will dig deep into dirt, mud and ash for hours upon hours just to find 3 pieces of ore which isn't even close to the amount you need. You will kill thousands of enemies for a single piece of gear, that isn't even optimal till you find another piece it can be fused with. You will die on the inside for days and potentially weeks as you farm your way to the very end of the game. And then when it's all over and you finally can get a breath of respite as your real life world is crumbling to pieces around you, You will feel empty, knowing that it's done.
This game isn't just worth its price, It's worth every minute you pour into it.
Welcome to Terraria. I hope you enjoy it as much as i do.
2018년 4월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 26.1시간 (평가 당시 21.1시간)
Farcry 5
A game both developed and published by Ubisoft.

My reviews usually follow a strict criteria of Gameplay, Graphics and Story, Starting with a overall experience explanation, Ending with a recommendation and closing statements.

If you want to understand the Farcry 5 experience, simply install any of the previous Farcry games and you have the base idea already in play.
You are a trained, police officer, sent with a warrant to arrest a Cult leader for kidnapping and other nefarious deeds.
Obviously it hits the fan and you are sent into a mad scrabble up a steep hill to get revenge on those who have wronged you and drive, fly, run, walk, swim, boat or grapple across an enormous world.

The thing about this is, It's Farcry, It fits its own very simple criteria. You start the game with very little, training, weapons or ability to survive, You complete seemingly endless repetitive tasks of killing random enemies or attacking generic "outposts" to increase region influence, or any number of other seemingly remedial tasks to earn fame, till your strong enough or well enough equipped to make a dint in the story and capture the region as a whole.
Basically Farcry 5 in a nutshell. If you haven't played a Farcry game this may be a fresh enough experience for you to not get bored after moderate periods of gameplay, but if you're a Farcry veteran and you've been down this road numerous times now, this may be just more of the same, in a different settings, with slightly different guns and no other discernible difference. Arguably this experience appears to be FAR more entertaining as a whole with friends in a cooperative scenario. But still far from perfect. The gunplay is a very solid aspect here, done extremely well and definitely presented well. I have to admit i did feel exceptionally bad ass pulling out my .44 Magnum as i drove my "mustang" ripoff down the open road and shooting at a truck i was driving beside while a plane tried to drop bombs on me from above. The overall experience here does as it was intended, no more, no less.
Farcry 5 does a few things rather badly though, i felt like character customisation was very limited from the beginning, a very small selection of facial types and maybe 5-6 hair styles that span 4 colors. Didn't really blow me away. Given this is the first Farcry that has allowed the player to be female, unfortunately not enough to warrant a "good" customisation selection, more like just stepping upto what most RPG's have been doing for years.
Also, unlike the other Farcry games, your progress is marred not only by in game currency which apparently falls from the sky at intervals because anymore than 5 hours into the game you'll be rolling around with a backpack full of $100 bills and making it rain at the gun and car vendors like Lil Wayne and Fat Joe. But also a purchasable currency called Silver Bars, which basically lets you bypass being a nobody entirely and buy anything you want at the cost of your hard earned dubloons in real life. A less in your face version of how phone games operate.
The world map has been detailed and well crafted. It is also quite large, takes a good...hour or 2 to navigate your way across the full length of it. A decent size for a game like this, Not too large that you can get lost easily but large enough that you WANT to get lost in it.

This is one of the game brightest points. The game is spectacular. It looks beautiful and runs very well on a mid range PC at an average FPS of 65. This game has put so much detail into the graphics and the world that it is almost breath taking just walking through it. Getting lost in a seamless landscape of lakes, and wooded forests. All the while massive explosions of glorious fire raining down upon you and bullets flickering through the leaves. You will almost forget that you've done this same mission 17 times already...almost.

Basically covered it already. Revenge. The evil "insert villain name" has captured something important to you. You must go out there and do it with very little assistance from any story based characters. Seriously though there is a very definitive story here in the background, where a religious cult has moved into the valley and they are basically monopolising the region to create a sovereign state, so that they may survive mankinds prophesised "collapse", its a fairly entertaining concept, if not for the overall story holes that appear regularly and have no arguable reasoning to them. Not to mention the very cliche over the top side quests that vaguely attempt to keep you occupied in between stints of blowing up planes with your pistol, or taking on a bear with a slingshot...Good times.

This game is exceptionally beautiful and plays amazingly well both PC resource wise and gameplay wise. But it doesn't redefine anything. If nothing else it's Farcry. take it or leave it. Expect nothing more or less from Ubisoft, just pumping out generic titles with no real changes between the previous installment or the current one. Definitely a step forward in alot of ways, especially graphically which i have mentioned is phenomenal, But a step backward in a lot of ways as well.
Allowing players to bypass the games difficulty with a paywall is ridiculous especially because there is no real gain here beyond greed.
Despite the glaring flaws this game offers, i'm still recommending it, perhaps not at it's full price or even right away. The game is definitely a worthy experience whether you're a casual or a veteran of the series. Just don't expect revolutionary anything in the process.
2018년 3월 30일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 3월 30일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 72.6시간 (평가 당시 71.7시간)
A game developed and published by CD PROJEKT RED.

I usually break my reviews down by a quick summary, followed by 3 categorical sections, Story, Graphics and Gameplay. Followed by a cons section (if any) and a final summary.
Have you ever wanted to walk through a world teeming with story, lore and intrigue, As a character who is more relatable than most heroes. Well you have come to the right place.
This game is what RPG's should and will aspire to be like in the future because of how this game set a new standard for all developers to reach for. It has the perfect mix of gameplay and story that you get dragged into its monstrously (Pardon the pun) sized world and will constantly make you want to play it till it leaves you sad that its finally over. This game has violence and nudity in abundance. With heads flying off here and romantic scenes next. Just a heads up if that isn't your thing. Perhaps avoid this title.

This is one of those games that takes its story line very seriously, A game developed from a novel series by Author Andrzek Sapkowski, Where a group of monster hunters known as "Witchers" travel the land killing creatures that stalk the woods and kill the innocent, and bring a sort of balance to the world. There is a very inviting story at play here, That is scaled to keep you more than interested for the potentially 150+ hour story depending on how thorough you are to get and see everything. This is indeed the 3rd game of the series, and pulled from a series of approximately 6-7 books. Although this game is phenomenal on it's own, I'd definitely recommend either reading the book series or playing the previous 2 games for a more thorough experience, as your actions tend to pass over into the following game and it's always more entertaining to be heavily invested in the world you're running around in.

The gameplay is fairly smooth, rarely a hiccup of any serious consequence. I know alot of people who have played this with a keyboard and mouse and many with controllers and both seem to find the experience enjoyable and not frustrating at all. This is one of those games that requires you to learn enemy tactics, and quickly adapt to them, or when you gain enough levels completely overpower most creatures and slaughter their families in a gruesome mess of guts and viscera.
The map allows for easy locating of quests and important items and never really leaves you guessing where to go next, The world is very large for an RPG with alot of side quests and activities to take part in, especially my favorite "Gwent" an in game card game that is really quite awesome to get into, and will quickly take you back to your younger self collecting cards to battle your friends for theirs. This game is built around it's combat and story, So learning Geralts skills and limitations is crucial in his survival and your enjoyment, the game scales the difficulty very fairly so that you have plenty of time to learn these things before the game ramps it up. The varying ACTUAL difficulties of the game are drastic however, I'd recommend anything below "Death March" difficulty for anyone who is interested in the story aspect alone, And Death March for anyone who is after a decent challenge.

Where do i begin. This game on maximum settings (which suprisingly aren't that resource hungry) Is beautiful. Beyond words at the best of times. I have often stood there and put down the controller to enjoy a descending sunset as it eclipses across a forest. The developers have put so much love into these games, with each suprassing the last in both depth and scope. And this is definitely no exception, Phenomenal design executed with precision and care. What more can you ask for?

I honestly can't really think of any. Most of the bad things about this game that have caused me frustration are of my own doing, where i have specced badly early on and it has made me considerably weaker than i should have been, but even this was easily rectified with a respec potion you can acquire. No massive glitches or world tearing, Smooth easy combat and easy to learn controls. Plenty of free DLC's and 2 HUGE expansion DLC's. Really CD PROJEKT RED went above and beyond with this title.

This game is brilliant, a work of art in digital format.
Definitely worth your money, and definitely worth it even at full price, which is really quite a good deal for the amount of game time you will get out of it.
An overall amazing experience from start to finish, And i doubt that will even stop most of you there.
Good luck and good hunting, Witchers!
2018년 3월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 102.9시간 (평가 당시 18.5시간)
A game by developer Team Cherry, Published in house.

I love my 2D platforming type games, and this is definitely one of the best ones available. Fast paced interesting combat that makes you learn enemy tactics and moves before you rush headlong into combat. Plenty to unlock and do as you progress through the games rather lengthy campaign and "DLC" content.
Lets not forget the platforming, A solid range of difficulties in the platforming, and in exact Metroidvania style. the more moves you get the more places you can explore. The boss fights in this game are fairly predictable and would only require 4-5 shots MAX to understand their complete mechanic. There are obviously more difficult bosses, and new bosses/enemies being added frequently so this may not be exactly relatable statement forever.

The game has been developed rather well, the gameplay mechanics have been adjusted and scaled so you have explore far and wide to find everything, but also in a way that makes finding everything actually worth it to make your game time easier. As you venture through the vast caverns of the game you will discover mutliple abiltiies and spells which you will need to progress even deeper, My only qualm with this mechanic is that the game literally has no hint or tip option so you are literally left in the dark the entire game, Which isn't a huge issue but the map is really quite big, and walking accidently into a boss you probably..shouldn't fight is a fairly easy concept. The gameplay has been scaled so that you are adequately strong (Most of the time) to take on the boss of the areas, and climbing through the game you'll often notice the area difficulty from just the simple mob enemies.

There is a definite story here, although it is hard to decipher, and right from the beginning you are given no basis as what is actually happening or even what kind of world you are in. I guess which adds to the atmosphere of it all. None the less there is a story at play and as you venture deeper into the world you will pick up on it through speech with NPC's or just by running through the caverns. In this way it's very similar to dark souls, where there is a very lengthy story at play but just beyond your grasp at all times. You definitely start unravelling it at about the 2-3 hour mark and evenly spaced from there to keep you hooked.

This game doesn't have a huge array of graphical requirements, nor does it really have alot of graphical options. As much as can be expected from a 2D platformer. Regardless, the game is really quite beautiful and the art is perfectly somber to fit the locations. I believe a lot of the backgrounds are hand drawn/painted because they have that artistic touch to them rather than just being generated from the foreground. Expect to get lost in this beautifully captivating world, for potentially countless hours.

Like a mentioned previously this game is quite large and not having access to a map for an area you've just entered makes the gameplay very frustrating and hard to deal with at the best of times. The save mechanic is geniusly done, by putting save locations around the map that you have to find, but these are few and far between and without the map it makes it quite difficult to locate them before your definite demise.

This game is marvelous, Not the first time i've played it, and definitely not the last. Loving every moment of the world you can just lose yourself in, with a moderate story and interesting locations to visit. You will find yourself wanting to dive deeper and deeper, despite how frustrated you are. The story is present but faint and will require you to pour some time in before you notice it at all. The gameplay mechanics though are enough to keep even the most casual gamer interested for the space of at least one full campaign.
Worth a purchase even at full price.
2018년 3월 20일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.4시간 (평가 당시 6.1시간)
A game by Moon Studios, Published by Microsoft.
Ori and the Blind Forest.

I have alotted countless hours into a plethora of games, plenty of duds and plenty of award winners. But very few changed my perspective on gaming as a whole. That there is more to a game than just beautiful graphics, and fleshed out mechanics. That there can be a multitude of stories being told, by you just playing. How you feel at the moment, as you cascade through a gaming world so pure and beautiful that it structures you to see it all differently. Where you don't throw your controller down, or push your keyboard away out of frustration, but come back again and again to see whats around the next corner.
This is one such case.

I often begin my reviews by giving a short overview of the story. But this time i'll for-go it entirely, Because in my opinion the story is a part of what makes this game so amazing. And to ruin it, would be an insult to you and the developers. Suffice to say that the story what makes this game shine.

With only a minimal ability to alter anything graphical in this game, you'd almost expect it to be of sub par graphical quality, This game runs magically, even on a machine meeting its minimal requirements. A perfect accessibility of resources, and almost flawless static FPS. It has a few scale down points where there is alot happening on the screen, but these are usually only designated by a drop of about...5-10FPS on my current setup which is far from optimal.
The graphical quality is ensured mainly because of the seemingly static backgrounds which appear to be painted and/or drawn. These don't detract at all from the beautiful environments you will visit. There has been alot of very well done physics and abilities which take advantage of it, it's pretty amazing witnessing them as you run through this game. Some zones despite being just 2D pictures, often make me just put my controller down and enjoy the amount of effort put into the design and details.

Gameplay Mechanics:
Overall the game play is very smooth and intuitive, even for a 2D Metroidvania style game, with a very minimal range of movement in the first place. Combat and navigating the world seems to have been very well thought out and constructed with great care to avoid any commonly noticed glitch out points you can't escape from, or wall clipping. I had a minor issue trying to play this game with Keyboard and mouse..it felt like it wasn't created with it in mind. And definitely supports the functionality of controller with alot more ease. This game rectifies one huge issue i have with most 2D platformers, the checkpoint system, This game allows you to save at any safe location you want to, as well as checkpointing at regular intervals. If you die and respawn very far from where you were, then there's nobody to blame but yourself.

World Design/Art Style:
The world has been beautifully designed and it's probably one of the major reasons this game has recieved so much praise from me. Its hard to fault a game where just a simple area can change how you feel, from happy to sad, back to happy again in the space of a few minutes by just walking through an environment effected by the story events. Every zone and every area you will explore has been expertly fleshed out to provide you with a breath-taking experience and to make you feel as though this is the world you are actually living in.

Like i said earlier, i don't want to spoil anything for anyone interesting in purchasing or playing this game. So this will be as brief as possible.
Story-telling in gaming for me has become very cliche and repetitive. The usual RPG story of rescue, or vengeance. Or an FPS where you have to destroy the enemy (Strogg, Russians, Terrorists, Demons..ect ect). I have definitely become jaded. So when a genre defining game comes alot with a story that captivates me within minutes of playing it, from start to finish. That is a praise i do not hand out lightly. This game is definitely one of those. If you love amazing stories beautifully told with enough room for your own interpretation. Then i need say no more. This game is for you.

I have given this game alot of praise. There are a few minor flaws in it that bug me, A few of the mid to late game mechanics are flawed in the fact that check points are few and far between with relatively large expanses of tricky puzzles in between that can get very tedious. If you like a challenge as I do this won't be much more than a hinderance. But if you are easily deterred, then perhaps consider a lower difficulty earlier on.
Also, the games tracks your deaths the entire way. This isn't so much a flaw as is, But i dislike being tracked for failures. I'm far from excellent at this game, which is why i won't even attempt 1 Life mode, But there should be an option to remove the death tally for people who don't like seeing it.

This game is definitely a gem, worthy of anyones attention, even if it's only for a short while.
If you love beautiful landscapes, well told stories and near flawless gameplay then look no further. you have arrived.
2018년 3월 17일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 3월 17일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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5명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 120.7시간 (평가 당시 82.1시간)
Fallout 4. A game developed and published by Bethesda.
Where to begin with this...
A game where you venture through a world destroyed by the reckless enterprise of man. Where the entire planet as we know it, is scattered with remnants of the human race and fractured bands of raiders, irradiated creatures, and other nasty things just lurking in the wasteland waiting for you to pass by. Fallout will always hold a special place in my heart, because i love the world they have created. My only concern with this and Bethesda overall, is that they are absolutely terrible story tellers. They have no concept of the player being able to comprehend the world they've created without describing details so finely that it's almost insulting.
This game is no different. It has a fairly detailed story base, but the format is lacking. You find yourself free of the vault (again, as always) brooding with a sense of vengeance and anger, and in the space of 15-20minutes you've basically forgotten it all. Running around building settlements or looting an entire cities supply of desk fans, and ceramic coffee cups.
It is a hard thing to come straight off Fallout: New Vegas. A classic in it's own right. A masterpiece. and unfortunately not Bethesda's work.. ( =*( ) but they tried, and did a relatively good job of it. A lot of room for improvement, but a step in the right direction.

- The world is beautifully detailed. From the massive cities, and endless marshy swamps of the "Commonwealth" it is remarkable the amount of detail they have put into it. Even things you'd now take for granted, Rain drops rolling off your gun barrel, blood spatters on your weapons after beating someone to death. It's all there and really gives you a sense of immersion. Which is probably why the game series has been so captivating despite Bethesda's lack of story.
- The Settlement system in the game is really very interesting..and insanely addictive, even if it is just The Sims in a wasteland, give your settlers food and water and beds and tada you've created a safe haven.
- Gun modifications. Need i say more? you add guns to a game, you should be able to mod them. Scopes, silencers, suppressors..what ever just put them in there. I do miss the concept from the old Fallout games where you had to go sleuthing across the entire world looking for the best guns. But this game makes it a lot easier to be effective even from an early stage.
- Despite Bethesdas god awful stories. This game actually has a pretty decent story with a few enthralling twists. Too bad you sort of forget about them on the way. But they are there. if you play this game entirely for its campaign, you'll enjoy the script.
- Enemies react to damage. You shoot them in the leg, they topple over, you shoot their arms, they can't aim. You shoot them in the face. they die. Lovely.

- Raiders.... You build and you plant, you filter water and you set up defenses. People are happy. Wrong. you've ruined your own life. because every 40 seconds for the rest of the game you'll have raiders attacking your home. Have fun.
- Glitches. Glitches galore..almost as many bugs in this game as there are raiders attacking my settlements. Things going missing, people skipping voice lines for no particular reason. Corpses falling through the world.
- The conversation system. Omg. Its confusing.. Your character reacts to things in absolutely extraodinary ways despite your best efforts to seem like you have 50% of your brain left, he/she will continue to say things that don't even follow the context of what the "preview" was.
"Thank you for saving us Preator!"
Preview - "No worries" What he actually says "I'm going to murder your family infront of you". Excellent.
- The NPC's basically think you walk around the streets dragging your knuckles on the pavement and eating mortar off the decaying bricks. The NPC dialogue is short, and treats you inferior. Where as Fallout: New Vegas was intelligent and put you in a place where if you had a decent "intelligence" rating, you were able to hold a meaningful conversation.

The game has numerous concerns that really push my buttons, but i wouldn't miss this game. It has had quite a bit of negative press and reviews. But the game and the world is fleshed out and definitely worth a visit. Bethesda develop awesome RPG's, if they only had the script potential of Obsidian behind this game, they would have had another masterpiece.
You'll venture far and wide and you'll enjoy the scenery and the world. But don't expect to be deeply connected to the story from the start to finish if you intend on putting alot of time into this game.
And remember, "War...War never changes."
2018년 1월 13일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 199.0시간 (평가 당시 57.0시간)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Developed and Published by what is now Bethesda.
How do you begin a review about a game that defined the RPG experience for you...I wish i knew but i'm going to try in the best place i possibly can.
Close your eyes and picture you're in a completely new world where anything and everything is possible. Where you have the ability to alter the fate of an entire continent, and define a chapter of history. Where you can become more powerful than the Gods themselves and the world will crumble or be built at your feet.
That is Morrowind. The definition of Roleplaying Game.

You basically start this story as you do in almost every Elder Scrolls game, as a filthy prisoner being transported..somewhere for some particular reason you are never really sure of.
You are freed by means unbeknownst to yourself, and begin your journey through this monstrously large world with very little ability or capability at all. You are sent on a series of quests that slowly unravel and reveal the truth about you, that you are the chosen one..NEO!!!...No, Not Neo, but someone just as amazing, The Nerevarine. You are to unite the broken houses of the land, and face the impending evil that has sworn your, and Vvardenfells if not the entire Tamriel's destruction.

Game Pros:
- Do i need to explain why this game is awesome?
It's lacking in graphics, and is definitely dated, but the experience you'll have here is unlike any other RPG experience available to this date. It is RPG in it's truest form in every way.
- Amazingly brilliant story. Written superbly and presented in the perfect way, slowly with small reveals that hit home with every step.
- Note worthy villians and characters that stick with you long after the game has finished.
- Beautiful soundtrack. Songs that will resonate an adventure for years to come.
- Hugely detailed world with incredibly hidden easter eggs!
- Large area to explore, and plenty of factions/quests/dungeons to lose yourself in.
- 2 massive DLC's included in the GOTY that are basically full sized games in their own right.
- The ability to boost your characters acrobatics so that you can basically jump across the universe. (And die, But still!!!!!)
- Limitless potential for replay and even just singular play.

Game Cons:
- I mentioned above slightly that this game is quite dated, having been made/released in 2002.
- The game doesn't hold your hand, The entire journey is basically conducted by your characters own journal, that he/she notes down as you progress and talk to people. It can be hard to maintain control of where you're upto if you're anything like myself and get distracted easily, by enemies, or dark caves or even just wanting to seek revenge on the stupid slaughterfish that keeps killing you over and over.
- The combat system is a little broken, especially at lower levels where you don't really have the skill to swing any weapons in an efficient way and spend 20 minutes trying to kill the variety of creatures that inhabit Vvardenfell.
- I don't find this a con perse, but i know it bothers some people. There is alot of reading. So if you are illiterate or unable to comprehend words. This game isn't for you.

I don't add many games to my favourites list, and fewer yet get recommended to friends and family.
This game is one of the few to sit on the pedestal of art. This game is majesty and perfection with every flaw.
I recommend this game to you, I recommend this game so much that if you haven't played it and never will, you will never be a gamer.
Don't be a filthy casual! Step into the shoes of a God and love this game as much as the millions of others who do as well.
2018년 1월 4일에 게시되었습니다.
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7명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 3.0시간
Lichdom: Battlemage. A game developed by Xaviant Games.
One of only 2 games produced by this developer, I believe the other to be "The Culling". It seems like an ambitious step forward into a genre, that hasn't been done in this way before.
Although this game has a relatively negative response ratio, due to its difficulty, and rather non inclusive description of how anything really works.
This game is what appears to be the love child of classic DOOM FPS style game play with the creative magic of the Elders Scrolls series. Where you can create magic and then visually cast if from your fingers like in Skyrim.

You are what seems from the outside, A completely random stranger, with no affinity for magic or any type of adventuring skills. You step into a story from the beginning as a person either male or female, (in my case female). Where your sister has been kidnapped by what appears to be the lord of the lands you live in, You are left strewn in the street after attempting her rescue, and left broken to die, Until what appears to be a mage stands above you. You rise to your feet, and this mage offers you retribution and revenge. Giving you bracers that can conduct the forces of energy in the world. You then proceed to combust, freeze, corrupt, shock and completely obliterate thousands of people, creates and undead in your path. Assumingly reaching a climax of revenge.

Game Pros:
- The game plays extremely smoothly, Currently my FPS has stayed at a minimal of 60avg despite the ever increasing amount of enemies and spells flying about.
- The game gives you the ability to create and design your own spells from scratch, whether you want to throw fireballs into crowds or rain down ice in the form of blizzards is completely up to you, if you want it vice versa that seems completely available as well.
- The games overall story seems captivating enough to keep you intrigued, despite how fast paced the story telling can be (i'll get into that shortly) And seems from research to have a very reasonable story length for its price. (Approximately 20 hours while completing everything at a reasonable pace)
- The game makes you feel powerful, the spells you cast are extremely potent, but your ability to decide where and when to use them is the key to your survival.
- The locations are beautiful. Having this game operating at 60FPS and at 1080p looks absolutely brilliant. The world is finely detailed and delicately planned so that you are never really guessing where as to go to next. And the ability to venture back to locations via a Fast Travel system is an amazing concept for a "FPS" type game.
- The games combat is also very fast paced, very much in common with "DOOM16", You are often thrown into fights without warning. which test your ability to react to situations. But there is often plenty of preparation room in between larger scale fights to upgrade your spells and abilities.

Game Cons:
- I did mention previously that the game is fast paced as a positive, In the combat side of things this is entirely correct.
From a story perspective i find it rather a let down. You feel as though despite your characters previous inability to do any sort of magic (presumably) picks up the art form very easily which even the aged mage who helps you, has a hard time controlling his magic and energy, The areas also feels rushed, you lose a sense of anger you get from the intro to the story because it seems like they are trying to pack too much information into the campaign.
- There is no real description as to what you can do with your spells and how to alter them, I found myself using the games "smart inventory" option to auto level most of my spells because i had no concept of how and with what.
- The enemies are very repetitive and often don't really change their move set, their are different types of the same enemy class that appear, that have increased hp, or do more damage. But by the time you've reached them they don't really pose a challenge at all.
- There is no armor customisation, the only customisation available is to the spells. But with the direction the game seems to lead, it would have definitely faired better as a whole experience if you had to craft and fashion your own gear, Or even the ability to choose melee magic, ranged magic or a combination of the two would have definitely increased the games overall stature.

I definitely recommend this game, but probably not at it's full price. It has/had a lot of promise to be a full fledged game in it's own right. but i felt like the end product was a little rushed. Its glowing triumphs of how to create a magical FPS are often overshadowed by the blazing speed of the story telling and boring enemy combos. If you are into the DOOM style of story, where you aren't really given one, and you just get to blast enemies into Oblivion. This game is definitely for you. If thats not your cup of tea, perhaps this is a pass, or at least a sale purchase only.
2017년 12월 31일에 게시되었습니다.
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20명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
31명이 이 평가가 재미있다고 함
기록상 12.9시간 (평가 당시 1.6시간)
Killer Instinct
A game developed ...Initially by Double Helix Games, Post release content by Iron Galaxy, and published by Microsoft Studios.

I did an initial review of this game, That was basically the below.
"Do you like punching Werewolves in the face whilst playing as a sword and board wielding skeleton?
Do you scream "ULTRA COMBO!!!" at the top of your lungs so that your family dies a little bit on the inside when you completely decimate your opponent?
Do you love amazing soundtracks that fuel the gameplay and instill nostalgia completely and consistently?
Are you tired of crying yourself to sleep because you don't have Killer Instinct?
If you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions, then you have to buy this game, Nuff said."
But i wanted to offer a more fleshed out review, because i love this title so much.
So if you're intersted in some further discussions please see below!

I usually break my reviews down into 4 categories, Story, Gameplay, Graphics, Music.
So please sit back, relax and enjoy this review!

Upon its initial release, before any of the season 1 characters were really announced or released, there was no real story, even as the seasons got released, (currently season...4?)
There wasn't really any story beyond that of the individual characters themselves, which are amazing in their own right, but i don't really think i can count them as "storyline" of the game, I think as a whole they do but not on their own.
Anyways, Recently..perhaps a few months ago a free patch...I know right Free..crazy. Got released for this game called "Shadow Lords" which actually integrated a story into the game and even some...minor RPG elements that really helped flesh out the game as a whole.
Allowing you to pretty much travel across the world, to eliminate the games villain, "Gargos".

Where do i begin, I don't have to tell all of you that the fighting genre is stale nowadays, It's all been done before, Hundreds of iterations of Tekken, Marvel Vs Capcom, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, King Of Fighters, and Mortal Kombat have been thrown infront of us all so many times that basically the entirely experience as a whole has been worn out.
I guess Killer Instinct isn't terribly different in regards to alot of the things that makes these games dry, But it's definitely trying to push the boundaries overall with some new idea points, new combat techniques to widen the skill variances and to keep players engaged throughout their play experiences, I guess this is common in current generation fighting games, SFV and Mortal Kombat XL being prime examples of this new generation of fighting game where there's more than just an array of spammable moves, and finally skill is earned through time, not by character choice.
Much like the current generation fighters, Killer Instinct has adopted much of the ideas from the other games, like parries, counters, and hyper mode, focus strike kind of mechanics that drastically changes the flow of combat as a whole, but the one thing that really stands out to me as a defining feature in Killer Instinct has always been it's combo system, which in this game has been thoroughly fleshed out, can't be dragged out forever and can be massively devastating if you know how to pull it off correctly. In saying this, they can be difficult to pull off, and pretty much always have...difficulty varying on the character chosen, i guess...
But in this variation of Killer Instinct, there is an option for auto and manual combos, allowing you to break the ceiling and initiate the ABSOLUTELY beloved ULTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA combos, without really requiring, actually knowing how to do it. I think this is a great tutorial setting that lets you become accustom to the characters and the new gameplay and still feel like a boss at the same time.
Much of the rest of the game hasn't changed really..It's still at it's core a fighting game, and doesn't deviate from this very far.

This game is BRILLIANT. I love how it looks, from the partical effects of fire balls landing, to the detail of the world and backgrounds, to the singular character details themselves. I have this game at it's highest possible graphical settings and haven't seen it drop dramatically ever, I did pour most of my time into this game on the Xbox, which even then looked absolutely amazing, even at it's sub par technology. I haven't seen this game drop below 40 FPS on it's highest settings, on my mid range PC.

Possibly my favorite part of this game. Not possibly, Actually. It is by far, the reason i love this game so much. The moment i used to boot up Killer Instinct on the SNES and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4EOwbV2KlM belted through my incredibly terrible family television, i was hooked. And the updated version of this song is definitely a testament to this games soundtrack, fully remixed, rebooted and AWESOME!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sQg4-MsoLs
The dynamic music changes throughout this game that helps define the characters and the story of the level is awesome. You can easily pick a characters level by just hearing the music and you immediately know who it belongs to. Amazing to say the least. One of the few game soundtracks i actually own, and listen to on a regular basis.

I have played a large array of fighting games in my time, probably all of them, or at least 1 iteration of them all at some point in time. And Killer Instinct is and shall always be my favourite. It's memorable characters, levels, music and overall experience sticks with me forever. I recommend this game at any price. Full or discounted. Be full warned though that i did experience a few issues upon my purchase of this, it was launching but not opening properly, I followed the threads on Google and found plenty of fixes, even visited the Killer Instinct forums and recieved ALOT of help from the admins there. It was a great customer service experience. Good luck. Hopefully you don't have the same issues as i did.
2017년 12월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 5월 8일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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