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Forgot to upload this before
Days 13. říj. v 22.29 
Hilarious match ggs :steamthumbsup:
YeaNaw 25. zář. v 0.13 
lol youre that yellow rank bear lol learn to not press every 2 seconds stoopid
YeaNaw 24. zář. v 23.58 
Settle down Doon before I put you out on the corner
BigDoon 24. zář. v 22.27 
fk you ho
Tarvis Scotch 17. srp. v 13.25 
Sorry man, didn't know you were chill like that :bomberrat:
YeaNaw 15. srp. v 22.47 
Last I checked you lost the 1st set and won the 2nd. Hella downloaded lol