✪ BlAcKouT
Guillaume '.BlAcKouT^!’ CRTE   France

Pseudo: .BlAcKouT^!
Game 1: Day of Defeat : Source. Since August 2k11
Weapons: Sniper/Riffleman
Currently playing for: -

Game 2: Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Since August 2k13
Weapon: Riffle/AWP
Role: Entry Frag
Currently playing for: -
Current MM Rank: The Global Elite
Max MM Rank: The Global Elite

#MyLifeBeLike !

Ex Teams#
- Day of Defeat Amateur : |DDA| (FR)
[LeBleu, P@T, LDR, Sergueii, KoGa, .BlAcKouT !]
- Infinity Gaming : Inf.G/revizeD` Multigaming : revizeD` (FR)
[Nono, Klex, IrOn MaN, ichiiii, wasp, FLY, Beep² <3, .BlAcKouT !]
- Extreme Gaming : Extreme./InsiGnia.eu/MooNs.eu (SWE)
[Fenomen, Olsson, NiPP, +merc, L!llJorKerN, .BlAcKouT !]
- BRAINLESS Multigaming : BRAINLESS`/One, The TEAM ! : One ! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (FR)
[mLs`<3, Beep² <3, wooL <3, Kartone, godjo, rikkemsen, Hs Low, .BlAcKouT !]
- InsaNe. Gaming : InsaNe. (EU)
[Fenomen, genne, Paska, L!llJokern, XeNo, Ozboy, Capone!, .BlAcKouT^!]
- w4sp.CT (EU)
[L!NTEK <3, h4N`, xtari, V!res, Hummel, I don't care, Diablo!, .BlAcKouT^!]
- For WIN : 4w!n./One.revival ! (EU)
[Beep²<3, mLs`<3, wooL<3, M'sTyLe<3, Predye, Angelfire, kRm, Kartone, NEMO, .BlAcKouT^!]
- Casca` (SWE) (as Back-Up)
[KillToY, Ekvall, killerpi, eaSy, bread, pKl, anomaly]
- [Я]everse Gaming (EU)
[Looka, mLs`, tRiEEE, ElemenT, Predye, BlAcKouT^!]

Was in Sexygamers.fr STAFF for DoD:S Cups.


2nd - NightCup #2 by DoD France 2012 - Brainless
1st - NightCup #8 by DoD France 2012 - One !
3rd - FastCup #3 by DoD Spain 2012 - One !
2nd - NightCup #3 by RiskCup.net 2013 - One Revival !
2nd - DoD:S Cup #6 by myRevenge 2013 - Casca`
3rd - Sexy Open Night #41 by Sexygamers.fr 2013 - One Revival !


Movie #3 By Force WhuT? =/ <3
Movie #2 ! By wooL <3
Movie #1 ! By Mehail <3
LEXOOO` 2024年10月17日 12時07分 
1st coms by me at : 14 May, 2012 @ 3:58pm #Brotherforlife♥️GodOnUs
wild. 2023年12月23日 9時25分 
+rep good player overall
LEXOOO` 2022年6月14日 10時42分 
On était nombreux au début, mais à la fin il ne restera que les vrais. <3
Mavert 2022年2月12日 2時27分 
-rep wh
LEXOOO` 2019年4月24日 15時02分 
Mon bKy !!!!! <33333 Je vais à la plage je marche, marche, marche eh hop un bisouuu, je vais me promener, promener, promener et a un autre bisouuu. :)
LEXOOO` 2017年8月6日 2時00分 
MY AWPER ! <33