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Senaste recensioner av Devmon

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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.7 timmar totalt
Mind Over Magnet was a project done by Mark Brown through Game Maker's Toolkit's Developing series on Youtube. Before picking up the game, it is very worthwhile to check the series out and see how it has grown.

I was able to complete the game within about 2.7 hours of playing. This might be rather short for some folks. For what I did play, I really enjoyed it and it had several puzzles that really got me thinking. It was a really fun puzzle-platformer with a simple, but charming story. The accessibility and colour-customisation options for the magnets were a great inclusion too. Overall it was a simple and sweet experience that I think was worth playing.
Upplagd 26 december 2024.
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24 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3.5 timmar totalt
Duck Detective was a short, but rich experience. I was able to complete the game within three hours, but those three hours provided me with a lot of interesting clue-based puzzles. The characters were great, the voice acting was so fun, and the story was more than I expected.

If you're looking to play detective for a few hours, I can highly recommend the experience. I am hoping there are future titles that follow the same formula. Part of the experience reminded me of Phoenix Wright in a great way.
Upplagd 12 juni 2024.
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11 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
3,162.6 timmar totalt (1,971.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Awesomenauts is a game that constantly undergoes changes, so this review is temporary. At the moment, the game is getting more interactive with the community, improving basic things, adding new features, and developing a rich world with a crazy cast of heroes. Much like other MOBAs, it will require some time investment and a little research. However, I can recommend it highly as a 2D platforming team-combat simulator.

Just remember to take a break every once-in-a-while and to take a deep breath. It can be frustrating at times when going against other players.
Upplagd 28 november 2016.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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