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Seneste anmeldelser af SneakyFox

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Viser 1-10 af 23 forekomster
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
15.0 timer registreret i alt
Park Beyond has some really good ideas but is seriously let down by the execution.

A game where you can create crazy rides that simply wouldn't be possible in real life is a great idea and the creations you can make in Park Beyond are cool.

However, there are a number of areas where the game is let down:
* Guest desire lines and pathing regularly creates situations where perfectly functional rides are left with no riders. To combat this you have to create an incredibly simple park with a single line running through it... Which impacts on the ability of your staff to get from one place to another. This also means that whilst you can be somewhat creative with coaster design you cannot be creative in the slightest with park layout
* Staff cannot be assigned to areas, and as a result will quite often be found all at one end of the park whilst the rides at the other end are catching fire
* Coaster variety is very limited with only 4 types of coaster and maybe six different car designs
* Coaster construction is fun, but without the ability to measure length or angles when creating track you're left struggling if you want to create racing coasters or any sort of symetry. This wouldn't be an issue, but you really /need/ that if you're using the junctions to split coasters
* Information about why rides aren't being used (causing you to haemorrhage money) isn't displayed. You can only see guest throughts for the last 30 days and by the time the ride isn't being used, it's been more than 30 days. Even when there are thoughts they're often just positive with nothing to indicate why the ride isn't getting any riders

It's a game with a promising core that's been severely let down by the execution of the idea
Skrevet: 28. november 2023.
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23.4 timer registreret i alt (7.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Gameplay is tough but fair.

I've seen a few negative reviews criticising the difficulty and they are accurate in that it can be a very unforgiving game to mistakes. I've died more than a few times when my co-ordination starts to slip. However, none of these deaths have felt unfair - I've been killed because I made a mistake, not because something went wrong with the game.

Shooting feels fluid, as do the control of the bike in the air. On the ground it can feel a little rougher to control on very jagged terrain.

The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal and even if you do not feel this game is for you I cannot recommend enough that you check out "The Whisper" and "Playing in the Sun" from the game's OST.

The story continued to reveal more depth to it the entire way through the game. There's a lot you learn in the opening, but even more information about the characters and the world that you slowly find out as you continue to play. I strongly recommend that you talk to characters in "Where We Live" whenever you can to find out more.

One note I do have is that the setting and story are very dark; I'll use an item from the opening as an example to to avoid any major spoilers. Early on in the game you find one of the villagers crucified using their own guts to hang them from trees. As a result, it may be worth checking sites which contain lists of trigger and content warnings to check and see if the game is something suitable for you.
Skrevet: 23. oktober 2023. Sidst redigeret: 21. november 2023.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
38.6 timer registreret i alt
There's been a lot of hate for this game which seems to boil down into "It Isn't Arkham".

However, put that to one side and there's the core of a really fun game here. It's not as well-oiled as the Arkham games, but one area it does do better is show the growth of the characters in both power and in their interactions with each other.

The two-player co-op is a definate major plus point to this game, although with the four characters it would have been even better to have a higher cap on the number of friends you can have join you.

Side quests can get a little repetitive, but they are just that - side quests for resources and you'll usually just do them on your way from one big set-piece to the next (much as you would in the Spider Man games). In all honesty, some of the better Spider Man games that have released lately are probably a better comparison to Gotham Knights than the Arkham series is.

If you don't go into this expecting Arkham, and instead expect a little more brawling and knocking down street thugs and super villains alike, there's a decent chance you'll get enjoyment out of this game. Moreso if you play it with a friend.
Skrevet: 22. november 2022.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
76.8 timer registreret i alt (51.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
If you're looking for a chill game where you can watch a powerful stream of water turn something from a dull brown mess into a shiny lit up fairground ride, then this is the game for you.

It's not action packed, fast paced, or requires a huge amount of thought.

It is a calm game that's usually good for a wind-down session after something else or when you just need to clear your mind aa little.
Skrevet: 4. august 2022.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.4 timer registreret i alt
First off, I'm going to set aside any thoughts relating to the morals around a game set playing as the Nazis creating an underground factory and fortress of the kind that in real life slave labour was used to produce and instead concentrate on the content of the game itself.

General Thoughts
Trying to replicate the gameplay of Fallout Shelter without the charm of the stylised graphics, aiming for the plot of Evil Genius without the comedy of a fictional setting, and going for the production logistics chains of the Anno games without the interface to support it.

Could use some serious work.
  • Common expectations for controls haven't been used; for example Esc should close the currently open menu and only if all menus are closed open the options menu. Not close all open menus and open the open the options menu at the same time.
  • Single left click shouldn't both be "zoom in on this point" if you click on rock and select building - a missclick of a few pixels can result in you zipping to the other side of the map instead of selecting the room.

User Interface/User Feedback
Work on key areas is needed.
  • Building tunnels or elevators over resources doesn't change the colour of the planned building area to show it's not possible, it just cancels the build without saying why. When trying to drag a tunnel or elevator over a resource I would expect the outline to change to red and a message "Cannot build over resources" or similar to appear.
  • Icons for several structures are overly similar - tunnel and mine are easily confused at a quick glance.
  • Sending resources to other areas is just... Ooof. The order in which you need to click buttons to send resources to a given area is really unclear and doesn't follow an obvious progression through the interface.
  • You cannot place buildings in areas which you don't already have a tunnel connection to. This is problematic as it does stop you from placing a mine and then connecting up the elevator and tunnels. The comparison here would be in a city builder you can usually place a building and then build the roads around it.
  • The button to change from "produce one" to "produce infinite" in a factory is really unintuitive, as it's in the top panel but the panel it alters is below that. Maybe having the button next to the production that it's altering would work better.
  • Game mentions thinking about the position of your warehouses and that this is important, but provides no feedback or interace element to show you the effects (such as people moving around, times to delivery, etc.)

There's really nothing special here; the screenshots on the store page are probably actually higher quality than anything you'll see in the game even with the graphics on Ultra.

  • Steep learning curve with even the "introduction" to the game not really providing much in the way of actually showing you how to construct a proper production line.
  • Relatively slow and boring; something that shouldn't really be possible with a steep learning curve in the early game.
  • "Sabotage" seems like it's supposed to break up the monotony or provide an immediate challenge, but finding a beeping room and then clicking "Stop Sabotage" is more annoying than anything; this isn't like sabotage in Jurrasic World Evolution where you actually have things you need to do in order to avoid it in the first place, and if it does happen makes you do something different to respolve and mitigate against it.

Honestly, I've really struggled to find much to recommend the prologue in its current state.
Skrevet: 4. august 2022.
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En udvikler svarede d. 4. aug. 2022 kl. 18:04 (vis svar)
2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
56.0 timer registreret i alt (27.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Swarm shooter set in the Alien universe.

If you're after another Alien: Isolation or stealth-horror game, then this probably isn't what you're looking for. If you're after something closer to Left 4 Dead, then you might want to give this one a glance.

It's a lot of fun to play with friends, but I would strongly advise that you make sure you have friends with the game who want to play as trying to get matches with randoms is hit-and-miss, and playing with the bots is 'meh' at best.

There's a lot of potential interesting combinations of weapon setups in the game between the different classes and items available, as well as some of the modifications that can be made to them.
Skrevet: 29. november 2021.
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20.6 timer registreret i alt
I'd recommend Necromunda: Hired Gun, especially to anyone who likes the 40K setting and aesthetics.

There's a decent selection of weapons, including some that you don't see that often (for example, the autoguns and heavy stubbers).

There's a bit of jank in the game and you can finish it (on normal) in under 20 hours. However, for the price they're charging (~50% the price of a AAA) and that the core combat (which makes up most of the game) is pretty solid. Most of the janky bits are contained within the cutscenes and don't really impact on the actual gameplay.
Skrevet: 7. juni 2021.
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111.3 timer registreret i alt (40.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
As ever, the usual warnings about Early Access games apply. Game could change in the future, or could stay exactly the same. Bugs to be expected (though the devs have been pretty good about fixing them).

Thusfar this game has been well worth the money spent on it (40 hours or so at time of review). The team behind it has been decent about adding new content as they've been developing the game. Whenever a new variant of a ship is added it does feel like this makes the ship significantly different enough to offer new challenges.

For those who watched Titan AE and loved the scene in the ship breakers yard cutting apart the vessels, that's basically this game (although slightly more strategically).

There are elements of the gameplay which veer towards the more strategic and puzzle-like as you try to figure how to disassemble a ship without accidentally melting down the reactor or blowing up.

What I really like is there's not a single route to success; you can pick and choose how you approach each ship and challenge dependong on what you want to get out of it.

I'm looking forward to the next new ship class coming out which is supposed to have a very different set of challenges once more.
Skrevet: 26. november 2020.
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9 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
2.9 timer registreret i alt
I really wish I could recommend this game; I love the concept of it and really enjoyed 911 Operator as well.

The problem is where in 911 operator I could progress through different cities and feel like I was advancing and growing, in this game everything feels like more of the same. Sure, it gets more difficult over time, but it's not got the same sense of progression. Very quickly the groups you find out about start to feel same-y.

Where in 911 operator after a few hours I felt like I wanted more, to get on to the next city and face new challenges, in this one I feel that the only challenge is learning what the developers meant by a few of the fuzzy lines between who's a financier and who's an organiser.

Overall, it's the feeling of repetitiveness and the lack of anything to do in the down-time between calls which leads to me not recommending this one. I'll probably come back to it and see what's changed in the future, but for now maybe pick it up if it's on sale for a few hours of interest.
Skrevet: 27. april 2020.
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224.3 timer registreret i alt (133.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I've been playing this game on and off since it was in Early Access, and it's definatley one of the titles which showed how to do Early Access right.

Since then it's developed into a solid game for those who enjoy a more casual simulation, with some surprising nuance behind how you go down the lines of punishment and rehabilitation.
Skrevet: 29. juni 2019.
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