Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Stars are holes in the sky through which the lights of infinity pass.
SMURF, conta principal:


2nd BELCUP/RJ #EverKill (snake, ffx, lean, marlow, owenzy) 1.6 @2007
3rd BELCUP/RJ #EverKill (snake, ffx, lean, marlow, owenzy) 1.6 @2007
1st FULLGAMES-BG #reAlity-RJ (snake, buiu, mkn, ramonZin, KING) 1.6 @2004
#GameField (snake, heevolt, DK, fer, matow) cs:go @2018
#BRUJAH (snake, heevolt, DK, drizzer, data) cs:go @2017
#paraDox. (myt, ffx, snake, panda, pgm) cs:go @2015
#Lhamas RJ (snake, myt, ffx, pgm, DIAMANTAL) csgo @2015
#quick! (snake, fbp, lipex, xxx, xxx) cs:go @2012
#Br4 (snake, lipex, fbp, pH, xxx) 1.6 @2011
#fightRJ (snake, fhyr, xxx, xxx, xxx) 1.6 @2011
#EverKill (snake, ffx, lean, marlow, owenzy) 1.6 @2007
#reAlity-RJ (snake, buiu, mkn, ramonZin, KING) 1.6 @2004 (snake, fat, buiu, mkn, xxx) 1.6 @2004

PC configs:

i7 9700k @3.6GHz
GTX 1060 6gb GALAX
16GB DDR4 Corsair
SSD 120GB SanDisk

EQUIP configs:

Monitor BenQ 120hz
Mousepad HyperX fury S XL
Mouse HyperX pulsefire surge
Headset HyperX Revolver S
Teclado Redragon Varuna RGB
Actuellement hors ligne
Activité récente
152 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 25 nov.
249 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 2 nov.
3 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 31 oct.
HAZARD_FPS 27 janv. à 11h17 
MC BALA 19 mars 2018 à 18h10 
Streamer fodao! Cara vc é mitológico!
VITINHO 27 juin 2017 à 18h20 
salve snakezao
Natáliah =) 19 mai 2017 à 17h13 
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Few45 17 mai 2017 à 16h46 
★Felps 15 mai 2017 à 8h46 
me aceita snake