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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Dynomyte

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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 13 pozycji
Według 13 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
97.5 godz. łącznie
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Dead game, was fun when it was active. Everyone's right - make it f2p and you could make some cash off cosmetics. I bet it'd see a new player surge.
Opublikowana: 23 lipca 2024.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
595.8 godz. łącznie (595.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Was the greatest WW2 simulator I ever played, until they enabled crossplay. Once the consoles got the aim assist, there was no more hiding in a bush or using cover. Now you're lucky to find 1 or 2 PC only servers on a Saturday - game might as well be dead. Can't recommend it anymore.
Opublikowana: 6 lipca 2024.
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21.3 godz. łącznie (4.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Opublikowana: 28 czerwca 2024.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
2,177.3 godz. łącznie (1,947.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
flamethrower some charlie and listen to em scream
Opublikowana: 8 marca 2023.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
49.6 godz. łącznie (13.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Can't recommend in current early access state. Missing basic QoL actions from the first in the series like manually regrouping decouplers - instead you need to build them in the groups you want them to decouple. Not game breaking but just one of the many little things that make this especially disappointing - even for early access.

10 years on a game that had a successful predecessor - you question why they even do EA.

I bought it, I'm not gonna refund it, just because I'd like to see where it's at 6 months to a year from now.
Opublikowana: 26 lutego 2023.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
90.8 godz. łącznie
Pretty boring after you figure out what to do - same battles over and over and over.
You'll spend more time upgrading the same buildings with the same upgrades and just waiting on income to build up before upgrading the buildings again than you will spend fighting, which again, is also repetitive and not very interesting after the 10th time.

Graphics look good and game ran fine, though
Opublikowana: 27 lutego 2022.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.3 godz. łącznie
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Not worth 40 bucks at this time - has potential.
Opublikowana: 15 stycznia 2022.
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Nikt jeszcze nie uznał tej recenzji jako przydatnej
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
18.0 godz. łącznie (13.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Holy mary mother of fu**ing around with video card settings. Spent more time restarting the game for graphics settings to take effect and load into a game to test FPS than I did playing. I finally gave up and just said 25fps is good enough, and got to level 15 and the desert. Wouldn't recommend any of it. Mechanics like putting down/picking up wire are garbage, rain and wind destroying anything less than stone walls in a storm, arrows that disappear and resources that sink through the ground are the irritants you get with the optimization that they skipped over when they made this game.

All in all, pretty onpar with Rocket releases. I can only hope they take 20 years and 20 project leads to get this one out of the alpha status too.

Plus side, you can light entire forests and wood cabins on fire, that was cool.
Opublikowana: 6 grudnia 2021.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
1.3 godz. łącznie
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
The people giving this game a positive review are either blind, or never learned the difference between utter crap and the word "good". I've had better early access to a solid dump by getting diarrhea. I don't understand how you can release something that is clearly pre-beta and tag it early access. I'm super glad some idiot I know bought this for me and I hope he gets his money back. Only fun part was shooting him with the pistol and parking the gator on top of his ragdoll body. I hope they sit there and add 100 features a day to make this game slightly playable. The hardware store has nothing in it but a record, I wouldn't bother visiting. Al you can do is buy some animals and watch them starve and maybe build a house so far. I give this game 2 thumbs down, but only because I am limited to two hands.

I'd rather eat a pineapple whole than start this garbage on my pc again.
Opublikowana: 7 maja 2021.
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187.4 godz. łącznie (40.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Opublikowana: 7 stycznia 2020.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 13 pozycji