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Wyświetlanie 21-30 z 88 pozycji
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5.1 godz. łącznie (1.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Simplistic enough match 3 hentai cheevo spam.

There are rather a lot of levels. Probs will take you an hour to do everything with the DLC installed. You inexplicably dont get a cheevo for each level, so it umps about a bit.

Mechanics wise, it does what you'd expect. match tokens as they fall and occasionally the levels have obstacles you have to break with an adjacent match. It feels slow and tedious. You have to pause to look for macthes. if you dont have any the game auto shuffles. I only failed once in the entire playthough, If you have the tism enough to actually play then you can aim for the rankings on each level. Each level has a target score and a number of moves. SADLY you don't finish until you've used up the moves and they the level ends. This means you get larger scores, but for a simple game like this you are likely just using as a cheevo grind its unnecessary.

The hentai art is entirely forgetable and the gallery function is something youll use only for the relevant "you accessed the gallery" achievement.

Entirely forgetable. For cheevo hunting peeps only as even the art is unlikely to inspire any sort of downstairs activity for the discerning coomers.
Opublikowana: 9 kwietnia 2022.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.5 godz. łącznie
Tile flipper. Somewhat tedious, as without the DLC the flipped times have roman numerals which are hard to remember. Fortunately you can just click next to solve the puzzle and move to the next. With the DLC installed its supposed to have pictures, but mine didnt work.

Each puzzle unlocks a girl. These 2D animated scenes are well drawn, have several options for states of undress and some simple mechanics such as removing the bloke, clearing the screen for a nice family friendly screenshot or moving your schlong in and out manually.

I forgot what I paid for it, maybe i picked it up in a sale, its basically more of the same for these type of titles. The achievements count for your profile though. So if you live a somewhat empty life and define yourself by how many achievements you have in tiddy games rather than what you have done in your actual life then this £1.69 game will provide you sweet relief for about 10 minutes you absolute degenerate. I should probably go put the bins out.
Opublikowana: 13 lutego 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 13 lutego 2022.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
11.0 godz. łącznie (10.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
More to it that the usual match 3. (Ignore playtime, I thought I logged out. 100% takes about 3-6 hours with some grind)

A fantasy world yadda yadda. Take part in a series of match 3 style puzzles and bang hot demon/animal/elf chicks as a reward in a self aware RPG Setting.

The match 3 mechanic is standard. Match various coloured gems on a playing field. Less complex than usual, you dont have to worry about magical attacks etc. Just match any of them, although there are health gems and later magic ability gems that you can use to power various attacks. You also have some items like health potions, bombs to destroy certain gems and later abilities like shuffle/increase attack by 70% or heal 5% health every 5 moves. These abilities are all learned through the game and you use the gold you earn in battles to level up these abilities and the damage you do in combat. There is an annoying ability some enimies use that wipes the colour of the gems (but they all have different shapes anyway) but it does make the game a bit harder.

What differs than a usual game like this is the Overworld map. Here you can click on a tavern to have a food (replenish health), drink (for a random bonus), sleep with 8 or so girls in the the tavern (with several different animated 2D scenes). You can also engage monsters in an auto battle where you both chip away at each others health until only one survives. This was initial a bit confusing as they have loads of health, but if you play the game as normal and earn gold you can massively boost your base attack stats etc.

Its not particularly hard, at first you might be overwhelmed until you realise how much you can level up your stats. by end game I was doing 2000 per hit and had 10k health. If you get stuck, farm some gold and level up your abilities. Later in the game I relied on a blue magic spell that would consume a 5 X 5 square. So Id spam that over magic tiles and replenish my magic to repeat doing this like a scrub for 4000-6000 damage each time. As you progress you can unlock the girls to help you, each one has a useful ability. Similarly each monster you fight on the world map might drop a core. So you can equip a core before a battle and perhaps increase the damage a certain coloured gem does by 10%. Its a fair amount of extra thought for this type of game.

H content, at the tavern there are maybe 8 or so different girls to pork and as you progress through the game the main girls (I think maybe 6) have unlockable info like blood type/age etc to learn and finally a sex scene. Art all decent, characters do look hot and the voice acting seems ok. The translation is standard, a few mistakes but you can understand the meaning (eg "Mei Leaved your party" instead of "Mei left" etc).

Easily worth the price, as I said if you are aiming for 100% its a solid 3 hours or so, longer if you bother to read the story (which can be revisited) and none of the cheevos are tied to skill. You just have to put in a bit of time farming to level up to fight against some of the battles (like the first time you fight the assassin or the mage) and the "fight 100 monsters on the world map".

Oh, and the story is pretty funny too.

recommended my dudes.
Opublikowana: 12 lutego 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 lutego 2022.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
3.5 godz. łącznie (3.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Lewd match 3 with H scenes if you download the free optional adult content mod.

Takes about 3 hours to 100% skipping all text whilst watching youtube or talking to your wife about household budgets and end of year performance reviews etc.


I held down the skip button for all dialogue. This is not a review of the story, which may very well be good. I didnt read any of it, but there is a fair degree of story to read if you are interested in that sort of thing. read some text, earn some exp, proceed through more branching story until you get to a match 3 boss fight. This might be one of the several girls (5 i think) present based on Japanese spirits of legend etc. But with tits.

Match 3 aspect is ok. You have healing magic, magic shields you can build, spiritial attack and physical attack. You can unlock and purchase items as you progress such as small health bonuses, or removing negative status ailments. Later in the game when you have earned more exp you can buy upgraded abilities that might make better items or prevent the enemies from doing certain things for additional moves. Its basically the same as any match 3 you've ever played. You shouldn't have much difficulty progressing though until some of the later boss battles where one of the girls has an annoying feather move that does damage to you and heals her at the same time. But just learn certain powers to compensate or use status removal items.

Completion wise, there is JUST enough exp earned in the game to unlock all the spells/abilities etc. There is a different currency in game used to buy consumables or unlock spells that can be earned by defeating earlier bosses if needed. Some rare items are needed to unlock certain optional pathways in game, but it tells you which levels they are on if you dont pop them automatically on the first playthrough. There are NO achievements linked to any fiddly match a billion things in obscure circumstances in X moves type. Just one to make a particular special token 50 times. I gained everything with only a minimal grind for the last achievement so its just a question of time/dedication, you can replay later levels easily enough or if you struggle with one girl you may earn this through regular play though.

It seemed to work as intended, I had some issues where Id get the "game" music as if I was fighting a battle, but I was in a menu screen so I just exited out of the game and came back in. I was unable to figure out how to buy smaller amounts of some items so had to grind a bit to buy "max". I found the game grid area a bit small, and would have preferred that aspect to have been bigger so it was easier to see rather than having so much of the space taken up with nice backgrounds etc. As stated above, I did have trouble with one girl that took many attempts, but I did it in the end. Then i realised I could wipe my chosen abilities and respec more suitable to block her attacks using the in game currency but I managed all the same by just trying lots.

The Voice acting seems ok, given I dont speak japanese. The Hentai content once you have beaten the girl is standard for this type of game. Its well drawn, animated to a degree, you can either click through the "my hips are moving on their own, gyaaah.. master if you keep doing that I might... gyaaahhh!" at your own pace or click auto and have it progress on its own so you can use your hands to eat chicken nuggets or apply fungal nail cream etc. Whatever floats your boat. Each girl has two scenes, with perhaps a couple of stages of undress, penetration and a "finished" scene. These are revistable at anytime in the menu where you can find out some stats about how old that fox demon is etc (everyone is either 18 or 19) and change the outfits that appear in game. The important stuff.

Its an evenings entertainment, and a worthy addition to your questionable match 3 hentai game collection that will both bemuse and repulse your friends and colleagues you have added on steam.
Opublikowana: 24 stycznia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 stycznia 2022.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
12.1 godz. łącznie (1.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Review is for early access version. TLDR: match 3 branching story with cute girls and lewd/ecchi scenes, as yet no H content.

Ok, so I read the game description and laughed because its still a match 3 romance game. Then I played it.... Its pretty good and I can see the appeal of the main game which I will likely buy when available assuming the price is reasonable.

Plot wise, its some point in the future and you are a supernatural investigator or sorts, on a space ship. Contact has been made with a race of demons some how, you are tasked with getting to know one of them by interviewing them as you have captured one on your research vessel. . In this case the Succubus from the other dimension is called Leah, a cute looking futuristicly dressed succubus. Fight her in the standard match 3 style, maintaining your health as she does cute attacks against you weakening your will. Shes strong against rational, so build combos with romance etc, youve played this a million times before so you get the idea. After each fight you can return to the ready room, upgrade your stats, purchase upgrades etc or read documents you unlocked from the previous battle and drive the story forward. There is a handy flow chart that shows you the different branches of the story. In this case there appeared to be 3 different endings/outcomes. As you chat to Leah the succubus you can grow more attached to her, or stay true to your mission. You might get tested and have conversation options that drive the story a different way. Will you stick it out, ignore her cute attempts to appear harmless and triumph for the good of humanity or fail miserably and cuck out as her slave. Seems you can do all this and more!

in the early access version it is hinted on a screen where your commander discusses the demons you are researching, there would appear to be several girls in the "full game" each with what I imagine are different attacks, personalities and weaknesses etc. I did get what I believed to be an early version of a sexy scene where there was a mini game building a romance meter. I assume in the full version this will progress to some smex and some unlockable gallery lewds etc as you would expect in a game of this nature.

You can definately see the groundwork. A lot of work has/is going into this game. There is a story of sorts, animated cutscenes fleshing out the match 3. Good character designs, voice acting builds the realism of the setting, feels like a sexy version of event horizon at present. Despite the shortness of this version, you can grown connected to the characters so I can see this being a decent purchase when released. I presume from the layout of the menus there will be around 6 different succubus girls to get to know, each with branching stories and outcomes depending on your actions.

I was expecting it to be good given the previous mirror title, but I was impressed more than I thought i would be given the early access aspects and can totally see the entertainment value of this even without the bewbs. Based on what you do see there is likely to be some pretty decent lewd content when it drops as the character models are great.

One to watch for sure, but in the mean time toss them some money and buy this version so they can finish it..
Opublikowana: 21 stycznia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 22 listopada 2022.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
4.5 godz. łącznie (3.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Played with the DLC added.

A different take on the match 2 genre. With hentai rewards and cat facts.
30 levels of token matching fun await. You dont move the tokens or swap them around, you just find pairs or more and click on one of them. They then pop and more drop from above. Meet the criteria of completion and push though multiple levels gaining a top score of 3 stars to 100% the game.

With the DLC installed you can go to the house icons and click on the hearts. Once you've unlocked the girl you can go to enjoy a live 2D image and build a pleasure meter by interacting. After that you can play with options like clothes etc and can enjoy a mini automated sex scene which proceeds to finish. Art is decent and there is sound effects. There are 8 girls representing different breeds of cats, with perhaps a characteristic of the country they are from.

If you go to the "store" you can spend your in game currency you've earned to buy 1 of 8 different foods which represent the fave food of each cat. This unlocks the cats "true neko girl form" on the start menu and also gives you several real pictures of the cat breed in question as well as an assortment of cat facts about that breed in the house menu.

Gameplay, while simplistic is ok. I played for about 3 hours to get mostly everything. (struggling with 3 starring level 30 atm). As you progress initially you will easily get each achievement for the different scores (1, 2, 3 stars). Once you get to the later levels you may struggle to get more than one, sometimes none. Then you realise you havent met the score requirement whilst meeting the completion requirement. This causes you to have to play tactically to build multiple matches of 3, or more to gain better scores and even deliberately hold off finishing the requirements to build a score. perhaps setting up an auto win button with one of the special attacks you can do whislt you keep an eye on that countdown.

Some games are just finish in a certain number of moves, others might be within a certain time frame. The hardest ones are matching a certain number of the coloured balls in a time limit, with a particular score while there are "dead" blocks in the way. It does make for some more engaging play than initially thought and is well laid out. If you get a impossible situation, the game self pauses and jiggles the tokens about a bit so you dont end prematurely.

Its still a cheap hentai game, but its well put together, with nice menus and art work, much like the other games from the same developer. The music is somewhat soothing and you can of course play the game normally and completely avoid any adult content. The game title doesn't even have "hentai" in the name...... No one will know, go on treat yourself.
Opublikowana: 17 grudnia 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 17 grudnia 2021.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
2.9 godz. łącznie
Relatively straight forward line drawing game with a H twist.

Balls fall from a point, get them into a goal. Avoid obstacles or the balls falling off the screen. As you do this, collect hearts by moving the balls through them and avoid broken hearts. The more balls you get in the goal the better your score. The more hearts you unlock the more you can do in the adult screens. You have 3 lines you can draw on each level, with a certain amount of length /ink you can use. Try and get as many balls as you can in the goal and collect the 3 hearts on the way.

Animated H scenes are pretty standard for this tyupe of game. The art is passable, but not amazing. Its not the suckiest in that department, but its not as good as some others, especially given the price. Using the hearts you have saved up via play you can "buy" additional actions for the animated H scene. This might be things like different outfits, stages of undress etc or more exciting things like ropes, butt plugs or unlocking certain positions. Then its a case of mashing the space bar to build the pleasure meter to "finish". or you can make a macro on your keyboard and do it for you. There is an achievement for this (5000 button mashes) so I used the macro whilst looking at motorbike reviews.

9 or so girls each girl has about 5 or 6 individual levels. As the game progresses the mechanics of the game get increasing complex, at the end you have lasers and fans to avoid, gravity is all over the place etc and it gets noticably harder to finish with a full set of hearts and stars.

If you are playing for real, there is probs about 2 hours of game play here depending how good you are and if you are willing to grind out max scores. This is handy as there is a cheevo for playing that long. Youll probs be able to get most of the stuff yourself, and if you dont want to you dont even have to access the H scenes so you can play this as a normal puzzle game in front of friends, family, members of your church etc.

If you are a filthy casual you can just wait out each level and press the skip button getting full points too if thats your thing. But hey, you just spent like $2 on a somewhat questionable H game on steam. You may as well play some of it.

Overall, its ok, a Somewhat forgettable addition to your ever expanding library of questionable games.
Opublikowana: 14 grudnia 2021.
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Według 16 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.6 godz. łącznie
I dont even remember playing this.

Opublikowana: 12 grudnia 2021.
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Według 22 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.7 godz. łącznie (0.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Ignore the time. For some reason it says only 29 minutes when its been more like 5 hours.

This plays like a hentai visual novel.

Anon (you) is transported to Ponyland or whatever non copyright version of it by a magic spell by Moxie the wizard pony during an attempt to create a slave. You are not a slave, you are a person and after talking about how you might not be able to get back you then spend your time visiting the various places in ponyland and working. Each night you return home and can talk about the day. Being horses and this being the mating season everyone is in heat and you basically end up sleeping with all the ponies. Although this sometimes involves getting to know them, working or meeting specific criteria, talking to them a certain way, or at certain places, buying them gifts etc. There's like 20 or so in total, some tied to the plot, but others allow you to spend the day as you please.

The hentai content is very good, the characters look like they should. Although they are anthropomorphic versions of "themselves". Its clear who everyone is supposed to be. The personalities are different, and do reflect those of the TV show. During the hentai scenes there is some minimal sound, some sucking /slapping noises etc. A bit of movement between the images, but not animated in the traditional sense. Its well drawn although the ponies have feet not hooves if that is your thing. The scenes are not copy pasted, there is a lot of variety to the scenes/positions etc. With each pony having multiple H scenes in different positions etc. The text dialouge is self aware, but good. Again it is not repetetive. The writer has clearly read their fair share of hentai content and worked hard to create this.

There are a few bonus characters from other cartoons, with colour swaps and names changes. Most notably Judy from Zootopia and that dog everyone fancies from animal crossing. You know the one.

I will say I was impressed. I bought it as a laugh because yes Im a brony and the concept amused me. I was however unprepared for how good this actually is. IF you are a pony fan, this is very good. The writer has worked hard on all the content. Sure you could blast through everything using the fast text and skip function to see the smut, but there is more here than that. There is literally hours of writing to read over, conversations to be had. The sexual content feels relevant to the plot in the context of each pony. Offering insights into the personalities of the ponies outside the TV show. Including subjects such as cam whoring, being a succubus, being self aware that you are a particular type of character/trope. Later in the game, there are dream sequences (nightmares) where you attempt to help the ponies over come some of their self doubt etc nad fix broken friendships and what not.

The plot is tied to the TV Show superfically. I never watched past season 1, but I recognise certain characters from the later seasons artwork and promotional material. It all ties together and does has relevance to you just banging your way through. There are two endings, (one good one bad) and after you are able to stay in ponyland and revisit. There is an unlockable gallery so you can just go see the scenes you want and a crystal ball (I havent used) that I presume does the same but with the text.

I was actually surprised how much depth there was to this. There is a lot here if you are willing to read, and it is good.

I would recommend this, even though initially I thought the price was high for a generic coomer VN. I can see the time and effort put in and it is justified.

Its a massive shame this doesnt have achievments, as that alone was one reason I didn't buy it on release, but hey ho. As ive said multiple times, it was good enough on its own and has an internal checklist to see if you've "done" everything. Inclduing 13 secret scenes to look for.

Damn son, just buy it.
Opublikowana: 8 lipca 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 listopada 2021.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
3.6 godz. łącznie (0.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Comfy enough tiddy game.

Gameplay is like those annoying adverts you get. Move a pin, drop some water, or a boulder or something or other. Be rewarded with bewbs. Art is cute, music relaxing. H content ok if you like that sort of thing, some feet and what not.

Takes about 15 mins to see/do everything unless you return to it for reasons.
Opublikowana: 17 czerwca 2021.
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